Squatters, Students, and Cease Fires

Did you see where Biden had this big glitzy fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in The Big Apple with Obama and Slick Willy, and raised $26 million…while the same day, President Trump was attending the wake of a slain NYC police officer about 30 miles away?

Biden refused to attend.  And this, from a corrupt crew that obsesses in ever waking moment about optics.  And the optics here are as bad as they get.

Truth be told, President Piece-of-shit wouldn’t have been welcome…at least judging from how they treated the woke NY Governor attendee, Kathy Hochul…like a pariah.  Conversely, Trump was welcomed like a five-year-old welcomes Old St. Nick.  Kinda says it all.

Then Trump a week or so later gives President Rigor Mortis a Master’s course in “Glitz,” hosting his own fundraiser at Mar-A-Lago, raking in over $50 million, almost double Biden’s haul.

You KNOW The Donald LOVED that shit.  A RECORD!!!  Another thing you also KNOW?  There were undoubtedly much hotter chicks at Trump’s little soirée.  Say what you want…but Hot Chicks Matter.

Anyway…have you seen all the recent reporting about “squatting” on the news?  No, not when some drugged-up schizophrenic homeless dude drops a big steamy deuce on the doorstep of Vito’s Pizza Emporium in Times Square.

It’s when some piece of shit dirtbag vagrant…or recent border crosser…breaks into some vacant property and commandeers it as his own.  And the REAL owners can’t do shit about it because of the current shit laws, other than taking a year to navigate it through the legal system to evict these low-life criminals.

And if the actual homeowner tries to physically drag these vermin out, said homeowner gets arrested.  A more f*cked up situation I cannot imagine.

Enter Ron DeSantis, Governor of the great state of Florida, who just signed a law ending this bullshit.  Why every state in the union doesn’t do this in like five minutes boggles the mind.

BEST.  GOVERNOR.  EVER.  I live in Florida.  Trust me…I know.  Is it even possible this guy isn’t president one day?

It does appear as though the red states will likely follow DeSantis’s lead, but the pro-criminal, victim-hating blue state Commies not so much.  The Libs are even making this a partisan issue, which is beyond retarded.

The Washington Post, which I might use to wipe my ass with on a camping trip…if I camped, that is…wrote an article calling this overtly non-partisan issue a “right wing talking point.”

My God.  Can we just euthanize these subversive assholes and move on with our lives?  Ya know, upon further reflection, I’m not even sure the WaPost is actually wipe worthy.

Yes, another gratuitous Seinfeld reference.  Sponge worthy.  Some of you will get that.

So…I love how Biden’s Marxist cult…formerly known as the Democrat party…refuses to enforce laws or follow the Constitution (see THE BORDER)…uses every alphabet soup government agency to attempt to jail their primary political opponent and openly commit election interference…defecates on the First Amendment right to free speech using their Marxist social media whores as back door censorship vehicles…and cavalierly defy Supreme Court rulings over and over again.

Yet they cry incessantly that TRUMP IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!  TRUMP?!  Are you F*CKING KIDDING ME?!

Masters of projection, and completely void of self-awareness, those Lefties.  My complete and utter disdain for these assholes is as limitless as Joy Behar’s cellulite.  Or Michael Moore’s appetite.  I could go on but I won’t.

Biden is AGAIN giving the finger to the Supremes by pushing ahead another tranche of unconstitutional student loan forgiveness.  And once again, a bunch of states are suing.

What a senile dumb ass. In an attempt to buy the “young” vote…just one of the many groups desperately sprinting away from the Biden Administration with their hair on fire…and into the open arms of The Orange Monster…he’s pissing off EVERYONE else who’s tax dollars are paying for this cornucopia of unconstitutionality.

Not to mention the millions of loser chumps…like me…who actually paid for college for themselves and their kids.  Or hard working, Backbone-of-America folks that didn’t go to college.  Ya know, the folks that take showers after work, not before.

A political tin ear that only a certain Wizard of Oz character would appreciate.

Remember how the Left wet their sissy little legs when Trump simply told the NATO nations to pay their agreed to fair share of 2% of GDP in funding that organization…accusing Trump of crapping on our allies? 

Idiotic Left Wing blather.

Yet in a mere six months, Biden has evolved from “unwavering” support for Israel in their fight for their very existence after the October 7th atrocities perpetrated by the Hamas animals…to screaming at Netanyahu for a cease fire.

So, because of unbearable pressure from his Far Left Anti-Semitic money masters…and shit poll numbers…Biden is throwing arguably our most strategic ally on the planet, and only democracy in the Middle East, under the proverbial bus.

Of course, this is ALL about the election…specifically the state of Michigan…which has a population of about a half million pissed off Palestinians that don’t seem all that inclined to vote for a Pro-Israel Alzheimer’s patient.

Couple that with the aggressive EV push by Biden’s administrative regulatory state that will decimate the U.S. auto industry, Michigan’s bread and butter.  These two things together, in my view, hand the critical state of Michigan…and likely the election…to The Donald.

In the end, this is nothing but a desperate and disgusting Hail Mary to save the state of Michigan…and a big middle finger to Israel in the process.  What a self-serving, scumbag politician move.

Of course, President Shits-His-Pants has had about half a century honing that skill.

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