Biden’s Reagan Moment


My trusty little Spanish/English dictionary says that means FREEDOM!

These were the cries of desperate, but fearless, Cubans the past few weeks, as thousands bravely marched in unprecedented protests in dozens of cities across the island…knowing full well that many would be arrested, beaten, imprisoned…even killed.

Living in squalor and terror for 62 years under the iron fist of a brutal, murderous regime.  Exposing the perennial lie that the subversive Marxists in our own country are trying to peddle…that equity, not equality…will lead you to the promised land.

In one sense, they’re right.  The result of EVERY Marxist totalitarian regime that EVER existed is in fact “equity.”  Equal misery, oppression, and despair for all.

Powerful Cuban-Americans such as Florida Republican Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, pleaded from the floor of the House of Representatives for the Biden Administration to stand with the Cuban people by doing one simple thing…restore internet and cell phone access to the people of Cuba that the Communist regime blocked.

Without the ability to communicate, the protests will surely dissipate, and eliminate the ability of Cubans to transmit stark images to the world of how they are being brutalized.

As Biden dithered for days without even commenting, he’s now announced that the U.S. will be slapping on some more sanctions as a “response.”  A total facade, window-dressing…a f*cking joke, really.  They’ve had economic and other such sanctions for decades.

And it hasn’t moved the needle for the Cuban people fighting for their freedom and dignity.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez…who is of Cuban descent…doesn’t think much of Dementia Joe’s “sanctions.”

Speaking of the Cuban people, Suarez says, “They’re not yelling out, ‘end the embargo.’   They’re not yelling out, ‘we need food.’  They’re yelling out, ‘we want liberty, we want freedom.’”

Suarez continues…”I don’t believe anyone yet believes this is a priority of the [Biden] administration…I’ve even called for things as dramatic as not taking off the table the possibility of some level of military intervention.”

Yeah, he’s not f*cking around.  His dad was the first Cuban born mayor of Miami, who escaped that brutal regime.  THEY’VE LIVED THE INHUMANE BRUTALITY OF THIS MARXIST BULLSHIT.

The only crap Biden gives about this is the one he squeezed into his Depends.  Oh sure, he “stands with the people of Cuba.”   Wonderful.  Another meaningless platitude.

Keeping in mind the currently open southern border, and the red carpet rolled out for Central American migrants going back to the campaign…here’s Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas’s message to Cubans who dare trying to reach the U.S….

Allow me to be clear, if you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States…people will be returned.”

In an interview with CNN, Mayorkas had the utter gall to say, “If [Cubans] have a well founded fear of persecution or torture, they are resettled in a third country.  They are not resettled in the United States.”


The millions of illegals pouring over the southern border…ONES THAT ARE PERCEIVED TO BE FUTURE DEMOCRAP VOTERS…are quickly processed and transported by planes, trains, and automobiles into the interior of the country.


Covid, Shmovid.  WE HAVE ELECTIONS TO WIN, YOU TWERPS!…cried every power drunk Democrat.

These are the same subversive A-Holes slapping masks on 5-year-olds…100% at odds with the “science.”

Anyway…Stats and history show that roughly 90% of these folks waltzing across the southern border do so for economic reasons…and their asylum claims are summarily denied.

At least for the few that actually show up for their court hearing a couple years down the road.  Another friggin’ joke…but nobody’s laughing.

Conversely…Cubans, 100% of which would, by definition, have asylum claims granted by escaping obvious oppression and torture…AND WHO OVERWHELMINGLY IDENTIFY AS REPUBLICAN…are told in no uncertain terms…DON’T F*CKING COME HERE!

If only you Cubans were Democrats, we could help you…is the clear nauseating message.

This hypocrisy is so simple and apparent, my cat Chloe could figure it out whilst taking a break from licking her little kitty private parts.

In the end, this could be Biden’s “Berlin moment.”  Reagan’s historic “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” moment.  Of course, one must have steel nads to pull that shit off…which leaves Sleepy out in the frigid cold.

To be fair, though, comparing President Poopy Pants to The Gipper in any way, shape or form, is like comparing the worst hitter on your kid’s little league team to Babe Ruth.

And, how good would it feel to FINALLY help take down the murderous Cuban regime, while simultaneously giving China and Russia a nice sharp stick in the eye…both of whom propped up the Cuban regime for decades?

Joe Biden must cease playing host to the Marxist parasites of his party and seize the moment, as Reagan did in 1987.  And maybe…just maybe…even salvage his disastrous clusterf*ck of a presidency in the process.

Cuba is like 90 miles from Florida.  This is literally in our own backyard.

You’re the leader of the FREE WORLD, Joe.  Take off your bathrobe, tell the Band of Merry Marxists that run your stupid party to F Off, and act like it.

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