Monthly Archives: December 2019

Merry Impeachment!

I’ve learned a lot of things from writing this blog for over 3 years.

And one of those things is that Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks really suck if you’re looking for clicks.

I mean, people are just too damn busy to give a shit about reading some snarky political blog…or simply consumed with getting on the other side of some crushing holiday hangover.

I feel ya, there.

And besides…who wants to be subjected to endless Michael Moore fat jokes at the very moment we’re all packing on those dreaded Holiday pounds.

Anyway, just a quick impeachment update so as not to deprive any political junkies out there in dire need of their weekly Drunken Republican fix.

I am a “Man of the People,” after all… Continue reading

Turn The Page

We’ve reached Final Jeopardy.

Good luck.

Answer:  This man had his reputation and civil rights defecated on by the Trump-Hating Deep State, and should sue the ass off of the Justice Department.

Annoying Jeopardy music playing……………..OK, pencils down.

Question:  Who is Carter Page?

So glad you asked.

Carter Page was a fringe foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign back in 2016.  And the corrupt upper echelon of the DOJ and FBI falsely accused poor old Carter of being a Russian asset as justification to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on him AND the Trump campaign.

It was at THAT very moment…the water broke…and the Trump/Russian collusion hoax was born. Continue reading

Farticles of Impeachment.

It was as predictable as a February snowstorm in Duluth.

The long-awaited Articles of Impeachment.

More like Farticles of Impeachment.  This whole thing has stunk to high heaven from the get-go.

The impeachment obsessed House Dems gleefully delivered this inevitable political happy ending to their Far Left Masters as the Founding Fathers spin like The Mouse House tea cups.

The Articles?…Abuse of Power?  Obstruction of Congress?  Bad Haircut?

Ok, the last one ain’t real.  May as well be though.  It’s as asinine as the first two.

I mean…can you GET more vague?  These charges are thinner than Joe Biden’s hair plugs.

What the hell happened to Bribery?  Quid Pro Quo?  Extortion?  

IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE!!!…said every Democrat in the Milky Way.

Sure.  Sure there was. Continue reading

Impeachment Intermission

I am sick to death of writing about impeachment…taking a breather this week.  At least.

Cool with you?

Well…OK…just a few comments before moving on…

This week, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler…the Human Weeble himself…is dragging in four Constitutional legal scholars to testify.

Three to advocate FOR impeachment…ALL three with known biases against Trump.

Heck…why not get ALL four that are in the tank?   Ya know, go big or go home.

Sounds as exciting as listening to Michael Moore’s arteries hardening.

Thanks…but I’ll pass. Continue reading