“Yes Virginia, there IS a Deep State”

A few weeks ago…and after 4+ years of investigation…Special Counsel John Durham FINALLY came out with his final report on the Russian Collusion hoax.  As scathing an indictment of the corrupt upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ as one can imagine.

“Yes Virginia, there IS a Deep State”…with apologies to Santa Claus.

Of course, we knew most of this corrupt plot over three years ago thanks to a smattering of legitimate investigative journalists, as well as various congressional investigations.

As for the fake news media lapdogs…they just simply don’t report things damaging to Biden or the Democrap party.  They ascribe to a slightly modified version of… “If a tree falls in a forest…”.  When Democrats engage in corruption, but the media doesn’t report it…did it REALLY happen?

Still, this report is tee’d up nicely for Republicans…particularly a certain orange haired, bronze-skinned one.  Re-injecting this menagerie of corruption into the public sphere on the cusp of the 2024 presidential campaign is a gift from the political Gods.

As they say, timing is everything.

Yeah, I know, I know…the media ignores it all…STILL…and ~40% of the country, the brainwashed and brain dead contingent, doesn’t believe it, doesn’t care…ya know, the kind of people that voted for a walking, barely talking stroke-afflicted vegetable like Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman in the 2022 midterms.

Fetterman makes Kamala Harris appear Shakespeare-esque.

But none of that matters.  These are lost, indoctrinated souls…including the Democrat media whores…who believe men can have babies, Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian propaganda, and the Clinton Foundation is a legitimate fund-raising organization.

And that someone, someday, will actually purchase a Bud Light 12-pack again.

They’re dead to me.

Anyway…not gonna regurgitate all of the Russian Collusion hoax gory detail…been there done that…but like at the beginning of every episode of a Netflix series, how about a quick recap of Durham’s nauseating conclusions…

The FBI lacked “any actual evidence of collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia when it violated its standards and jumped over several steps to initiate a full investigation.

Partisan hostility played a major role in the probe.  The report cites a “clear predisposition” to investigate based on a “prejudice against Trump” and “pronounced hostile feelings” by key investigators.”

Screaming double standards were all over the place.  The report lays out several instances in which the FBI was concerned that agents of foreign governments were seeking influence by donating to the Clinton campaign or Clinton Foundation.  The corrupt upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ buried that deeper than Jimmy Hoffa under the Jersey Turnpike, while going after Trump on shit they knew was fake.

And lest we forget Cankle Girl’s massive mishandling of classified material and destruction of tens of thousands of emails and electronic devices under congressional subpoena.  Obstruction of justice all f*cking day long.

I would be in Leavenworth banging out license plates by day, and primping for a romantic dinner with some horny 300 pound mass murderer named LeRoy by night.  But that skankalicious Hillary continues to sip expensive Chardonnay with the rich and famous.  Ah, such is life in 2023 America.  Ain’t it grand?

Sure as f*ck is if you’re a Democrat.

But I digress.

The report also lays out a shit ton of examples of the FBI willfully and knowingly ignoring evidence that it was being used by the Clinton campaign to execute a political dirty trick.  And routinely concealed a plethora of exculpatory evidence vis-a-vis Trump and his associates.

If this ain’t the very definition of the “Deep State” and corrupt, banana republic, third-world-like weaponization of law enforcement and investigative agencies, I don’t know what is.

Watergate was Romper Room…baby shit…compared to this.

And for me, here’s the kicker…the piece de resistance…the money shot, if you will…

On August 3, 2016, a few month before the election, CIA Director John Brennan briefed the White House on this scandal.  Obama…Biden…AG Loretta Lynch…Comey…ALL.  F*CKING.  KNEW….THEY ALL F*CKING KNEW.

Of course, Comey was directly involved in the scam, and it’s unfathomable Obama and Biden didn’t know all about it long before this briefing.

The level of election interference perpetrated here is unimaginable.  And these crooked bastards accuse Russia of election interference for buying a lousy few grand worth of Facebook ads?  Putin could only dream of pulling off such interference.

Ya know, when Trump first called the mainstream media “the enemy of the people,” many lost their shit.  Turns out, The Donald was uncharacteristically sugarcoating the reality on the ground.

The media wasn’t simply hoodwinked by the Deep Staters…they were willing participants.

So, the Deep State/Media Cabal rigged the 2016 election and failed.  They rigged the 2020 election by directing Big Tech to censor the NY Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story…and succeeded swimmingly.  And that’s even ignoring the massive cheating that happened in every big Lib city in every battleground state.

Also let’s not forget the 51 ex-intelligence officials who signed a letter stating that Hunter’s laptop was likely “Russian disinformation,” and knowing it wasn’t.  The document was initiated by Biden campaign operatives for the sole purpose of enabling Biden to shit on the laptop story during the debate with Trump.  Which he did.

Another BIG LIE, just like Biden’s so-called “election.”  And not a goddamn thing has changed.  In fact, this political cancer is metastasizing.

The Biden Crime Family and influence peddling, including Joe’s direct involvement?  Mountains of evidence.  Zero questions from the White House Press Corps?  Really?  A legitimate, non-corrupt media would be having endless journalistic orgasms 24/7 over THAT story.

Screw “Enemy of the People.”  Today’s lapdog, water-carrying media is unequivocally an existential threat to our Constitutional Republic.  There is literally no other way to interpret any of this.

But like on any pub crawl I’ve ever engaged in…these Lefty pieces of shit have gone too far.  Who in God’s name is gonna believe ANY accusation against Trump for ANYTHING anymore?  Or give a flying F what NY or DC courtroom he gets dragged into, in front of activist lefty judges and stacked Trump-hating juries on some phony, trumped-up nonsense?

These Marxist scumbags have not only martyred Trump, but have coronated him as the NEW “Teflon Don”…with apologies to the OG, ex-Mafia Boss John Gotti of the Gambino Crime Family…not to be confused with the Biden Crime Family.

Back when we had a somewhat functioning, somewhat non-corrupt media in this great country, the rich and powerful were largely kept on the straight and narrow for no other reason than the desire to avoid…AT ALL COSTS…60 Minutes icon Mike Wallace…his jet black hair, slicked back, every strand in place…clutching a big microphone and chasing their fat crooked arses down the street, followed by a very agile cameraman hurdling over fire hydrants like an Olympic sprinter.

And these subversive scammers have not been deterred even a smidge, thanks to the corrupt, faux media running interference for them.  On the contrary, they’re clearly emboldened.  And with zero accountability for their perverse orgy of corruption…why wouldn’t they be?

Without a neutral, non-partisan, unbiased media…often referred to as the “Fourth Estate”…our Constitutional Republic cannot survive.

The very definition of Existential Threat.

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