Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

The Dirty Dozen

I will be traveling to California this week for some R&R…or as Archie Bunker used to not so affectionately refer to as The Land of Fruits and Nuts.  That was damn funny in 1975, and still is.  Anyway…as there is hardly a more liberal place in these great United States, it got me thinking about all of the stark differences between conservatives and liberals.  So, for this week’s post, I have compiled a list of 12 such observations for your reading pleasure that I have labeled The Dirty Dozen.  Enjoy.  And if you are so inclined, share this on social media for no other purpose than to drive your liberal friends batty…nothing more fun than that. Continue reading

The REAL Russian Collusion

Sometimes in life you just have to rise above it all, be the bigger person, and admit you’re wrong…a sentiment that surely hits home for us married guys (c’mon ladies, don’t act like you don’t know EXACTLY what I’m talking about).  For months, I was certain this whole Russian collusion nonsense was just that…nonsense.  But now?  I may have been all wet on this thing from the get-go.  Well, I should clarify…the Trump/Russia connection is still nonsense…a Deep State/Lib Media witch hunt of epic proportions.  You see, evidence is growing like dandelions at an abandoned Hillary campaign office that it’s been the Democrat party ALL ALONG playing election footsie with the Ruskies.  Wait…what?? Continue reading


As objectionable as I find the dishonest and biased mainstream media, I have to agree with them on one point.  Thus far, the complete inability by the congressional keystone cops of the GOP to send ANYTHING to President Trump’s desk relative to repealing and replacing Obamacare is a textbook epic fail…surely the legislative equivalent of the Hindenburg.  I may have a conservative point of view in this blog, but I am no apologist for these inept Republicans. Having said that…no matter how many times Chuckie Schumer crows about this GOP failure, it was his own stupid Socialist wannabe party that jammed government controlled Obamacare down the throats of Americans like a side-show sword-swallower, and make no mistake…THEY ARE TO BLAME FOR ITS IMPLOSION!  AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!  PERIOD!  The Dems have gotten their liberal asses handed to them in four straight election cycles, largely due to the Obamacare clusterf**k.  Despite Chuckie’s best efforts to play fast and loose with the blame game, that ship has sailed…the Obamacrud noose around the Dem party neck was tightened, and the platform kicked away long ago… Continue reading

The Relentless Russian Ruse

The Lib Media and the Democrat party, like spurned lovers, just cannot seem to muster the wherewithal to move on with their lives.  Pathetic.  But ya know, I think I’ve turned over somewhat of a new leaf on this…be a bit more understanding in my old age, I suppose.  Look at things a bit more clinically.  The complete inability of the Left to accept Hillary’s epic defeat has simply morphed into an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as it relates to Russia…which they see as nothing but a tool to pry President Trump out of the White House….or at the very least, put the kibosh on his agenda.  OCD is a sickness, deserving of our sympathy and understanding, right?  Luckily for these snowflakes, Obamacare requires mental health coverage…so, they got THAT going for them.  As for the rest of us?  Well, if we have to continue to listen ad nauseam how The Donald is redecorating his office in The Kremlin, we’ll all be sharing a rubber room with these nut jobs before long.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE TAKING MY BELT! Continue reading

G20 Gyrations

Another meeting of the G20 has passed, with the so-called “reporting” as predictable as the pain from a jagged kidney stone.  The G20, of course, is the annual international forum for the governments of the 20 major economies…19 individual countries, plus the European Union (EU).  And once again, it’s Christmas in July for thousands of anarchistic thugs, who crawl out from underneath their anti-Capitalist rocks to riot, vandalize, set fires, throw bottles, and just for kicks, injure a few hundred police in Hamburg, Germany.  Their mothers must be SO proud. Or as the lefty media calls them…”legitimate protesters”…in their usual fawning and romanticizing sort of way.  Then, right on cue, the media rolls-out their pre-written stories and preordained conclusions of Donald Trump’s “performance”.  Disastrous, abysmal, amateurish, racist…you know, how the media pretty much describes each and every day in the life of Donald Trump. Except it was anything but.  These liberal media schlubs REALLY need to enter a 12-step rehab program…Hello, my name is CNN and I am a Trump Hating Fake News addict…HELLO CNN!!! Continue reading

A Litany of Liberal Lunacy

Those starry-eyed liberals…they sure got a lot of hopes and dreams.  But truthfully…without our hopes and dreams, what DO we really have?  Clearly, all roads in their world of leftist fantasy lead to forcibly removing President Trump from office.  Impeachment prospects looking a bit dim?  Not to worry.  About a couple dozen of the Far Left House Democrats (sorry for that redundancy) have signed onto a bill being drafted that could theoretically lead to President Trump’s removal from office using 25th Amendment powers, which deals with situations where the President is mentally, or otherwise incapacitated.  This absurd publicity stunt is coming from generally the same cast of IQ-challenged Socialist characters that were talking impeachment BEFORE TRUMP WAS EVEN INAUGURATED!  And HE’s the mentally unstable one?! Jesus, gimme a break.  Well, I suppose his latest tweet about Facelift Mika and Psycho Joe was likely A Bridge Too Far for these unhinged Trump haters. Never mind that the Sonny and Cher of MSNBC call the sitting President names like schmuck, Hitler, and pig on a daily basis…and those were the compliments.  Streetfighter Donald hits back ONCE, and his psychotic Libtard enemies in the media do the whole feigned outrage act.  How rich.  OK, enough about the stupid tweets.  The unemployed coal miner in West Virginia doesn’t give a rat’s ass about tweets, and frankly, neither do I.  Lots of other Lib lunacy from this past week to shine a light on… Continue reading

The Violent Left

The shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA), House Majority Whip, represents a frightening advance in the evolution of Far Left violence against Republicans and Conservatives, or really, anyone that dares not bow at the altar of Progressive Groupthink.  And while I am loathe to even say this out loud…President Trump ought not leave the White House premises without being draped in Kevlar…AND a bulletproof limousine for additional prophylactic effect. Typically, such visceral hatred for another human being is reserved for murderous dictators, serial killers…and of course, every terrorist on the planet.  I mean, the crazy Libs liken President Trump to Hitler ad nauseam, do they not?  And seemingly every day, this hatred is morphing into a sickening violence…at Fascist college campuses where conservatives dare not speak, at faux George Soros funded Leftist Hippie protests…or simply some poor schmuck that decides to take an afternoon stroll while donning a bright red “Make America Great Again” hat…and gets the crap beat out of him by some “inclusive and tolerant” Libtard. Continue reading

“You’re Fired!”

That Jim Comey sure as hell wastes no time.  About three nanoseconds after his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee ended last week, it was reported he was on the cusp of a ten million dollar book deal.  As usual, it’s all about the Benjamin’s.  And I have a great title for it…”Sweet Revenge.” Let’s see…Trump, of course, holds the top spot on the revenge hit parade for the humiliating firing of Comey, like he was a contestant on “The Apprentice – FBI Edition,” followed by former Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who he completely threw under a parade of Greyhounds.  And last but not least, the lying, leg-wetting liberal loons of the mainstream media…the very people he used as a tool for his leaks…gleefully bestowing upon them the “Fake News” moniker.  And if I hear one more time about Jim Comey’s “integrity,” I’m gonna lose my lunch.  This guy has proven himself to be a self-absorbed political hack who leaks more than a busted pipe.  Jim Comey is all about Jim Comey.  All “Gee Whiz” and “Lordy” on the outside, conniving and deceitful on the inside…the political equivalent of Eddie Haskell. Continue reading

Pittsburgh, Paris, and Politics

Please indulge me as I begin with something really frivolous and unimportant, but maddening at the same time…just need to cleanse myself of this.  I mean, I would really love to just ignore that skank Kathy Griffin, but my ire is getting the better of me….as it often does.  The stunt Griffin pulled, holding up a bloody replica of a beheaded Donald Trump, ISIS style, is completely emblematic of the psychotic, unhinged Left…still mired in an endless sweaty nightmare where Donald Trump ACTUALLY occupies the White House.  And while there was seemingly universal outrage initially, there has been a rush of Libs now DEFENDING her, ex post facto.  Shocker. Then, some stunningly asinine press conference where she says the Trump family is trying to destroy her life.  Now, THAT’s funny.  Oh yeah, and this too…her video “apology,” which she delivered sans makeup.  Now, I’m typically all for the natural look, but for her, one piece of advice…stick with the Loreal, bitch.  There, I feel cleansed.  Now, as our friend Kathy is busy making all the final funeral arrangements for her career, I shall gleefully proceed with my normal, weekly Lib bashing… Continue reading

Jumping The Shark

As it relates to the coverage of President Trump, the liberal mainstream media has clearly Jumped The Shark.  Huh?  Well, some of you may be too young to comprehend such a dated cultural reference.  Briefly as I can…There was a very popular sitcom back in the 70’s called “Happy Days” that was set in the 50’s, and there was a character by the name of Arthur Fonzarelli…affectionately known as The Fonz.  So, The Fonz was the coolest guy in town…leather jacket, rode a motorcycle, chicks loved him…the whole nine yards…sort of the opposite of me. Anyway, many years into the show, they had a ridiculous episode where The Fonz was going to jump his bike over a tank full of sharks, a la Evel Knievel.  That premise was so ridiculous, that the show was never the same subsequent to that…surely, the beginning of the end for Happy Days.  The Urban Dictionary defines Jumping The Shark as “The precise moment when you know something or someone has taken a turn for the worse, gone downhill, become irreversibly bad, is unredeemable, etc.; the moment you realize decay has set in.”  This is exactly how I see the media today.  And by the way, Media…unlike The Fonz…the chicks DON’T like you. Continue reading