Comma La Is Who We Thought She Was

The desperation of the Left is palpable.  Their panic, as visible as a full moon in a cloudless midnight sky.  Comma La’s campaign of “joy” and “vibes” has quickly morphed into a political Titanic, slamming into a gigantic iceberg of reality.

More like “joyless” and “bad vibes.”  These bastards are more nervous than a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.

Everyone loves sports analogies.  So much so, I’ll give you two.

Way back in 2006, Dennis Green, the head coach of the hapless Arizona Cardinals, lost a game on a Monday night to the Chicago Bears…DA BEARS!…after blowing a 20-point lead.

In responding to a question in the postgame press conference, a visibly frustrated Green provided one of the most famous outbursts in NFL history, screaming…”THE BEARS ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!!!”

And so it goes with both presidential candidates.

WE KNOW WHO THEY F*CKING ARE!!!  Continue reading

Fake Debates, Real Assassinations

In the latest installment of The Drunken Republican “Nobody Gives a Shit” news…

This is my 300th blog post.  At least according to WordPress.  I didn’t actually count them.  Yay me!

So, I acknowledge being a bit tardy in commenting on these subjects, but never stopped me before…said the man with no shame.

Anyway…Let’s start with a quote that is anything but a word salad…

“The journalistic malfeasance is ubiquitous.”

That overtly unambiguous…and accurate…quote is from none other than Megyn Kelly, who hosts one of the top podcasts on the planet. If you’re interested in politics, you must check it out.

And she’s still as hot as ever…for those, like me, that care about such superficial drivel.

Anyway…that quote reflected her monumental outrage at the so-called Trump/Harris “debate” on ABC.

Spot on as usual, Megyn. Continue reading

Political Twilight Zone

I want to declare once and for all that I am fully behind LGBTQ.  I mean, c’mon…Liquor, Guns, Beer, Titties, and Quickies?  What’s not to like?

Ok, I saw that somewhere online and it really spoke to me in a profound way, so just wanted to share.  And if I offend a few sense-of-humor challenged Libs along the way – BONUS!!!

Surely everyone knows by now that RFKJ endorsed Trump.  Suspends his campaign in all the battleground states.  Eat your hearts out Lefty’s, as you laughably poo poo the whole thing.  Love how RFKJ has called out his beloved Democrat Party as the corrupt Marxists they have morphed into.

Tough decision, admire him for it.  Basically shits on his whole family, who universally despise Trump.  His wife, Cheryl Hines, a Hollywood actress of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame, will no doubt lose a lot of work in La La Land.

RFKJ’s mantra…Make America Healthy Again.  I mean…Who can’t get behind that in America…Land of the Obese.

Think of it.  If I told you five years ago that Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and a whole bunch of Silicon Valley tech billionaires would all endorse The Orange Monster for President, you’d have told me to put down that bong IMMEDIATELY!!! Continue reading

A Campaign About Nothing

The way I see it, if the Democrats gave a flying F about “Democracy,” they would have concocted some process at their convention by which the party could have opened up their nomination process to all comers.  A chaotic proposition to be sure.  But Democracy’s messy sometimes, ya know?

If this, among a thousand other things, doesn’t convince you that this Leftist crew hates Democracy, the Constitution, and the country – well, I can’t help pull your head out of your ass.

But I can loan you a flashlight.  On second thought…how about you just keep that flashlight.  Ew.

The Dem convention.  What a phony shit show of glitzy nothingness and shameless gaslighting.  Anything they said Trump would do if elected was a total 180 from the truth.  Lies, lies, and more lies.

They stick Biden on stage for his “farewell” speech at 11:30 at night…ON MONDAY…when precisely 17 insomniacs are watching.  Man, did they screw Dementia Boy big time. Continue reading

Kamala Koronation

Despite the best efforts of the Democrats and their bootlickers in the mainstream media to sell Kamala Harris as a “moderate,” and coronate her as the next Margaret Thatcher, or Barack Obama with a vagina, they’ll ultimately fail in scraping off of her the left-wing stench of San Francisco progressivism.

The same media that laughably told us for nearly four years that Joe Biden was cognitively sharp as a tack, will tell Americans that Kamala Harris is a raging moderate.

So grab some popcorn, because we are in the midst of an ideological remake of Kamala Harris that is absolutely breathtaking.

Right off the bat, these purveyors of misinformation are telling the American public that Kamala Harris was, in fact, not the Border Czar.  An Associated Press article in March 2021 stated, “President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.”

In government, the word “czar” is often used to describe one leading a large effort…whether in an official title or not.  Harris was, in fact, tapped to lead the border effort.  So now, Democrats and their media friends would rather play games of childish semantics instead of acknowledging an obvious truth. Continue reading


Good title.  Bulletproof, indeed.  When the figurative morphs into the literal.

I’ve talked about it forever…I’ve written about it forever…I’ve feared it forever.

No, not inadvertently walking in on Joy Behar changing into her itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny bikini.  Cellulite City.  Although that’s right up there on the list of things that simultaneously horrify and nauseate me.  

The last, best hope of the Democrats to take Trump out was through their lawfare, banana republic shit.  It was never gonna work.  

Quite predictably, the adults eventually sauntered into the room…be it the Supreme Court, various appellate courts, or maybe even a random non-corrupt judge that wasn’t a Democrat plant (see Florida documents case)…and summarily defecated on all these ginned-up, illegitimate cases like a homeless crack addict dropping a big steamy burrito right in front of a San Francisco Chipotle.  

Look, I’m no genius…as my better half seems to remind me every day.  Nor am I prescient.

But I’ve predicted forever…probably along with tens of millions of my closest friends…that every attempt by the Racist, Marxist Left to crow bar Trump out of the race would crash and burn so violently, it would make the Hindenburg look like a mere fender bender. Continue reading

Debate Dementia

As Joe Biden delivered the nation a cornucopia of incoherence in the first debate against former President Trump last Thursday night, a myriad of thoughts were violently bouncing around in my head like a malfunctioning pinball machine.

If only Dementia Joe’s brain synapses were firing with equal vigor.  Or at all.

Offering nothing but confused, meandering gibberish, and a stare as vacant as an old, abandoned Blockbuster, I couldn’t help but think about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Oh c’mon you remember…the porridge is too hot, then too cold, then just right?

So…think back to the State of the Union address, when a totally different (read: “jacked-up”) Joe Biden screamed and scowled his way through the roughly 90 minute address.

One need not possess a medical degree from Johns Hopkins to know the meds were too much.  For the debate…if you wanna call it that…the meds were too little.  Following this truly disturbing analogy to its logical conclusion, maybe…just maybe…the White House Docs will get the meds JUUUUUUST RIGHT for the next debate on September 10th.   

Third time’s a charm, as they say. Continue reading

Collateral Damage

Don’t ya love how these Libtards squeal endlessly that TRUMP’S A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!   We’re NOT a Democracy, of course, but a Constitutional Republic.  But a lot of these assholes can’t even figure out what f*cking gender they are, so why WOULD they understand nuances vis-a-vis various forms of governance.

I mean, aren’t these Leftist pukes the ones that have Banana Republic’d our entire government by corrupting and weaponizing once revered institutions like the DOJ and FBI, using them to imprison their chief political opponent, and create a wholly two-tiered justice system?

Aren’t these the scumbags that committed election interference all day long in the 2020 election through back door censorship, utilizing their appendages in the mainstream media and social media companies to not just censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, but shadow ban Conservatives, their message, and squash ANY negative story about Biden like a kid stepping on a helpless ant?

And what about those 51 Intel officials who knowingly lied…at the behest of the Biden campaign in 2020…that the Hunter laptop had “the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” when they KNEW that was a lie?  The FBI authenticated that laptop at least a year earlier.

All so Biden had a talking point in the debate with Trump.  This is a level of corruption and election interference Russian and China could only dream of. Continue reading

Biden Lies, Economic Edition

Think I’m gonna just bite the bullet and change the name of this blog to The Lazy Republican…at least based on the number of blogs I publish these days.  And never being one to shy away from a shortcut or the easy way out, I’m now simply going to share my latest guest commentary published in the Orlando Sentinel several weeks ago.

Besides, I’m off on another cruise, currently docked in Greenland, ultimately sailing over to Iceland.  And getting motivated to do anything beyond eating, drinking sleeping, and sightseeing is a total non-starter.

OK, maybe drinking should be first on that list…he said in a rare moment of self-awareness.

So, the Orlando Sentinel slapped a title on this that read, “Biden’s Economic Claims Lack Context.”  That’s more sugar-coated than a box glazed donuts, for shit’s sake.

The Liberal Schmucks of the mainstream media.  Enemy of the people, right Donald?  Hahaha…GOTTA LOVE’EM.

Anyway…Enjoy the following rare “expletive free” dissertation… Continue reading

Crossing the Rubicon

So truth be told, I was going to write a blog once the Trump verdict came in.  But not knowing how long that would take, and being on the verge of leaving on a rather lengthy trip, I decided to publish one in advance of that.  And several hours later, the guilty verdict came in.

Shit timing.  Welcome to my world.  Timing is indeed, everything.

Anyway, just wanted to opine on this while things are still pretty raw, kind of an epilogue to my, um, premature dissertation.  Not all the corrupt, unfair minutiae.  Just like 30,000 foot level stuff.

Once I heard the verdict, and the cloudy haze of confusion and utter disgust began to clear…almost at the level of being sick to my stomach…here were my thoughts…

As I heard many experts say, a biased judge can literally steer a jury to a particular verdict.  Starting from rulings long before the trial begins in terms of admissible evidence and a myriad of other things, rulings during the trial, and most importantly, the absurd and incomprehensible jury instructions. Continue reading