Daily Archives: June 26, 2023

Two-Tiered Trump Takedown

Two down, two to go.

Trump indictments, that is.

The BS case having something to do with that blast from the past, Stormy Daniels, brought by the NY DA who ran on “Getting Trump.”  Stormy Daniels??  WTF.  Did we all get transported back to 2016 during a REM-phase?

Next up…the recent documents case against Trump, which curiously barely even mentions documents because, well, Presidents have wide, almost absolute power to both possess and declassify documents under the Presidential Records Act.

Well, maybe NOT so curiously, as our current occupant of the White House has a “real” documents shit show of his own, that, like everything else related to the Biden’s, is being buried deeper than those poor schmucks in Pompeii a couple thousand years ago by that cranky old Mt. Vesuvius.

And two more on deck…some charge related to the Nancy Pelosi-enabled January 6th kerfuffle…”No Donald, I WON’T activate those 20,000 National Guard you’re begging me to”…seemingly being concocted in some legal laboratory like Grandpa Munster whipping up some magic potion in the dungeon to cure Herman’s erectile dysfunction. Continue reading