Tranheuser Busch

It continues to boggle my mind how Corporate America…even though it kicks them in the balls at the bottom line EVERY F*CKING TIME…remains relentlessly and shamelessly obsessive about shoving Far Left cultural garbage down our throats 24/7.

Then they, and their Marxist brethren in the media and Democrap party slander patriotic, 1st Amendment loving Americans who doth protest too much with the usual array of vile adjectives…racist, bigot, this-phobic, that-phobic, yada, yada.

The all-too-familiar M.O.

Of course I’m referring to the recent dust up over at Anheuser-Busch, who curiously thought it was a good idea to completely insult and marginalize their loyal, Bud Light swilling customer base…largely consisting of blue collar, sports loving, and very likely, toxically masculine, red hat donning Trumpers.

That would be like Weight Watchers trashing fat chicks.  Or Joy Behar.

You no doubt know all the gory details, where Anheuser-Busch hitched their marketing trailer to some freakish transgender female “activist/influencer” named Dylan Mulvaney by plastering his/her face on Bud Light cans.

This 26-year-old dude…shamelessly celebrated by Anheuser-Busch…is a biological male who prances and frolicks around like a ditzy pre-pubescent girl…a total mocking, insulting affront to women that I’ve heard some accurately characterize as “woman face”…akin to “black face.”

I literally can’t figure out if this dude is as mentally ill as the guy who identifies as a cockroach and crawls along the woodwork…or his whole “Look at me, I’m a little girl!” schtick is a ginormous goof, as the American public and Corporate America play the very willing fools.  It’s unequivocally one or the other.  I’m on the fence.

Anyway…The genius who decided it was a great idea to celebrate Mulvaney’s so-called “365 days of girlhood” by plastering the “influencer’s” face on Bud Light cans was some embarrassingly incompetent woke broad named Alissa Heinersheid, Budweiser’s VP of Marketing.

She shits on their core customer base by saying Bud Light “had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out-of-touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach.

Breathtakingly clueless…a universal attribute of all “Progressives.”

Well…How about a smart and funny marketing campaign featuring Caitlyn Jenner…a serious person legitimately living her life as a woman that most folks respect at this point…to expand, not insult, their customer base?

Eh, what do I know.  I was a Finance major.

And in keeping with the theme of 24/7 liberal “do as I say not as I do” hypocrisy, it appears this chick was quite the fratty girl herself in college.  In pics from her now deleted Facebook page showing her own “fratty” side, Heinersheid is seen, seemingly hammered, guzzling beer and blowing up condoms like balloons.

Anyway, this Marketing VP was placed on leave for this disaster.  What a wuss move.  They should have canned her ass immediately.  And in the most unsurprising development of the century, Bud Light sales have plummeted faster than Joe Biden’s mental acuity.

Reap what you sow, bitches.

As if anyone needs yet another reason to not drink that monkey piss masquerading as beer.  And anyone boycotting Bud Light, including many bars and other such drinking establishments, are being characterized as “Transphobic,” and worse.  

The nauseating but all-too-familiar message?  Thou shalt bow at the altar of any and all Woke ideology.  OR ELSE.  Pure, unadulterated coercion.  The precise opposite of the sham “diversity and inclusion” movement.

Honestly, who gives a shit anymore?  Anyone that does simply gives these subversive assholes power.  

And so it goes in 2023 America…where men can have periods, babies, and dominate women’s sports.

Me thinks these America-hating, Alphabet Mafia Marxists…who laughably and endlessly scream about “SCIENCE,” ironically need their own goddamn refresher course in X and Y chromosomes.

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