Monthly Archives: December 2022

Elon Musk’s Christmas Gift To America

So, next time some little kid in your life asks you if Santa Claus is real, you can FINALLY exclaim enthusiastically…YES!!!…YES!!!…and not even be lying.

Yes, little Jimmy, there is a Santa Claus.  His name is Elon.  And he’s given everyone in the entire country the SAME PRECIOUS GIFT!  FREE SPEECH!”


Oh, shut up Jimmy and do your goddamn homework!”

Anyway…the systematic release by Musk of the so-called “Twitter Files,” exposing every f*cking piece of evidence that unequivocally proves the rank left wing censorship that’s been happening at Twitter forever…and almost assuredly swung the 2020 election to President Hair Sniffer.

We ALL knew it was happening.  At least those of us with hearing and eyesight just a smidge sharper than Helen Keller. Continue reading