Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

Killin’ Grannies, Smackin’ Fannies

Probably the best blog title ever.  Too bad it’s not a Drunken Republican original.  But I’m a weak, weak man, and I couldn’t resist “borrowing” it.  It’s THAT effing good.

So, New York’s cool cat Luv Guv Andrew Cuomo’s nine lives have clearly just run out.

The investigation by NY Attorney General Letitia James into Cuomo’s years of alleged sexual harassment and sexual assault on about a dozen women has concluded, and I reckon Governor Gropey ought to start filling out some change of address cards, listing the “Governor’s Mansion” in the “previous address” section.

This creep treats women like Joey Chestnut treats a plate of 75 hot dogs on July 4th at Coney Island.  If you’ve had the pleasure (or displeasure, as it were) of witnessing Mr. Chestnut’s hot dog eating prowess, you’ll surely appreciate how truly disturbing that reference is.

Anyway…no need to belabor the point, the writing is on the wall like a graffiti covered NYC subway car for Cuomo…he resigns, or he’s impeached.  Period.

And entitled, narcissistic, A-Holes like him never resign. Continue reading

Biden’s Reagan Moment


My trusty little Spanish/English dictionary says that means FREEDOM!

These were the cries of desperate, but fearless, Cubans the past few weeks, as thousands bravely marched in unprecedented protests in dozens of cities across the island…knowing full well that many would be arrested, beaten, imprisoned…even killed.

Living in squalor and terror for 62 years under the iron fist of a brutal, murderous regime.  Exposing the perennial lie that the subversive Marxists in our own country are trying to peddle…that equity, not equality…will lead you to the promised land.

In one sense, they’re right.  The result of EVERY Marxist totalitarian regime that EVER existed is in fact “equity.”  Equal misery, oppression, and despair for all.

Powerful Cuban-Americans such as Florida Republican Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, pleaded from the floor of the House of Representatives for the Biden Administration to stand with the Cuban people by doing one simple thing…restore internet and cell phone access to the people of Cuba that the Communist regime blocked. Continue reading

The Digital Book Burning Dems

Do they have no shame?  Says the guy with no shame.

But hey, I’m not running the country.  I have no power…except occasionally over the remote.

It’s no great revelation that the Biden Administration and those in power on the Left have a perverse penchant for blatant censorship of political views, news, and information at odds with their stupid groupthink Marxist orthodoxy and divisive Woketopian bullshit.

But they usually deny this nauseating reality.  Not anymore!

Yep, last week the White House actually had a big dog and pony in their daily briefing informing us all that they were going to slip even further into the sack with Big Tech, specifically Facebook, to monitor what THEY consider “problematic posts” that THEY DEEM as “misinformation” vis-a-vis Covid, vaccines, etc.

ARE.  YOU.  F*CKING.  KIDDING.  ME?????? Continue reading

Deconstructing Trumpers

So, I was perusing the internet the other day…no, porn was not involved, although there’s not much daylight between that and politics these days…and I quite by accident came across something that really…like, REALLY…spoke to me.

And most likely, 99% of all Trump supporters.

It was this REALLY long tweet by some dude, Darryl Cooper, whose Twitter name is “MartyrMade,” has a few hundred thousand followers, does podcasts, etc, pretty impressive.

I feel like I should know who this guy is, but I don’t.

Anyway, he seems to perfectly capture the evolution of the psyche of a Trump supporter.  Just read it…you’ll see what I mean.  As a bonus, there are many “truths” referenced that are sure to trigger unabated leg-wetting from the TDS crazies…and what can be more fun than that?!

And for the record…I had decided to do this BEFORE I saw Tucker Carlson read this thing on the air a few days ago.  Trump even mentioned it at CPAC in Dallas.  Burst my bubble of originality.

Oh well…great minds think alike, I guess.

Even if you’ve seen it, it’s worth an encore…

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Biden, Borders, Blowhards…and Britney

FREE BRITNEY!  Something we can all embrace.  Always digged that chick.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Remember that old music video when she rocked that schoolgirl uniform, and…oh wait…that rap is for my other blog…Perverted Fifty-Somethings.

Moving along…here’s the 947 things that pissed me off last week.   JUST KIDDING!  Only four…

Bumbling Biden’s incoherence and pathetic weakness at the recent G-7 summit was a cringeworthy embarrassment for the country.  His handlers did somersaults making sure President Dementia didn’t have to occupy the same stage as Putin in a joint press conference.

Leader of the free world, my ass.  This comatose geriatric couldn’t friggin’ run Paco’s Taco’s food truck.

Barely a mention of China, the world’s biggest threat, and they all got big raging woodies (or female equivalent) championing a 15% GLOBAL MINIMUM TAX for corporations.  Hmmm…Open borders and handing over taxing authority to a bunch of Commie Globalists.

This sick Leftist fetish of defecating on every aspect of our sovereignty makes me want to heave up my Corn Flakes.  And I don’t even eat corn flakes. Continue reading

Fake Narrative Failures

How obvious is it that I’m absolutely obsessed and outraged about fake media narratives?

Exposing them is as much a staple of this blog as Michael Moore fat jokes.  

Speaking of which…Michael Moore is so fat, when he puts on a yellow raincoat, people shout out “taxi!”  And he’s so fat, he has to use a boomerang to put on his belt.

Never gets old.

Anyway, back to fake media narratives…

Of course, it’s the Orange Devil that’s the recipient of most…even today.

One very weird dynamic of this is that folks on the Left, or the Never Trumpers on the Right…will generally not even acknowledge when 99% of these narratives go SPLAT!…like a water balloon dropped from a 12th story window by some Eddie Haskell-like delinquent. Continue reading

Journalistic Shackles

And now for something completely different…

THAT phrase, of course, from the old Monty Python guys…yet another ancient reference from someone equally ancient.

So, never really talked about this before, but in addition to writing this sometimes offensive, often provocative, always brilliant blog…haha…I am part of a group of local folks that write a couple of short, 100 word weekly opinion pieces for our beloved hometown liberal rag, The Orlando Sentinel.  Hence the name “Central Florida 100.”

Locals call it “The Slantinel.”  Quite accurately, I might add.

They describe us writers as “influential leaders in the community.”

OK, you’ve made your point, you can stop laughing now.  Clearly, I am neither influential, nor a leader.  An obnoxious follower would be more like it. Continue reading

If The Racist Shoe Fits, Lightfoot…

If there was any doubt that this China virus…Wuhan Flu…COVID crapola is behind us, look no further than last weekend’s PGA Championship in South Carolina.

Absolutely monstrous crowds, packed in like drunken sardines, shoulder to shoulder, hardly a mask to be found.   

Like J Lo galvanting on the beach…a beautiful sight, indeed.  Sans A-Rod, of course

TAKE THAT!!!  Biden, Comma-La, Fauci, Marxist Governors…and the rest of you science denying, authoritarian A-Holes that still prance around outside, virtue-signaling alone in a field, donning seven layers of big dopey masks.

Effing idiots.

Anyway…I can’t invoke last week’s PGA Championship without congratulating Phil Mickelson for not only his epic victory, but becoming the oldest dude to ever win a major golf tournament…just a few weeks shy of his 51st birthday.

Chalk one up for the old farts.  Now pass the Metamucil. Continue reading

Oy Vey!

Ah, so many Biden clusterf*cks on which to opine, so little time.

You see, reversing  EVERYTHING Trump did, when EVERYTHING Trump did worked out quite swimmingly, thank you very much, was quite the retarded strategy, and doomed from the get-go, like a defective condom.


Anyway…speaking of clusterf*cks, there’s no bigger clusterf*ck in the Milky Way than the Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East, the Israelis and the Palestinians.


I know, I know…not a sexy subject like Lady Gaga and the meat dress she rocked at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.

But a subject that has always stuck in my craw. Continue reading

Help Wanted

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  True dat.

This was evidenced last week, when Biden’s handlers…which purportedly includes his day nurse…shoved him out in front of the cameras to squint and stutter his way through the usual myriad of left wing lies loaded into his teleprompter, sporting the usual extremely oversized font.

AND even take a few questions from his fawning, butt-smooching press.

They are typically loathe to expose Biden like this.  And we all know why.  Shit, can you blame them?  The desperation was palpable, to say the least.

But this is the kind of thing that happens when economists are expecting almost a million jobs in the newly released jobs report…but you come in at 266,000.

A swing and a miss of epic proportions…like if I stepped to the plate against Tom Seaver in his prime.  Uh…OK…even NOT in his prime. 

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