Monthly Archives: August 2021


Like my mother-in-law, some things just don’t age well.

Don’t worry…my wife rarely reads my blog, she’ll never see that.  But if you do come across a headline that a political blogger was bludgeoned to death with some random appliance or yard tool, at least you’ll have the inside scoop.

Anyway, back to things that don’t age well.  Last weeks blog.  Oh c’mon, you remember, I was so adamant that NY Governor Pervert would NEVER resign?  Then he did like 5 minutes later?

Simply a victim of conventional wisdom.  Not the first time, nor the last.

There.  Nice to unburden myself.  I feel like Michael Moore was just lifted off my shoulders.  Probably with a crane. Continue reading

Killin’ Grannies, Smackin’ Fannies

Probably the best blog title ever.  Too bad it’s not a Drunken Republican original.  But I’m a weak, weak man, and I couldn’t resist “borrowing” it.  It’s THAT effing good.

So, New York’s cool cat Luv Guv Andrew Cuomo’s nine lives have clearly just run out.

The investigation by NY Attorney General Letitia James into Cuomo’s years of alleged sexual harassment and sexual assault on about a dozen women has concluded, and I reckon Governor Gropey ought to start filling out some change of address cards, listing the “Governor’s Mansion” in the “previous address” section.

This creep treats women like Joey Chestnut treats a plate of 75 hot dogs on July 4th at Coney Island.  If you’ve had the pleasure (or displeasure, as it were) of witnessing Mr. Chestnut’s hot dog eating prowess, you’ll surely appreciate how truly disturbing that reference is.

Anyway…no need to belabor the point, the writing is on the wall like a graffiti covered NYC subway car for Cuomo…he resigns, or he’s impeached.  Period.

And entitled, narcissistic, A-Holes like him never resign. Continue reading