
Like my mother-in-law, some things just don’t age well.

Don’t worry…my wife rarely reads my blog, she’ll never see that.  But if you do come across a headline that a political blogger was bludgeoned to death with some random appliance or yard tool, at least you’ll have the inside scoop.

Anyway, back to things that don’t age well.  Last weeks blog.  Oh c’mon, you remember, I was so adamant that NY Governor Pervert would NEVER resign?  Then he did like 5 minutes later?

Simply a victim of conventional wisdom.  Not the first time, nor the last.

There.  Nice to unburden myself.  I feel like Michael Moore was just lifted off my shoulders.  Probably with a crane.

Oh, wait, before I forget…here’s ANOTHER steamy pile of crap that didn’t age well…

There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy…of the United States from Afghanistan….The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

– President Biden, 7/8/21

WHOOPSIE!  Like one of my sliced drives into the woods, Sleepy desperately wants a mulligan on that abortion of a statement.

But I’ll get to him in a minute.

What cannot be lost in all this is the history, and people like Michelle Obama’s BFF George W. Bush……and his crabby sidekick Dick Cheney, whose obsession with insane nation building, and the horrid decision to go into Iraq, resulted in uncontrollable destabilization of the region that haunts us to this day.

Decisions that CERTAINLY didn’t age well…in keeping with THAT theme.

This Afghanistan debacle is unequivocally Joe Biden’s Saigon…a reference, of course, to the images at the end of the Vietnam war in 1975, where people lined up on a rooftop in Saigon to board a U.S. chopper as the North Vietnamese rolled into the city.

Despite Biden stubbornly declaring on July 8th this would not happen in Afghanistan…it did.  And then some.

The images of several hundred Afghans chasing…and physically clinging to an Air Force C-17 literally taxiing down the runway…in a display of sheer desperation to save themselves…comprised of terrified civilians and some of the tens of thousands of Afghans who assisted the U.S. for years as interpreters, intelligence gatherers, etc.

Dead men walking.  The Taliban going door to door to likely behead whoever they can find.  The women will likely be spared to be brutalized as sex slaves in forced marriages.

Several Afghans plummeted to their deaths while clinging to the outside of a moving plane.  Trust me…THOSE images make lines of folks standing on a roof and hopping into a helicopter look like a goddamn walk in the park.

This is Saigon on steroids.

The lack of planning and resulting botched operation by the Biden Administration is simply breathtaking and inexcusable.  And even though, quite ironically, Trump and Biden were on the same page vis-a-vis a total troop withdrawal…that’s where the similarities came to a screeching halt.

In a recent statement, Trump said that he had discussions with top Taliban leaders “whereby they understood what they are doing now would not have been acceptable.”

Allow me to translate…you can bet your sweet ass that the Taliban fully understood Trump would unleash holy effing hell on them if one American sustained a mere scratch on their pinky during a troop exit operation.

As sure as we’d still be waiting for COVID vaccines if, God forbid, this pandemic had hit under Biden…this withdrawal operation from hell NEVER happens under Trump.

How do I know that?  I guess technically I don’t.  It’s simply an exercise in critically analyzing one’s large body of work to confidently draw such conclusions.

Since there’s literally no way to coherently spin this for the Biden Bunch, a cadre of progressive Obama retreads…who arguably should be home playing with their Easy Bake Ovens and not planning complex military operations…and in an effort to obscure their own glaring impotence and incompetence, Biden’s actually blaming Trump for this failure.


But to be fair, when you think of Creepy Joe, things like hair sniffing, enlarged prostates and derailed trains of thought flood the mind…NOT “Leadership.”

Anyway…Here’s THAT Hail Mary of Blame…Trump had negotiated a deal with the Taliban to exit in May 2021, and Biden claimed to be bound by that deal…although he delayed it by a few months.

Not even CLOSE to the point, for shit’s sake.

Still, a Wall Street Journal editorial brilliantly shoves that “claim” right up Biden’s wrinkly ass…”The President has spent seven months ostentatiously overturning one Trump policy after another on foreign and domestic policy.  Yet he now claims that Afghanistan policy is the one he could do nothing about.”

In an interview on one of the Sunday shows, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo offered this perspective…”I wouldn’t have let my 10-year-old son get away with this kind of pathetic blame-shifting…this didn’t happen on our watch.  We reduced our forces significantly and the Taliban didn’t advance on capitals all across Afghanistan.”

Biden finally addressed the nation after hiding for several days at Camp David on “vacation” doing God Knows What…probably figuring out how to save his presidency, which is dissolving like a teaspoon of sugar in a hot cup of Joe.

Anyway, he pathetically and dishonestly blathered a totally false choice…either get out of that latrine Afghanistan, or fight this civil war against the Taliban with tens of thousands of troops and sustain major casualties.

What the f*ck is he talking about?  I know he’s senile, but is he really THAT out of it?

The only other option to fully exiting is the one that we’ve already been successfully executing…a tiny residual force of 2,500 providing air support and intelligence capabilities to the Afghan army…which has nicely held the Taliban in check.

Despite that very small presence of residual non-combat troops, and as far as I’m concerned, we HAVE already effectively exited from Afghanistan.  In fact, no Americans have been lost there in about the past 18 months.

And without that footprint…an operational air base and source of critical intelligence gathering capabilities…this small troop presence, from a strategic standpoint, cannot be looked at myopically, thereby ignoring the innumerable benefits to broader counterterrorism measures.

Biden spent much of his address to the nation justifying the decision to fully exit…something 70% of Americans already support.

Classic misdirection.

He glaringly and deliberately didn’t even touch on what the whole f*cking point of his address was in the first place…to explain how he colossally botched this withdrawal operation, and the bone-crushing ramifications…both short and long term…emanating from it.

So, while Biden takes no responsibility, 10,000 Americans and 80,000 Afghan and other allies remain in that shit hole, twisting in the wind, lives at risk.

To be fair, he DID say the buck stops with him.  Except that was after he blamed Trump, the Afghan Army, and his Aunt Tilly with the lazy eye.

Further, it’s unfathomable that Biden took no questions from the press.  Even BHO would have.  But Joe’s people won’t let him simply because he’s incapable of it.  At which point one must seriously consider invoking the 25th amendment.

I drop a lot of jokes.  That’s not one of them.

So…to our allies we look like unreliable, untrustworthy partners…but most devastatingly…to the China’s, Russia’s and Iran’s of the world, we look like utterly weak and incompetent fools because we’re being led by one.

I can’t imagine how the families of the thousands of our brave warriors killed and tens of thousands severely injured in Afghanistan feel right now…and on the heels of the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  Heartbreaking.

Defense Secretary Bob Gates under both Bush and Obama famously said Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for 40+ years.

Well, true dat.  STILL BATTING A THOUSAND, JOE!!!  And Jimmy Carter sends his heartfelt thanks…he’s officially no longer the worst President in modern history!

Finally, in somewhat of an awkward pivot…a sincere question for Biden voters…

As you giddily enjoy life not having to lose sleep over horrible and unbearable tweets about CNN’s ratings or low IQ Maxine Waters anymore…and in the context of this latest epic failure, the southern border, and countless other Biden-created catastrophes and disasters…

Was the trade off worth it?

1 thought on “Clusterf*ckistan

  1. Taco Pepper

    Haha. Yep Trump handled this perfectly and Biden did everything wrong. Like Biden had much choice once the troop count was reduced in country below 3,000 before he took office and TRUMP had already declared a full withdrawal by May of 2021. Your political bias has never been more obvious. Trump started the withdrawal and left Biden with two choices: Increase troops or leave. I’m glad Trump started this withdrawal and I’m just as glad Joe finished it. As much as you and most other overly political hacks will try and spin this for their side, Trump and Biden were equally accountable for this ending and the only thing that could have prevented it was a significant increase in troops, something thankfully neither would ever do. The end of a huge American mistake. Good riddance.


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