Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

Biden’s Trump Card

Ah, another day, another blog about the latest BS Trump trial, ya know, another one of these lawfare, election interference deals, where the state of New York, yet again, did their best “I Dream of Jeannie” imitation…crossed their arms, blinked their eyes, and created out of thin air 34 felony counts from a single BS misdemeanor charge with expired statute of limitations.

Wow!  Bravo!  Bravo!  That legal sleight of hand rivals yours truly’s epic magical trick of eating three apples and shitting a fruit salad.

Um…Not as easy as it sounds.  Try it some time.  And bring towels.  Lots of towels.

So I guess this would be the corrupt NY legal system eating one expired misdemeanor and shitting 34 felonies?

Sounds about right.

In a nutshell, Trump’s bookkeeper booked a legal expense as a legal expense.  Part of that legal expense was for a non-disclosure agreement, which is perfectly legal.  So far, so good?

And no matter how many times these leftist pricks call it HUSH MONEY, OH MY GOD!!!…it’s still legal, and done every day by individuals and corporations. Continue reading

Squatters, Students, and Cease Fires

Did you see where Biden had this big glitzy fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall in The Big Apple with Obama and Slick Willy, and raised $26 million…while the same day, President Trump was attending the wake of a slain NYC police officer about 30 miles away?

Biden refused to attend.  And this, from a corrupt crew that obsesses in ever waking moment about optics.  And the optics here are as bad as they get.

Truth be told, President Piece-of-shit wouldn’t have been welcome…at least judging from how they treated the woke NY Governor attendee, Kathy Hochul…like a pariah.  Conversely, Trump was welcomed like a five-year-old welcomes Old St. Nick.  Kinda says it all.

Then Trump a week or so later gives President Rigor Mortis a Master’s course in “Glitz,” hosting his own fundraiser at Mar-A-Lago, raking in over $50 million, almost double Biden’s haul.

You KNOW The Donald LOVED that shit.  A RECORD!!!  Another thing you also KNOW?  There were undoubtedly much hotter chicks at Trump’s little soirée.  Say what you want…but Hot Chicks Matter. Continue reading

New York State of Mindlessness

Of all the so-called “lawfare” being corruptly thrown at Donald Trump… breathtakingly  transparent as election interference…the New York civil fraud case most recently making headlines has to be the most patently absurd.

Although the others are no doubt competitively in the mix on the absurdity scale.

An Attorney General…Letitia James…who was elected in 2018 on her platform of “GETTING TRUMP!”  She’s on video, ad nauseam, actually saying that. Over and over and over again.

Completely illegal, by the way, are selective prosecutions.  Why this corrupt, fat-ass Trump-hater hasn’t been disbarred, sanctioned, and/or thrown into f*cking jail is beyond me.

An equally far left progressive Trump-hating hack of a judge, who didn’t allow a jury, but unilaterally declared Trump liable of defrauding banks to obtain better loan terms eons ago.  Then a kangaroo court to determine “damages.”

Damages, mind you, that didn’t amount to a single cent…so said the banks under oath, who not only made shit tons of money making loans to the Trump Organization…but were jonesing to make more. Continue reading

Altered State of the Union

Catch that State of the Union?  Shit, more like the ALTERED STATE OF THE UNION.  Or THE STATE OF UKRAINE…which stunningly consumed about the first 15% of this embarrassing debacle.

I mean, did you see this guy, Biden?  Angrily screaming for an hour and seven minutes.  Like they mixed eight Red Bulls and some Adderall into his Metamucil.

Actually, all jacked-up…AND regular bowel movements?  Not seeing much of a downside if I’m being honest.

Hilarious watching the Media Marxists have orgasms over the fact that Biden was simply able to stay upright for an hour…a bar so low it was laying on the floor.

These assholes were crowing about how his “performance” puts to bed all this age stuff.

Breathtakingly absurd.

Quite predictably, the Left’s fantasy of Biden actually having any operating brain synapses anymore crashed and burned at more lightning speed than a traffic light turning green and the impatient wacko behind you laying on his horn. Continue reading

Biden’s Border Boondoggle

Thanks to the looney left and their submissive media whores, good old fashioned “political spin” has, long ago, morphed into nothing but 24/7 lies and gaslighting.

To prove this for the 847th friggin’ time, one must look no further than the recent legislative excrement regurgitated by the Senate, in a futile, but phony, attempt at some sort of immigration legislation.

This recent abomination of a bill, a product of a bipartisan effort of a few Senators, would effectively codify an open border, allowing a DAILY average of 5,000 encounters in a week…or 8,500 IN A SINGLE DAY.  At those points, the President has the “authority”…not “requirement”…but “authority” to shut down the border.

Wow, who wrote the first draft of THAT legislative vomit, the drug cartels?

It’s like some state saying that…even though murder is illegal…we’re gonna allow 10 murders a month…but, boy oh boy, on that 11th murder…WE’RE GONNA REALLY CRACK DOWN!!! Continue reading

Fauci, Fani, and Frigid Failing EV’s

Man, there’s so much crazy shit going on…and I want to comment on all of it.  I guess that would make me a “serial” commenter.

As opposed to if I said, “Boy, I used to love that Captain Crunch,” or “Didn’t you find Count Chocula a bit, ya know, light in his loafers…if not steeped in gayness?  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  In which case I’d be a “cereal” commenter.  Right?  See what I did there?

OK, collective eye roll noted.  Moving quickly along…

So, a few things really made me laugh my ass off recently.  That corrupt little troll Anthony Fauci came clean on some of his Covid lies…like the virus DID likely come from a lab…DUH!…and apparently not the result of a horny little centipede banging a wombat.  Ew.

And that the infamous “6-foot distancing” rule was based on precisely no science, and in his words, “sort of just appeared.”

But don’t expect a single goddamn apology to the millions of people who were literally censored and kicked off of various social media platforms, or otherwise canceled, for simply suggesting such sacrilege a couple years ago. Continue reading


What the F will it take for literally every person on the planet…notwithstanding leftist nutbags who bow at the altar of extreme Progressive ideology…to finally see that the entire DEI movement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…I get nauseated just writing it…is the biggest phony, purposely divisive, political battering ram ever concocted?

OK, maybe neck & neck with Climate Change alarmism.

Because if the reaction of Jew hating Leftists around the globe in the aftermath of the abject horror of the October 7th attack on Israel…a modern day Holocaust…doesn’t do it…you’re a hopeless and worthless piece of dog squeeze.

We all know the gory detail.  And if I hear the word “beheading” one more time, I’m gonna puke.

We all watched in horror as the sub-human Marxists worldwide marched for the beasts of Hamas, screaming “Death to Israel,” Kill the Jews,” and “Hitler was Right.”

OK, one might expect this sort of crap from some of the shit hole, Jew-Hating countries in the Middle East…but in every major city in America?  On virtually every college campus?  All over Europe?  Australia?  Collectively, millions of people? Continue reading

Let Israel Win

As my better half always reminds me, I’m no spring chicken.  But in my rather lengthy lifetime…and as sure as Dementia Joe’s nutsack does a half gainer into the commode water every time he sits down for his weekly dump…the entire world has NEVER EVER been on fire like it is right now.

And Biden lit the match.

But hey…let’s all kneel down together and…PREACH WITH ME BROTHERS AND SISTERS!…OH, LORDY LORDY…thank Almighty God we no longer have to wake up to those tweets calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig.  Or some other calorically challenged Progressive…or Republican presidential candidate from New Jersey.

I mean, the scale doesn’t lie.  Just sayin’.

So, swapping peace and prosperity to avoid a few “mean”…but often knee-slappingly funny…tweets?  Hmmm…apparently, these TDS mental defectives need to add “Art of the Deal” to their summer reading list, because as “deals” go…THAT’s a f*cking stinker all day long.

It’s akin to the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees way back in 1920 for a few bucks and a bag of balls.  Or in Biden’s case, a bag of bones.

Ok, I’m meandering.  Focus, focus… Continue reading


I’ve expressed my outrage in no uncertain terms for years about Democrat Party Progressives, Marxists, Fascists, whatever you want to effing call them.

On the heels of Hamas committing unspeakable and unprovoked atrocities against Jews in Israel…a modern day Holocaust…I’ll call them sub-human pieces of shit.  As opposed to O.J’s glove, seems to fit quite nicely, thank you very much.

Ya know, we all expect 24/7 anti-Semitic bullshit from the Marxist bitches of the so-called “Squad”…ya know, AOC and her band of Merry Jew Haters…Terrorist lovers who not only refuse to condemn raping and killing of women, burning people alive, slaughtering the elderly, and the mutilation and beheading of babies…but they actually condemn Israel and support these vile, sub-human terrorists.

As nauseating as it is incomprehensible.  And in the midst of this modern day Holocaust…knowing Israel will unleash Holy Hell on these animals for the unprovoked atrocities carried out against their peace-loving people…Jew Haters worldwide implore Israel to show “restraint” and “proportionality.”   The Squad screaming CEASE FIRE!!!

Yeah.  Like telling the U.S. to show “restraint” and “proportionality” after 9/11.  I don’t think so.  The only proper context for that word is a woman telling her plastic surgeon to make sure her new boobs are…ya know…proportional.

Lest anyone think working in a boob reference to this subject is easy…it isn’t.

Continue reading


Today’s American Marxists…formerly known as the DemocRAT Party…are in the midst of racing towards the most ginormous political miscalculation of all time.

Of course, I’m referring to the shit show that is the southern border.  Open wider than some hooker’s legs during NYC’s fleet week.

Jesus, that was in poor taste.  I humbly apologize for such an unnecessarily crude analogy.

Anyway…this is literally destroying the country.  If I made a list of everyone that sees this destruction clearly, that list would include Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles.

Because, ya know, they’re blind, and…oh hell, you get the joke.

It’s f*cking incomprehensible.  I mean, President Hair Sniffer hadn’t even christened the Oval Office commode before he canceled virtually every border protection initiative masterfully employed by the Trump administration. Continue reading