The Violent Rape and Killing of the U.S. Legal System

Deafening cries of BANANA REPUBLIC! abound.

I vehemently disagree.  Banana, my ass…more like a whole f*cking fruit salad.

As the Marxists, previously known as the Democrat Party, always seem to do…they’ve gone too far.  The Rubicon has been crossed…the horse is out of the barn…the toothpaste out of the tube.

Pick your cliche.

But let’s keep it real…is there a single person surprised by a corrupt, George Soros paid for, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg who actually ran on “Getting Trump”…ya know, actually GETTING TRUMP??”


Bragg is undoubtedly a disciple of Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe.  Beria boasted that he could prove criminal conduct on any innocent person…

Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Beria famously spewed.

Dem-O-Scum bumper sticker right there.  These corrupt attacks all started, of course, the very moment The Donald glided down that Trump Tower escalator, every wonderful strand of flowing orange hair in place…lovely Melania by his side…to announce his candidacy in 2015.

Eight long f*cking years…and counting…of this subversive, third world banana republic shit.

The future was foretold when the America-hating psychopaths running that Commie Rag Washington Post famously ran the following headline a mere twenty minutes after Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017…

The Campaign To Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

All you need to know.  All you need to know…he said twice for enhanced effect.

Only aggressive electro-shock therapy or a full frontal lobotomy could shock these authoritarian f*ck-wads into any semblance of coherence.

I’ve heard Bragg called “Fat Alvin”…a reference to the old Fat Albert cartoon.  Hilarious.  Have you seen this Tub-O-Goo?  BTW, what do these rotund Marxists have against exercise and a healthy diet, anyway?  Asking for a friend.

Corruptly indicting an ex-President…AND LEADING 2024 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE to boot…on novel, concocted charges cobbled together with duct tape, like trying to secure a rusty bumper falling off an old jalopy.

And for what, exactly?  Allegedly misclassifying a business expense…a misdemeanor ONLY IF SOMEONE IS DEFRAUDED?  IT’S HIS F*CKING COMPANY, FOR SHIT’S SAKE!!!

This made-up charge, desperately bootstrapped to an alleged federal campaign finance violation…which the DOJ and FEC said wasn’t a violation…enabling an up-charge to a Class E felony?  And ALL far past any statute of limitations??

But this is Bad Orange Man we’re talking about, after all.

This is like if David Copperfield were a DA, and made this felony magically appear, like yanking a fluffy little rabbit out of his rectum.

Again, the DOJ, Federal Election Commission, and DA Bragg’s own predecessor Cy Vance all investigated this and took a hard pass.  This overtly bogus, political charge would never be brought against any human being not named Trump.  Full stop.

To believe that this isn’t a purely political prosecution and persecution would be to simultaneously believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and that Bernie Madoff was a legitimate investment advisor.  A true trifecta of delusion.

This is a legal 9/11, in the sense that the country will be changed forever.  All out of an unhinged hatred for one man.  Perpetrated by political terrorists treating the Constitution like a roll of Charmin.

And like a trans male lopping off his member, or a drunk high school cheerleader losing her virginity…there’s no going back.

Equal justice?  Justice is blind?  It’s all just been nuked into oblivion.

All the while, massive corruption and violation of multiple statutes by the likes of the Biden Crime Family and Hillary Clinton are completely ignored and condoned by Democrats and the fawning, complicit media quacks.

Democrat scandals so outrageous, corrupt, and illegal, they make Trumps’s alleged bookkeeping issue look like going 56 in a 55 zone.

These Commie Marxist Bastards keep screaming NOBODY’s ABOVE THE LAW!  Oh, is that so??  The Clinton’s, Biden’s, Pelosi’s, and anyone with a big “D” tattooed on their fat progressive ass aren’t above the law?  And Trump isn’t BELOW the law??   I could write a book longer than friggin’ War And Peace proving it.

Trump’s indictment was leaked to the media.  A felony in New York State.  Ya think they’ll pursue THAT one?   BAHAHAHAHA!  THAT’S the only REAL felony in this whole f*cking phony deal.

The existence of our two-tiered Justice system is as undebatable and undeniable as it is absolutely mind-numbing.

The Botox Bimbo, aka Nancy Pelosi, tweets in part that Trump will have the opportunity to “prove his innocence.”  Well, that’s just wonderful…except the basis of our entire goddamn legal system is precisely the opposite…innocent until PROVEN GUILTY!, you moronic twit.

Jesus, this retarded broad is second in line for the presidency?!?!  God help us.  Nancy Pelosi, the dumbest f*cking woman on the planet.  Or is it Comma La Harris?  I’m torn.

Thing is, folks who are by no means fans of Trump…some even haters…are coming out in droves, calling out this abomination…which is unequivocally an existential threat to the Republic.  This is obvious to anyone with an IQ just a smidge north of the speed limit on I-95.

Guys like Jeb Bush?  Disgraced ex-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo?  Trump’s biggest punching bag Ron DeSantis, his main challenger for the 2024 Republican nomination?  Calling out the existential threat to the Republic that is the weaponization and bastardization of our legal system?  C’mon…

The two most consequential, however, are Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz, probably the top two legal and constitutional scholars in the country.  The former, a George Washington University law professor who testifies before Congress seemingly every other day on legal and constitutional matters…the latter, a Harvard law professor emeritus.

And by their own past disclosures, both life long Democrats who never voted for Trump.  Their expert legal analysis as apolitical as it gets.

Let the quote-fest begin!


I think it’s rather outrageous.  I think it’s legally pathetic.”

“It’s a raw political prosecution.”

“This is Bragg’s Manifest Destiny”


I’ll tell you, it’s Banana Republic time.”

“This is about the weakest case I’ve seen in 60 years of law practice.”

“This is the worst case of prosecutorial discretion I’ve seen, but how can anybody be surprised when the AG of New York and the DA both run on the promise to get Trump.”

“They get elected and then they rummage through all the statue books to try to find [something] to pin on him and they can’t find anything.”

And speaking of third world, shithole, banana republics…The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, said quite bluntly…AND legitimately…”Sadly, it’ll be very hard for U.S Foreign Policy to use arguments such as ‘democracy’ and ‘free and fair elections’ to try to condemn ‘political prosecution’ in other countries, from now on.”

True Dat.  OUCH!

And finally…Lest we forget ground zero…the epicenter…the political “Big Bang,” if you will, of all of this…when on October 30, 2008 in Columbia, Missouri, Barry Hussein Obama declared…

We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

As far as I’m concerned, the job is complete.  God help this country.

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