Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

A Big Scam In The Big Apple

Russian collusion scam.  Phone call impeachment scam.  Jan 6th committee scam.

And the scam orgy continues…

You likely knew that New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating Donald Trump and his Real Estate empire for over three years now.

THREE.  EFFING.  YEARS.   With a fine tooth comb.

OK, let me back up just a smidge…

James ran successfully for New York AG four years ago, effectively and stunningly on a single platform…to take down President Donald Trump.  Some sort of electro-shock therapy might be advisable for this Marxist half-wit.

Now, THAT in and of itself unequivocally eviscerates, of course, the legitimacy of ANYTHING she would ever come forward with as far as ANY type of charge against Big Bad Orange Man.

This crooked broad is the poster child for politically motivated, selective prosecution.  Not that that ever dissuaded any Trump-hating federal or state jurisdiction from pursuing such corrupt endeavors.

Just another day in the life of The Donald…the most persecuted man who ever lived, bar none.
Continue reading


Ok, before I get started on my rant du jour, I must address the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at the ripe old age of 96.

70 years at the helm.  Incredible.

Regardless of what one may think about the “Monarchy” as an institution, you just gotta LOVE this woman.  No nonsense, no whining, no bullshit…love it.  And with all the crap she’s had to put up with from her…let’s be candid…royally dysfunctional family.

All of the whiny leftist wimpy dough boys (dough people?), and the perpetually offended in our country and around the globe can take a lesson from The Queen’s “keep calm and carry on” and “stiff upper lip” vibe.

So, to Her Majesty The Queen…Rest In Peace.

King Charles undoubtedly has ginormous shoes to fill…or pumps, as it were. Continue reading

Quack Judges and Illegal Warrants

So, the whole world seemed to hold its collective breath until the Department of Corruption (DOC)…formerly known as the DOJ…graced us all with the expected heavily redacted Mar-A-Lago affidavit, the supposed evidentiary basis behind the stunning raid of a former President’s residence…less than three months before a critical mid-term election.

By design, it told us nothing.

At the same time, these shysters did their best imitation of Dementia Joe’s leaky bladder with their drip, drip, drip of narrative-building leaks to their media whores at the Washington Post and NY Times…exactly like they did during the years-long Russian Collusion Hoax.

We’re in our seventh year of this shit.  Seven f*cking years.

While this latest Hail Mary by the Deep Staters to GET TRUMP! is the political equivalent of Doug Flutie’s historic heave into the end zone down in Miami in 1984…it certainly won’t be the last. Continue reading

Department of Injustice

Like every other scandal concocted by the Lefty Deep State Scammers, and endless assists by their media whores, this latest one…the first ever raid of a former President’s personal residence…is destined to fail spectacularly, like Wile E. Coyote’s endless attempts to destroy the Road Runner.

This whole outrageous, divisive, and unprecedented episode has as much legitimacy as Michael Moore’s newly released autobiography, titled…”A life of Fitness and Conservatism.”

In their blind zeal to take down Trump…now six years and running…the lies and BS surrounding this latest scam are easier to spot than a bad toupee.

But they really stepped in it this time.  What these Deep State crooks forget…their ‘fatal flaw,” if you will…is that we’re in a post- Russian Collusion, fake impeachment, fake Jan 6th show trial, protect the Biden Crime Family, era.

The broken-record M.O…..A dramatic accusation…strategic leaks of false or out of context information, breathlessly reported by a corrupt media (NUCLEAR SECRETS!  VIOLATION OF ESPIONAGE ACT!)…everything locked down under a shroud of secrecy…scam eventually exposed.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat. Continue reading

Recession Obsession

Man, what a slacker I am.  One blog post published in the WHOLE month of July?  Jesus, that sucks.  Or it’s good…depending on your perspective.

I don’t know…It’s summer, it’s f*cking hot as hell, what can I say?  My motivation has dropped lower than Michael Moore’s blood sugar level after not eating for 45 seconds.

And I just got back from nine days in Greece.  Poor me.

Anyway…If I hear Joe Biden or his flunkie Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen say one more time we’re not in a recession, I’m gonna kick the friggin’ cat.

Heard that broad blather on recently about how two quarters of negative GDP isn’t a recession (Really?  Geez, it was for the last 100 years.  Would it be a recession if Trump was Prez?).   She spewed that it would really need to be more of a BROAD BASED CONTRACTION, blah, blah, blah….snooooore. Continue reading

Weiner Take All

Greetings birthing people and non-birthing people!!!

Is that as bat-shit crazy to read as it is to write?  Always makes me laugh like a crazed hyena…or Comma La Harris.  OK, now that my endorphins are flowing…

I would be remiss if I didn’t commence with a HUGE congratulatory shout out to 4th of July fixture and true American Hero, Joey Chestnut, who just won his 15th straight Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island by inhaling 63 dogs (and buns!) in the allotted 10 minutes.

WOW!  I mean, if THAT’S not a massive turn on ladies…am I right?  I’ll spare you the plethora of juvenile hot dog euphemism jokes floating around my warped mind.

And this year was even more epic…as if that’s possible…as Joey was confronted physically with some nutty animal rights protester.  Our boy Joey proceeded to put the guy in a mid-swallow, mind you…and body slam his dough boy ass to the ground.

Way to go, Joey, on ALL counts.  Ya done good. Continue reading

Roe a No Go

Dammit, here I am again…loathe to write more about abortion, again feeling like I can’t ignore it…despite opining on the subject several weeks ago in response to the abhorrent leak of the draft Roe v. Wade opinion.

And dollars to donuts, if the leaker was likely a clerk for one of the conservative justices, they would have already exposed the little shit…but I know the Libs and Deep State forces are circling the wagons around their little “hero,” which they ALWAYS do in these situations.

I know it.  I know it.  I know it.   Not because I’m a genius.  Because I effing pay attention.

Anyway, interesting decision…6-3 in favor of upholding the Mississippi law banning abortions at 15 weeks…but 5-4 in overturning Roe…with Chief Justice John Roberts declining to go The Full Monty to overturn Roe v. Wade, siding with the Libs as he so often does.

Thanks 43, for nominating, ya know, a “Conservative In Name Only.”  CINO?

Once again…cue the Lefty Leg Wetting marathon of violence. Continue reading

The January Sick Committee

Killer title.  I’m sure some wisenheimer came up with it before me somewhere…but I haven’t seen it.  Lifting other people’s material is ALWAYS bad karma.

So, I’ve previously addressed the Democrat’s January 6th political bludgeon, but now that this shiny penny is being breathlessly and giddily reported 24/7…and giving the Dems and the media big, raging woodies…ew…I feel compelled to opine yet again about the complete and utter one-sided, phony, political sham that is Nutty Nancy’s so-called “committee.”

Let’s just start with the end game for these corrupt Libs…which is simply to ultimately “compel” Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict Trump on some felony charge…ANY FELONY…and convict him so he can’t run again.

The Holy Grail, if you will.  And about as likely as Ivanka Trump feeding me grapes on some ginormous yacht in Monte Carlo this weekend.

Anyway…Pelosi blew every norm to smithereens vis-a-vis House Committees when she rejected some of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s five GOP picks to sit on this committee…specifically Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN).

This goes against 232 years of precedent.  That means IT’S NEVER F*CKING HAPPENED. Continue reading

Hot Takes…

They say words are free.  And I use a lot of them…too many, in fact.  So in that spirit, I’m gonna try something a little different…a lightning round, of sorts.

At least as much “lightning” as I can muster at my age…my wife nodding in furious agreement.

Here goes…

On the heels of Disney’s recent disastrous foray into the world of woke political activism, an observant Netflix has apparently been scared straight, and issued a memo to employees that basically said…and I’ll paraphrase…if anything in our core business doesn’t meet with your woke approval, you’re free to leave.

To paraphrase more bluntly…both you AND your goddamn pronouns can F off if Dave Chappelle OFFENDS YOU!

Maybe this insane woke shit is finally jumping the shark…with apologies to Fonzie, his motorcycle, and of course, the infamous shark. Continue reading

Rowing and Wading Through The Abortion Muck

In writing this blog, I’ve always had a self-imposed rule of sorts not to opine much, if at all, on social issues.  Folks have deep, heartfelt beliefs, often based on religious considerations, that I fully respect on these types of issues…regardless of what I believe personally.

It’s more a matter of “beliefs” vs. a “right or wrong” answer.

Contrast this with things that make me completely f*cking mental…like open border policies, and an all-out war on fossils fuels…including clean and abundant natural gas…that has driven inflation to near double digits.  These are bone-crushing, blindly ideological policies that are both wrong and destructive all effing day long.

Anyway…in spite of all this, I have no real choice OTHER than to give my thoughts on the latest abortion kerfuffle…if for no other reason, the historic nature of it…driven by the unprecedented attack on the Supreme Court that was the leak of a draft decision written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito that at least indicates a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Cue the Left Wing Outrage Machine. Continue reading