Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

“Yes Virginia, there IS a Deep State”

A few weeks ago…and after 4+ years of investigation…Special Counsel John Durham FINALLY came out with his final report on the Russian Collusion hoax.  As scathing an indictment of the corrupt upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ as one can imagine.

“Yes Virginia, there IS a Deep State”…with apologies to Santa Claus.

Of course, we knew most of this corrupt plot over three years ago thanks to a smattering of legitimate investigative journalists, as well as various congressional investigations.

As for the fake news media lapdogs…they just simply don’t report things damaging to Biden or the Democrap party.  They ascribe to a slightly modified version of… “If a tree falls in a forest…”.  When Democrats engage in corruption, but the media doesn’t report it…did it REALLY happen?

Still, this report is tee’d up nicely for Republicans…particularly a certain orange haired, bronze-skinned one.  Re-injecting this menagerie of corruption into the public sphere on the cusp of the 2024 presidential campaign is a gift from the political Gods.

As they say, timing is everything. Continue reading

Tranheuser Busch

It continues to boggle my mind how Corporate America…even though it kicks them in the balls at the bottom line EVERY F*CKING TIME…remains relentlessly and shamelessly obsessive about shoving Far Left cultural garbage down our throats 24/7.

Then they, and their Marxist brethren in the media and Democrap party slander patriotic, 1st Amendment loving Americans who doth protest too much with the usual array of vile adjectives…racist, bigot, this-phobic, that-phobic, yada, yada.

The all-too-familiar M.O.

Of course I’m referring to the recent dust up over at Anheuser-Busch, who curiously thought it was a good idea to completely insult and marginalize their loyal, Bud Light swilling customer base…largely consisting of blue collar, sports loving, and very likely, toxically masculine, red hat donning Trumpers.

That would be like Weight Watchers trashing fat chicks.  Or Joy Behar. Continue reading

A Drunken Republican Sing-A-Long!!

So, I’ll come out with a REAL blog in the very near future to vent about all the things pissing me off…not the least of which is walking into my favorite brewery the other day and they had no IPA’s ready to go.  Huh?

It’s like going to a ballgame and they’re out of hot dogs.  Or rummaging through the White House and not finding a SINGLE DEPENDS!!!

Like, WTF?  “HURRY, SOMEONE GET THE MOP!!!”…screamed the White House janitor.

Anyway, I’m sure everyone remembers that Chinese spy balloon that traversed the country a couple months ago, surveilling some of our most critical military bases, nuclear sites, etc.

Ya know…China…aka the personal piggy bank of the Biden Crime Family? Continue reading

The Violent Rape and Killing of the U.S. Legal System

Deafening cries of BANANA REPUBLIC! abound.

I vehemently disagree.  Banana, my ass…more like a whole f*cking fruit salad.

As the Marxists, previously known as the Democrat Party, always seem to do…they’ve gone too far.  The Rubicon has been crossed…the horse is out of the barn…the toothpaste out of the tube.

Pick your cliche.

But let’s keep it real…is there a single person surprised by a corrupt, George Soros paid for, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg who actually ran on “Getting Trump”…ya know, actually GETTING TRUMP??”


Bragg is undoubtedly a disciple of Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe.  Beria boasted that he could prove criminal conduct on any innocent person…

Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” Beria famously spewed. Continue reading

To Tell The Truth

Remember that old game show, To Tell The Truth?  No?  Actually dates back to 1956, and revived many times to the present day.  Eh, seems apropos for this blog title.

Anyway…The first, and most important political truth…100% of the time, when the Lefty a-holes wail phrases and words like “RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORY!” and DEBUNKED!”…well…hope you’re sitting down for this bombshell…those things turn out to be true.  

EVERY.  COTTON.  PICKIN’.  TIME.   Is that racist?  The reference to cotton?  I need a woke cheat sheet.

Speaking of woke…Have I ever told you my pronouns are “F*ck” and “Off”?   Just felt the need to share that at this juncture.  But I digress…

Back to TRUTHS…A mere sampling…

Trump colluding with Russia was a left wing hoax?  TRUE

Hunter’s laptop is as real as Joe’s soiled Depends, and the censorship of said laptop story from the NY Post almost assuredly, as ALL polling suggests, swung the election to Biden?  TRUE

Covid leaked from the Wuhan Lab?  TRUE

Lockdowns and masks don’t work, and natural immunity is as good or better than the vaccine?  TRUE Continue reading

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this, but I am a member of a group called “Central Florida 100,” which is a group of local folks who write either one or two 100-word opinion pieces weekly for the Orlando Sentinel.  All submittals are published on their website, and some are selected to be published in the opinion section of their Sunday print edition.

Most of the people that write these opinion pieces are local power brokers, ya know, President of this, CEO of that, longtime radio hosts, local and state legislators, etc.

And then there’s me.  They bill the group as “influential leaders” in the community.  I’ve never been “influential” nor a “leader” a single day in my life.  I find this hilarious…although is does lend me an air of credibility.  Another hilarious notion.

Anyway, I will also occasionally submit a longer-form commentary to the opinion editor, and I had my fourth one published a few weeks ago.  I believe you have to be a subscriber to see it, which precludes me from giving a link.  So I am just going to provide it here. Continue reading

Document Duplicity

Greetings from Down Under!

No, no, no… I’m not passed out, laying DOWN UNDER a table in some seedy dive bar in Amsterdam’s red light district.

But good guess…not to mention overwhelmingly plausible.

I’m on a luxury, all-inclusive cruise, sailing around Australia and New Zealand.  Poor me.  Traveling there from the States was no picnic…especially that 15-hour leg from LA to Sydney.

Ok, ok…the day-and-a-half getting there was spent mostly between being pampered In Business Class and some insanely nice airport lounges…but it was still pretty f*cking brutal.  I truly felt horrible for folks having to do that shit in coach, and spending hours of layovers taking naps on some disgusting airport terminal floor.

Frankly, I’d rather be water-boarded naked while being forced to watch Michael Moore and Joy Behar doin’ the nasty.  Ew.  Only companies that manufacture barf bags could appreciate such vile imagery. Continue reading

Elon Musk’s Christmas Gift To America

So, next time some little kid in your life asks you if Santa Claus is real, you can FINALLY exclaim enthusiastically…YES!!!…YES!!!…and not even be lying.

Yes, little Jimmy, there is a Santa Claus.  His name is Elon.  And he’s given everyone in the entire country the SAME PRECIOUS GIFT!  FREE SPEECH!”


Oh, shut up Jimmy and do your goddamn homework!”

Anyway…the systematic release by Musk of the so-called “Twitter Files,” exposing every f*cking piece of evidence that unequivocally proves the rank left wing censorship that’s been happening at Twitter forever…and almost assuredly swung the 2020 election to President Hair Sniffer.

We ALL knew it was happening.  At least those of us with hearing and eyesight just a smidge sharper than Helen Keller. Continue reading

Hey Nancy…YOU’RE FIRED!!!

Red Wave, my ass.  I reckon there’s a harder flow happening inside Dementia Joe’s Extra Strength Depends.

So, let me just rip the band aid off here…clearly, my prediction of 240 House seats and 52 Senate seats for the GOP was based on pretty unrealistic expectations.

So, as of this writing, the GOP just won their 220th House seat (majority is 218), probably reaching 221, possibly 222, when they get done counting…like, maybe by April Fools Day, if we’re lucky.  And anyone that thinks counting votes for weeks after an election is legit, is indeed A FOOL.

In the Senate, it’s currently 50-49 in favor of Dems, thereby retaining control regardless of what happens in the Dec. 6th Georgia runoff between football legend Herschel Walker and Marxist Rafael Warnock.

Although, it’s still critical for the GOP to win that seat for a myriad of reasons…not the least of which is with 51 seats, the Dems can tell Joe Manchin to F off.  That would suck. Continue reading


Step aside, March Madness.  It’s time for MIDTERM MADNESS!!!

I gotta say, I get pretty darn jacked-up with elections.  Ya know, the biggies…like the upcoming midterms…and of course, the Super Bowl of elections…El Presidente.

Not so keen on stolen elections.  Total buzz kill.  But we won’t go there.  Not today.

Shit, I used to find things like dating a new hot chick…especially one with, shall we say, a morally casual attitude…exciting.  Or a drunken road trip with my buddies.  Now I get my jollies from elections.  And polling.  How lame and pathetic, right?  What the hell has happened to me?

Just a shadow of my old self, I guess.  My wife is nodding in furious agreement.  

So…is it gonna be a RED WAVE?  Is it not gonna be a red wave?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, let me put it this way…A Kotex factory won’t be able to contain THIS red wave.

OK, that was wrong, and I apologize profusely. Continue reading