Biden’s Trump Card

Ah, another day, another blog about the latest BS Trump trial, ya know, another one of these lawfare, election interference deals, where the state of New York, yet again, did their best “I Dream of Jeannie” imitation…crossed their arms, blinked their eyes, and created out of thin air 34 felony counts from a single BS misdemeanor charge with expired statute of limitations.

Wow!  Bravo!  Bravo!  That legal sleight of hand rivals yours truly’s epic magical trick of eating three apples and shitting a fruit salad.

Um…Not as easy as it sounds.  Try it some time.  And bring towels.  Lots of towels.

So I guess this would be the corrupt NY legal system eating one expired misdemeanor and shitting 34 felonies?

Sounds about right.

In a nutshell, Trump’s bookkeeper booked a legal expense as a legal expense.  Part of that legal expense was for a non-disclosure agreement, which is perfectly legal.  So far, so good?

And no matter how many times these leftist pricks call it HUSH MONEY, OH MY GOD!!!…it’s still legal, and done every day by individuals and corporations.

Then, the election interferers are screaming that it was fraudulently “hidden,” and should have been a campaign expense, therefore it violated campaign finance law by not being recorded as such.

Wrong again, Marxist assholes.

Any expense that by its very nature…not what’s in anyone’s “mind”…could have a dual purpose…IS.  NOT.  A.  CAMPAIGN.  EXPENSE.  I mean, both the DOJ and Federal Election Commission…both of whom get big raging woodies (or the female equivalent) at the prospect of charging Trump with something…ANYTHING…took a hard pass on this one, simply on the merits, like six years ago, for f*cks sake.

Buy hey, when you have Commie DA’s in NY who breathtakingly and unapologetically run on an illegal selective prosecution…GETTING TRUMP!…and get elected with George Soros money…a crooked Trump-hating, hand-picked judge who donated to Biden, with a daughter who’s a high level Democrat operative who has raised tens of millions off of “getting Trump,”…and the case brought in a jurisdiction that is like 150% Democrat…well…here we sit.

Oh yeah…and this quack judge trampled endlessly on a plethora of Trump’s constitutional rights along the way, ya know, things the Lefty pukes consider trite and antiquated, like freedom of speech and a million aspects of due process rights.

Anyway…To simply call this “rigged” would be like calling Stephen Hawking just a smidge physically challenged.

So, if this highly conflicted judge didn’t recuse himself, then no judge should ever recuse themselves.  Another fact?  Every single one of these election interference cases, federal or state, have eminated from, and been coordinated with, the Biden White House and DOJ.  Proven.  Save your tired denials, Libtards.

The sheer level of corruption with all of this shit is as frightening as it is mind-blowing.

As of this writing, both sides have rested, and jury deliberations have started.  The general consensus is for a hung jury, presuming there might be one out of 12 Manhattanites with a grain of sand’s worth of honesty, objectiveness, and integrity.

Then again, these are people that elected the likes of AOC and Comrade Bill DeBlasio multiple times, so I’ll give THAT prospect a solid 50/50.

So, while Trump has been corruptly confined to a freezing cold NYC courtroom for several weeks instead of campaigning in the swing states, the Dems are shitting their skivvies…a daily occurrence for Joe Biden, said all of his past and present day nurses in unison.

But what has gotten these bitchy little America-hating Marxist Wussies all fatootsed, pray tell?  I mean, they got their zillion corrupt indictments, they got their mugshot, they got Orange Man Bad scowling in a f*cking courtroom…champagne corks oughta be poppin’ in every pansie-ass safe space in the land!!!

First, every one of these cases is imploding faster than Joe Biden’s bladder control.  The Georgia case and the Fat Fani debacle?  The documents case delayed indefinitely, and proof of evidence tampering by the DOJ?  The Jan. 6th case and it’s associated phony narrative tied up in the Supreme Court waiting for a ruling on presidential immunity?

None of this banana republic legal orgy will see the inside of a Kangaroo courtroom before the election, or ever, in all likelihood.  This third world lawfare bullshit is imploding faster than Caitlyn Jenner’s once overflowing testosterone level.  

Then, they have to witness Trump barreling into deep blue New Jersey for a rally (when court’s out of session, that is), and about 100,000 people show up for Trump’s side-splitting two-hour stand-up routine.  Again…IN DEEP BLUE F*CKING NEW JERSEY.  And a similar event shortly thereafter in the even deeper blue South Bronx, with about 10,000 in attendance

Yep.  The South Bronx.  AOC’s district.  Now, THAT’S a kick in the old Hoo-ha, eh AOC?  All I have to say to that subversive broad is C U Next Tuesday!!!

Biden can have an “event” in the deepest of blue places, and all that show up are a handful of folks looking to apply to be presidential pall bearers.  I mean, time and a half if he croaks on a Sunday?  C’mon…

But I digress.

Actually, that’s the least of it.  Virtually every poll has Trump consistently ahead in most or all of the swing states, and nationally.  And every historical Demoscum core constituency is running away from Biden like a trans swimmer and his tucked schlong running away from the female pack.

Yep, blacks (well, black men, specifically), Hispanics, young people under 30, just to name a few.  Trump got 8% of blacks in 2016, 12% in 2020, and the latest polling has him as high as 23%.  How about Hispanics?  Trump got 32% in 2020, and he’s polling consistently at about 45%.

I don’t bother to mention working class, blue collar folks, because they left the Lefties back in 2016.  You see, these non-college educated folks who built this country…constantly marginalized and insulted by the Leftist elites as smelly Walmart shoppers…understood what the f*ck Make America Great Again ACTUALLY means.

To be sure, polls are not votes.  But if these numbers are even within spitting distance of what Trump pulls in November, it’s game over for President Cadaver.

So, as they say…LOOKS GOOD ON PAPER!

Despite the fact the Democrooks are more panicked than some broke loser on Jerry Springer waiting to find out if some little snot-nosed rugrat is really his, these Marxists are holding the proverbial Trump card. 

I’ll let our old friend Bill O’Reilly explain…

You need to go to Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Those are the three biggest cheaters in the country…always have been.  They’re gonna cheat again…I’ve analyzed it pretty closely.  Those three cities are incredibly corrupt.”

Wow, Bill doesn’t say shit like this lightly.  He’s right, of course.

But it’s not a question of cheating, because that’s gonna happen in spades.  The question is whether the inept, Keystone Cop Republicans…who have elevated grasping defeat from the jaws of victory into an art form…have the ability and the stomach do anything about it.

1 thought on “Biden’s Trump Card

  1. Tom

    My takeaway from your blog is that Joe Biden out played Trump again, but Trump will win in November. However, If Biden was able to rig 11 criminal cases and 4 civil cases, (and a prior election) then you are giving Biden a lot more credit than I think he deserves. Here’s the list of the Trump Convicted Felons. Does Joe get credit for all of these too?
    – D. Trump
    – R. Stone
    – S. Bannon
    – P. Navarro
    – P. Manafort
    – G. Papadopoulos
    – R. Gates
    – A. Weisselberg
    – M. Cohen
    – M. Flynn
    – E. Broidy
    I’m pretty sure this list will grow by several names relatively soon.


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