The Last Straw

I have to tell you…I think I understand Donald Trump almost as well as Melania does.  Of course, she’ll know things I NEVER will.  And let’s keep it that way.

But one thing has had me entirely perplexed.  And that is why he had not as yet declassified documents relating to the various investigations of the 2016 campaign.

Because he can.  Quite easily.

I mean, the basic outline of facts are well known and documented.  Trump was set up by the dirty cops at the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to appear to have conspired with Russia to give him an advantage in the 2016 election.

Then Jim Comey’s leak of classified information to The NY Times through an intermediary, spawned…as was his intent, fully admitted in sworn testimony…the Special Counsel investigation, filling Bob Mueller’s dance card for a couple of years.

An attempted bloodless coup…that failed miserably.

Note to Libs:  The movie “Mueller Goes To Washington” ended weeks ago…it’s time to exit the theater.

Just like there’s no crying in baseball…there are no do-overs in phony investigations.

We NOW know, of course, the most epic of ironies…that it was the Hillary campaign that conspired with Russia.

This, completely proven by multiple investigative committees in Congress, The Wall Street Journal, and MANY others.

Meanwhile, Hillary spends her days searching for full bottles of Chardonnay and relevance.

And never even a speck of interest about the scam from the Fake News Media or Mueller himself.  Remember, this was ALL about taking down Trump…NOT the truth.

The epitome of the ends justifying the means.

I find the fact that the Democrats and Media continue to pretend this Russian collusion bullshit wasn’t a corruptly predicated investigation BEYOND rich.

Speaking of the media frauds, Michael Goodwin of the NY Post writes…“The New York Times reached a new low by declaring in a news story that Trump is using “the intelligence to pursue his political enemies.”  The article, by David Sanger, never entertains the possibility that Barack Obama weaponized the FBI and CIA to block Trump from becoming president, or that Comey, Brennan and others aimed to depose him.  To consider that possibility would be to practice journalism. The Times doesn’t do that anymore.  Instead, the Gray Lady has become the errand boy for the deep state.”

Truer words never spoken.

But we DO need to cross some t’s and dot some i’s before we can plan the Perp-Walk-Pay-Per-View.

And for that, we need massive declassification of documents.  And it’s a treasure trove.


Apparently, keeping his powder dry until just the right moment.

That’s what stable genius’s do.

And that moment came last week, when Nincompoop Nancy Pelosi dragged her sagging, geriatric arse in front of the cameras…stunningly, RIGHT before a planned meeting with Trump on infrastructure…to laughably declare to the world that President Trump was engaged in some sort of cover-up.


Delusional doesn’t begin to describe these lying con artists.

Needless to say, that infrastructure meeting was more of a disaster than Maxine Water’s Mensa application.

Who has time to govern when you’re trying to impeach a President, silly!…said every House Democrat.

Anyway…about three nanoseconds after Pelosi tooth-sucked her way through the word “cover-up,” Trump bestowed upon Attorney General Bill Barr full authority to declassify any and all documents he saw fit…excluding those that could jeopardize national security, of course.

So…The party’s over for the Dems, period.  Adios.  Sayonara.  The fat lady has not only warmed up the old vocal cords…she has commenced belting.

Maybe the fat lady is Michael Moore in drag.  I don’t know.

All I know is that the sweet smell of justice is upon us….the sheer panic of the Deep State, palpable.  And even our great, first half-black President…The Messiah…Obama himself…can no longer hide out in that ginormous DC mansion, watching The Donald literally dismantle his entire, abysmal presidency.

What did you know, and when did you know it, Barry?  Huh?

We’re about to find out.




1 thought on “The Last Straw

  1. Taco Pepper

    More deep state paranoia. Investigating anyone for a potential crime does not make for a coup attempt. Pop Quiz: Which President’s son hosted a meeting with a Russian after learning she MIGHT have dirt on the Clintons, and then publicly lied about the purpose of the meeting? That’s a fact. Sorry if you choose to ignore it.


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