Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

The Democrat’s DeSantis Dilemma

I am definitely the yin to the Loony Left’s yang.

I mean, I love Trump, they hate Trump.  I love this country. They hate this racist, sexist, homophobic piece of shit country.  I love border and election security.  They hate…OK, you get the gist.

So where am I going with all this?  Where else?  Sunny Florida, of course!

Specifically, the Governor’s mansion, where Ron DeSantis currently resides, along with his wife Casey, Florida’s Smokin’ Hot First Lady.

I mean, if she were President, she’d be Baberham Lincoln.

Classic line from Garth in Wayne’s World.  Couldn’t resist.

Anyway…as much as I love Ron DeSantis, the Left and their media concubines hate him even more. Continue reading

PLAY BALL!!! Just not in Atlanta…

As I continually opine about all the nonsense that pisses me off on a near daily basis, I try not to be the blogger who cried wolf…perpetual outrage about everything.

But I have to tell you…this phony, fraudulent, parade of lies about Georgia’s recent election reforms is boiling my nuts as much as anything these Leftist pieces of shit have ever served up.

Claims of voting hours ending at 5pm, voters not allowed any water while in line, have been debunked by elections experts AND even the uber-liberal quack-journalists at the Washington Post, who gave President Corpse their highest “lie rating”…Four Pinocchio’s.

Yet, our decomposing, “Weekend at Bernie’s” President keeps repeating the lies…ad nauseam…as does his smug little chickadee Press Secretary, Peppermint Patty.

Ah…memories.  Remember how Peppermint Patty’s little friend Marcie always called her “Sir?”  One could go in a lot of weird directions with that, but Peppermint Patty WAS a bit on the “butch” side, and Marcie WAS blind as a bat.  I mean, do the math.

But I digress. Continue reading

Depress Conference

Eh, not a bad title.  But a distant second to the NY Post headline the next day…GLAZED AND CONFUSED.

BAHAHAHAHA!  Love that.

I thought The Poseidon Adventure was the biggest disaster I’d ever seen until I witnessed Joe Biden’s long delayed first press conference.

Incoherence.  Derailed trains of thought.  Lies.  Reading from notes.  More lies.  A fawning, starry-eyed media. 

I half-thought one of the chick journalists was going to ask him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

I like to refer to it as journalistic fellatio.  But then again, I have no qualms with offensive imagery.  I might lose a subscriber or two over THAT one.

Brain freezes, word salads, talking himself into verbal cul-de-sacs for which there was no outlet.

He stumbled more than a dude with two club feet on an icy sidewalk, and incessantly lied his sorry, demented ass off…particularly about the predictable main topic, the crisis at the southern border. Continue reading

Border Disorder

Joe Biden has monumentally exceeded all of my wildest expectations.

I expected him…as merely a confused vessel of the Far Left…to fully, completely, and unequivocally f*ck up this country – but the old senile bastard has done it WAY faster than I ever thought possible.


An absolute comedy of errors.  Unfortunately, effing up the country is no laughing matter.

All of these bastards – Biden himself, his 24/7 mask-wearing potted-plant of a VP, and the rest of his “off-the-deep-left-end,” America-hating administration cronies, with an assist from the boot (among other things) licking media, effortlessly lie to your face every time they open their disgusting pie holes.

I’m sensing my next umpteen blogs will be in the vain of…”How is Biden Effing Up The Country…Let Me Count The Ways.”

But lets commence with his gold medal f*ck up, immigration. Continue reading

The End Is Near

Like an opioid addict locked in a CVS pharmacy overnight, I just can’t help myself.  I’m sorry to drag you through this muck again.

But I gotta piggyback a tad on last week’s brilliant dissertation on the breathtaking insanity and divisiveness of cancel culture.

And elevate the conversation to make a much bigger point.

OK, “elevating” conversations isn’t my forte, but I’m gonna give it a whirl.

Again, I’m completely obsessed with this crap…like this week’s latest entry…an attempt by some nitwit NY Times Lib columnist named Charles Blow to cancel Speedy Gonzalez.

No need to brace yourself…I’ll resist jokes about that fabulous last name.  And yes…it’s killing me. Continue reading

The Woke Joke

My God, the Wacko Woke Mob has been working three shifts lately.  

It seems every morning lately after I stumble out of bed and swear to God I’ll never drink again, I flip on the tube and hear yet another person or company being canceled for using the wrong friggin’ pronoun, saying something “offensive” in 1979, or some such ridiculous woke shit.

Do these snowflakes have goddamn jobs?  ANY of them?  Always my first thought.  Right after questioning my alcohol consumption, that is.

I’m completely obsessed with this nonsense.  I’ll admit it.  I think it’s like a 57 car pile-up on some iced-over interstate…horribly destructive…but I just can’t look away.

And curiously intrigued by the Commie Pinko jerk-offs that push this crap.  “Loser” doesn’t begin to describe these subversive scumbags. Continue reading

Impeachment Freak Show…The Sequel

As I begin writing this blog on Fat Tuesday, I suddenly realize that for Michael Moore, EVERY Tuesday is Fat Tuesday.  Just an observation.

And now, against my better judgement, some “impeachment” observations…

The Founding Fathers…THOSE HORRIBLE SLAVE OWNING RACISTS!…are spinning out of control in their graves like malfunctioning rotisserie chickens at how the Democrats have so cheapened the impeachment process, as to render it completely meaningless.

Just like they did to the word “racist.”

I can hear it now…TRUMP IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT IMPEACHED TWICE!!!  Also two acquittals, douchebags.

Sort of cancels them out, right?  I KNOW the Left understands that “cancel” shit perfectly.

And like that even means ANYTHING…when every Democrat on the planet psychotically screamed they would impeach Trump…BEFORE HE WAS EVEN ELECTED!!

And as such, Libtards…NOBODY TAKES ANY OF THIS SERIOUSLY.  Never did.  Except, that is, you and your fawning Media, pleasuring you 24/7 under your fancy antique desk. Continue reading

Glass Half Full

Three things that didn’t surprise me this week:

Michael Moore broke ANOTHER scale.
Joe Biden got lost on his way back from the presidential crapper.
Tom Brady won ANOTHER Super Bowl.

Anyway…Not sure how discernible it is from my writings…one might need to read between the old lines…but I do have a bit of a soft spot for Donald Trump, the big lug.

And despite the 2020 election…ripped-off like the hubcaps on a broken down Mercedes on I-95…resulting in just a single term for Big Bad Orange Man…there is a glass half full perspective with all of this.

Truth be told, I’m usually more of a “the glass is friggin’ leaking and EMPTY” kind of guy.

To be clear, glass half-full for me…and about 75 million of my closest friends…NOT the Trump Derangement Syndrome half-wits, clearly suffering from an even worse, fully metastasized version of post-Trump TDS, destroying them from within, like some flesh-eating amoeba.

Continue reading

Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs

Last week, I bloviated about a couple of the more disastrous Biden executive orders/actions…and there are a shit ton of others…but I won’t belabor the point.

OK, maybe for one more week.  [The crowd groans]

Ya know, I’m a curious guy…and I just can’t get past this one particular executive order allowing transgender folks…biological “males”…to participate in “women’s” sports.

I mean, was there some clamoring for this in the country that I wasn’t aware of?  Is it some kind of weird “virtue signaling” or “identity politics” the left is pathetically addicted to?  Is Biden making a full-court-press for the “transgender” vote in 2024?

I mean…is THAT even a “thing?”


Look, God knows I have nothing against transgender folks…although some Lefty A-Hole out there will surely brand me a bigot for daring to even question this nonsense…but, c’mon…WTF?

With the stroke of a pen, President Sleepy effectively destroys women’s sports? Continue reading

Executive (Dis)Order

We’re often told elections have consequences.  True dat.

Especially stolen ones.

And this has never been proven MORE true than this past week…the first week of the Biden Administration…which, if it were a summer flick, would be titled, “F*cking Up America One Executive Order at a Time.”

Or maybe “Weekend at Joey’s.”

A propped-up presidency.  Literally.  I swear, I thought I saw one of his sniveling lackeys hold a mirror under his nostrils to see if it fogged up.


Anyway…Biden crammed an executive order colonoscopy…sans lube…up the collective caboose of Americans in the first week…already 40 and counting…AN ALL-TIME RECORD! as The Donald would proudly exclaim…one more disastrous for the country than the next. Continue reading