Daily Archives: August 2, 2023

Selling The Biden Brand…Selling Out The Country

When I’m wrong, I’m big enough to admit it.  I have written incessantly about how the made up Russian collusion scam was the biggest scandal in the history of the country.

Turns out I was wrong.

RUSSIA!  RUSSIA!  RUSSIA! has been firmly supplanted by The Biden Crime family taking in tens of millions of dollars from foreign adversaries in their influence peddling enterprise…with the corrupt DOJ and FBI running interference for them all the while.

Piles of evidence mounting like the cellulite on Hillary Clinton’s thighs.  Ew.

And just think…

Think about the mountain of evidence that has been uncovered by the GOP-led House Oversight Committee vis-a-vis the Biden Crime Family.  And then think about how if the Republicans hadn’t won back the House in the 2022 midterms…by a paltry 5 seats…and were not in control of said commitmee.

We’d have nothing more than a mish-mash of random, disjointed evidence…albeit quite real….that the Dems and media would simply dismiss as Right Wing, Fox News conspiracy theory.

I often awaken at 3am in a cold sweat after THAT nightmare.  But alas, all is well in House Oversight Land.
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