Monthly Archives: December 2023


What the F will it take for literally every person on the planet…notwithstanding leftist nutbags who bow at the altar of extreme Progressive ideology…to finally see that the entire DEI movement, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion…I get nauseated just writing it…is the biggest phony, purposely divisive, political battering ram ever concocted?

OK, maybe neck & neck with Climate Change alarmism.

Because if the reaction of Jew hating Leftists around the globe in the aftermath of the abject horror of the October 7th attack on Israel…a modern day Holocaust…doesn’t do it…you’re a hopeless and worthless piece of dog squeeze.

We all know the gory detail.  And if I hear the word “beheading” one more time, I’m gonna puke.

We all watched in horror as the sub-human Marxists worldwide marched for the beasts of Hamas, screaming “Death to Israel,” Kill the Jews,” and “Hitler was Right.”

OK, one might expect this sort of crap from some of the shit hole, Jew-Hating countries in the Middle East…but in every major city in America?  On virtually every college campus?  All over Europe?  Australia?  Collectively, millions of people? Continue reading