Elon Musk’s Christmas Gift To America

So, next time some little kid in your life asks you if Santa Claus is real, you can FINALLY exclaim enthusiastically…YES!!!…YES!!!…and not even be lying.

Yes, little Jimmy, there is a Santa Claus.  His name is Elon.  And he’s given everyone in the entire country the SAME PRECIOUS GIFT!  FREE SPEECH!”


Oh, shut up Jimmy and do your goddamn homework!”

Anyway…the systematic release by Musk of the so-called “Twitter Files,” exposing every f*cking piece of evidence that unequivocally proves the rank left wing censorship that’s been happening at Twitter forever…and almost assuredly swung the 2020 election to President Hair Sniffer.

We ALL knew it was happening.  At least those of us with hearing and eyesight just a smidge sharper than Helen Keller.

But like the first time I saw Joy Behar naked…it was WAY worse than I thought.  Not to mention illiciting my gag reflex like I just guzzled down a Bud Light with an ipecac chaser.

Enter two crack, highly credentialed, independent journalists recruited by Musk…Bari Weiss, previously a writer and editor at both the Wall Street Journal and NY Times, and Matt Taibbi, an author, journalist and podcaster, who now shares his writings via a newsletter on Substack.

Tag teaming the release of screenshots of incriminating internal documents and associated explanations via Twitter…in small, consumable bites.  And systematically by topic…general censorship and shadow banning of conservatives, Hunter Biden laptop, de-platforming of Trump…and a whole lot of juicy shit about to come out on that little f*cking lying meatball, Dr. Fauci.

So, can we once and for all shit can this ridiculous academic argument that says, well, ya know, Twitter IS a private company, so they can censor anyone or anything they friggin’ want to.

As it relates specifically to Twitter, this is the most intellectually dishonest, bullshit argument on the planet…and purposely obfuscates the reality on the ground.

While those of us truth-seekers that are paying attention already knew…there is now unequivocal proof that Twitter’s censorship, shadow-banning, general suppression of conservatives, and complete whitewash of the plethora of Democrat scandals…has been at the behest of the federal government.

Weekly meetings with multiple governmental entities like the FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and others, conspiring and colluding with Twitter on who and what to censor or suppress.

And a literal revolving door with the Feds…a conga line of ex-government intelligence and other officials holding high level positions within Twitter, presumably to serve as a nice little conduit of conspiracy.

The government CANNOT violate First Amendment rights through the front door, so they’re doing it through the back door.  Facebook, Google, You Tube…they’re ALL doing it.  Zuckerberg admitted it.

So yeah…you can stick your “private company” argument right up your ”private area.”  

There is one Democrat, however, that sees the Constitution and First Amendment as something more than a quaint, outdated, document penned by a bunch of slave owning racists.

Silicon Valley’s very own progressive representative in the House, Democrat Ro Khanna, recently wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal unambiguously condemning the overt censorship by Twitter…NOT even using Twitter’s illegal conspiracy with government actors…a clear violation of the First Amendment…as a crutch to make his point.

Khanna writes, “Although Twitter is a private actor not legally bound by the First Amendment, Twitter has come to function as a modern public square.  As such, Twitter has a responsibility to the public to allow the free exchange of ideas and open debate.”

Hey, when a Democrat does something praiseworthy, you gotta embrace it.  Shit like that happens about as often as a solar eclipse.

The aforementioned Weiss wrote a real interesting article in a publication called The Free Press that chronicles this whole process of exposing these so-called “Twitter Files,” and their own interactions with Musk.

Of particular intrigue were some direct quotes from Musk, getting into his head a bit…which feels eerily like hacking into some super-computer.  Weiss writes, “To hear Musk tell it, his motivation is obvious:  It’s about saving the world”…

I’m not going to spend $44 billion to reinstate a satire blog,” Musk said of the Babylon Bee, which Twitter banned in March 2022.  I did it because I was worried about the future of civilization…birth rates are plummeting, the thought police are gaining power, and even having an opinion is enough to be shunned.  We are trending  in a bad direction.”

Musk rightly calls out the previous Twitter as basically a “non-profit” and an “activist organization” that “wasn’t pursuing net earnings but social influence.”  Sounds about right for an organization that gave unlimited vacation and no performance reviews.

Jesus, sign me up.  #DreamJob.

As for the media whores who breathtakingly refuse to even cover this…not sure I’ve ever done this, but I read a comment by a dude named Brad at the end of Weiss’s article, and I thought it was so spot on, I had to share…

How disgustingly ironic that newspapers with highfalutin mottos like “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and “All The News That’s Fit To Print” are refusing to cover arguably the biggest story of the year in even the briefest of ways.”

“It’s a testament to the bizarre situation we now find ourselves, in which the biggest advocates of state and corporate censorship are media corporations and their employees.  Journalists are among the leading proponents for political censorship.  That is surreal.”

Unlike Fred Sanford’s kid Lamont…that Brad is no dummy.  (I humbly apologize for that gratuitous 70’s TV sitcom reference).

So, with apologies to MasterCard….

Amount paid for the island of Manhattan…..$24
Cost of Aaron Judge’s 62nd home run ball….$1.5 million
Buying Twitter…..$44 billion

Elon Musk saving Democracy…PRICELESS.

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