The REAL Russian Collusion

Sometimes in life you just have to rise above it all, be the bigger person, and admit you’re wrong…a sentiment that surely hits home for us married guys (c’mon ladies, don’t act like you don’t know EXACTLY what I’m talking about).  For months, I was certain this whole Russian collusion nonsense was just that…nonsense.  But now?  I may have been all wet on this thing from the get-go.  Well, I should clarify…the Trump/Russia connection is still nonsense…a Deep State/Lib Media witch hunt of epic proportions.  You see, evidence is growing like dandelions at an abandoned Hillary campaign office that it’s been the Democrat party ALL ALONG playing election footsie with the Ruskies.  Wait…what??

So here’s the skinny on the Dem collusion story, in my best attempt at the Reader’s Digest version…Fusion GPS is a sort of shadowy opposition research firm that was instrumental in producing the infamous “Trump Dossier,” which contained outrageous and subsequently disproven allegations regarding Trump’s Russian connections.  There has been plenty of reporting exposing a sort of political love triangle between Fusion GPS, Russia, and the Democrat party.  In other words, these three “entities” are seemingly the Three Stooges of election shenanigans.  Hmmm…Dems colluding with Russia to affect the election?  Sound familiar?  This story is finally getting the attention it deserves as Congress has already held hearings on the matter.  Of course, the big fat joke here (no, NOT Michael Moore), is that the mainstream media, whose obsession with Russia has reached the level of a crack addict, refuses to report on ANY of this as they shake in their liberal loafers.  This tells you one thing, and one thing only…that THEY know this story is not just smoke, but a raging inferno. Otherwise, they would be wailing from the highest peak in Liberal Utopia refuting it.

So fine, the Lib media has completely buried this bombshell…but to what end?  I mean, this isn’t 1977.  You have Fox News…and an ENTIRE INTERNET for God’s sake.  The only thing these putrid media frauds accomplish by burying stories that incriminate their fellow Libtards is to drive the final nail into their coffin of credibility.  These losers are more divorced from reality that the entire Psych Ward at the Mayo Clinic.  Here are some spot on thoughts by Kim Strassel, a widely respected journalist on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board...“What if, all this time, Washington and the media have had the Russia collusion story backward? What if it wasn’t the Trump campaign playing footsie with the Vladimir Putin regime, but Democrats? The more we learn about Fusion, the more this seems a possibility.”   

More than a possibility, in fact, when you get a load of this little golden nugget…despite some congressional inquiry into this, the Democrats in Congress have blocked the testimony of Fusion Chief Glenn Simpson, presumably because they don’t want him asked WHO PAID HIS OUTFIT FOR THE TRUMP-SMEARING DOSSIER!  My God, you don’t need to be Sherlock Friggin’ Holmes to figure this out!  Thankfully, all of this is getting more exposed than the nut cakes running around a nudist colony.  But grab some popcorn and a cold one…it’s gonna take a while.

The Mooch Has Left The Building – Let this one slip by without a comment or two?  Surely you jest.  The White House Staff merry-go-round continues.  Let’s see…Priebus out, Scaramucci in, Kelly in, Scaramucci out.  In that order.  Got all that?  First, replacing Priebus with General Kelly as Chief-of-Staff is like replacing Colin Kaepernick with Tom Brady.  Good move on any planet, any day of the week.  Jesus… Scaramucci deserved to be canned for bad judgement alone…never mind the, uh…colorful language.  He calls some Lib reporter and goes off on a profanity-filled rant?  On the record, off the record…whatever.  That’s just crap judgement deserving of a boot right out into the middle of traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue.  AND his wife simultaneously filed for divorce.  Rough week by any measure.  No need to shed a tear for The Mooch, though. He is worth a reported $85M, will quite likely be dating women 20 years his junior, AND has great hair.

I mean, what else could a guy possibly want?

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