North KKKorea

Is there a better word to describe the past week than “chaos?”  Chaos caused by nut cake freaks, to be more precise.  As if that fat little psychopath man-boy with a cereal bowl haircut in North Korea wasn’t enough to have you reaching for the Zantac, then the Neo-Nazi, KKK misfit losers who decided to crawl out from under their respective racist rocks to have a picnic in the park in Charlottesville, VA surely was.  And right on cue, the despicable media, quite predictably, uses both situations to beat President Trump over the head with.  C’mon…to the media, what The Donald says about ANYTHING makes about as much difference as which scale Michael Moore crawls onto…it’s STILL gonna say 450 pounds.  Or what microphone Nancy Pelosi speaks into…her words will STILL be asinine.  ANY words uttered by Trump about ANY subject on ANY day makes the fake news media salivate hate like a rabid Pavlov’s dog.

We’re all well aware of the dangerous North Korea situation.  And while in recent days the media fell all over themselves to desperately declare that the THREE prior administrations ALL failed in their attempts to denuclearize North Korea, it’s laughable to equate Barack Obama’s abysmal failures in this arena to say, Bill Clinton.  I mean, to profess some equivalency of the actions in the recent Obama years to Bill Clinton back in 1994, vis-a-vis North Korea policy is preposterous.  It was Obama’s weak and feckless policies of appeasement that directly resulted in the North Korean mess dropping into President Trump’s lap like the crumbs from his Big Mac.  And this is just a preview for what we’ll be dealing with from Iran in the coming years…thanks Barry, on both counts.  Hope you’re enjoying your lifestyle of the rich and famous (say hi to Richard Branson for us), your $10 million book deals, and quite likely, your state-of-the-art bomb shelter.

So FINALLY…A president who will ACTUALLY talk tough to that portly provocateur over in North Korea…and MEAN it, because…well, THAT’S what he understands.  “Locked and Loaded”…”Fire and Fury”“DON’T F WITH US YOU PATHETIC TROLL!!.  Bravo!  Man, that is scratching me right where I itch.  OK, I added that last one, got a little carried away…sorry.  Of course, the lightweights in Lib Land would be all too happy to continue our Neville Chamberlain appeasement act of the past quarter century…right up until Kim Jong-Fatass drops a friggin’ nuke on Denver.  As one of my fav writers Michael Goodwin of the NY Post so eloquently states, “Given Kim’s warnings and his arsenal, the really odd thing isn’t that Trump is asserting American military supremacy and the willingness to use it if necessary. It’s that his predecessors didn’t.  The three previous presidents over a combined 24 years — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — all followed near-identical paths, and all failed to stop the North Korean nuclear program.  All three used diplomacy as a euphemism for kicking the can down the road. And they kicked it all the way to Trump’s desk, with Obama, on his way out the door, reportedly telling Trump that Kim had nukes.  Thanks for nothing, pal.”  Mic drop.

Battle of Charlottesville  

My initial two thoughts on the nauseating nonsense in Charlottesville this past weekend…First, no doubt 99% of this country, regardless of political ideology, find these racist bastards even more repugnant than Michael Moore in a leotard stumbling through a performance of Swan Lake.  Second, because of #1, if we simply ignored these subhuman pieces of dog squeeze, they would just slither back under the maggot infested dumpster from which they crawled.  Further, I thought Trump’s initial statement on this was fine.  I mean, what’s wrong with...“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”  Finehe should have called out these despicable groups by name…and subsequently did a couple of days later.  But please…who did these hysterical Trump haters think he was referring to when he condemned bigotry and hatred?  The friggin’ Girl Scouts?  Complete and utter intellectual dishonesty.  Believe me…the American people see right through this crap, regardless of the machinations and leg-wetting by the Lib talking heads and mealy-mouthed politicians.

Politically speaking, the horrendous events in Charlottesville was Christmas in August for the Dems.  Huh?  Allow me to explain…those on the Left and in the media operate daily off of anti-Trump, anti-Republican, and anti-Conservative narratives…truth be damned.  And one of those major narratives is that we are essentially a racist society.  We are not…despite a fringe element of racist yahoos that are sure to always exist in a country of 320 million people.  Anyway, the “Trump is a racist” slanderous narrative that began during the campaign has become as indestructible as the ginormous rats in the New York City subway.  So, when these putrid, albeit fringe and miniscule, Neo-Nazi groups meet in a park somewhere to spew their hate…it simply becomes the vehicle upon which those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome declare him an “accomplice,” and a marathon of Trump hating rhetoric by the media and those on the Left ensues.  That’s the template my friends.  The end game is to simply advance their political agenda and narrative…nothing more, nothing less.  Their feigned outrage and moral superiority act is more comical than a Chris Rock HBO special.

Consider the following two diametrically opposed statements.   The first, courtesy of someone whose incompetence is exceeded only by her corruption and stupidity…California Lib Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who babbled the following incoherent gibberish on Twitter…Trump has made it clear – w/ Bannon & Gorka in the WH, & the Klan in the streets, it is now the White Supremacists’ House.”  Wow…calling this woman a nitwit would be a massive insult to nitwits worldwide.  And now, as we re-enter the realm of sanity, a statement from the mother of the young woman killed at the Charlottesville protest, “Thank you, President Trump, for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred.”

So…Who will you stand with?




1 thought on “North KKKorea

  1. Taco Pepper

    His quote was “there are fine people on both sides.” I’m sorry, if you choose to march in a park with people wearing swastikas and carrying rebel flags and torches, that pretty much disqualifies you from my nice person list. From where I sit, the POTUS swung and missed bad on this one repeatedly and is being appropriately scorned by most of his own party, not to mention the rest of the country.


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