Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

“Biden Sucks” – A Holiday Sing-A-Long

So, here I sit, stuck in the middle of this Holiday purgatory, ya know, that no-man’s-land week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  Just been chillin’, looking forward to the winter of  sickness and death promised to us by our beloved, squinty-eyed White House occupant.

Been a pretty low key week…in fact the most exciting thing that happened was someone attempting to post a comment expressing GREAT disappointment upon learning that I was still alive and had NOT in fact died of Covid.  Ah, the life of a political blogger.

The Drunken Republican Investigative Division has kicked-off a probe on that aforementioned nasty comment, and has initially narrowed the suspect list to either my wife or mother.  I sense some sort of weird collaboration.  Stay tuned.

Anyway…in my never-ending quest to amuse myself (which often comes in the form of mocking and shitting on Joe Biden), and still very much in the Holiday spirit, I immediately thought it would be a hoot to rewrite the lyrics of Jingle Bells in that Biden-Mocking genre.

So warm up those vocal cords and sing-along to this political version of Jingle Bells, quite obviously and appropriately titled, “Biden Sucks.”  Enjoy! Continue reading

Cruising, Christmas Markets, and Covid

Pretty sure I just set the inauspicious record for the longest stretch of time without posting a blog…close to a month…since I started this nonsense way back in 2016, when Crooked Hillary was still coughing her way through piss-poorly attended campaign events, and rocking the XXL pantsuit du jour.

Not that anyone gives a shit or even noticed…he said self-loathingly, channeling his inner Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh’s donkey pal.

Anyway, finally back on that horse.

And now for something completely different…as the Monty Python guys used to say…and without further ado…


THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! Continue reading

The Kyle Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse.  Self Defense.  NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS.  Obviously.

At least obvious to honest people with an IQ over 50 that actually watched the trial…which clearly excludes all Biden voters, and even Sleepy himself, who stunningly and inappropriately tweeted that he was “angry and concerned” about the verdict.

Can you imagine an occupant of the White House defecating on that brave jury and our justice System like that?  Absolutely nauseating.  Go back to sleep Joe, you idiotic corrupt dementia patient.

But this trial was far more than what felt like a daytime legal reality series watched obsessively by housewives and old retired dudes.  It was an absolute case study in everything that’s destroying our country…phony media narratives cloaked in the purposely divisive politics of race.

It was the media narrative itself…phonier than the fake boobs on some extremely high maintenance trophy wife…that prompted action by Rittenhouse in the first place that fateful night in Kenosha, and will change his life forever.

If you recall, BLM (& other) rioters commenced burning down Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020 after the Media Marxists reported that a black dude by the name of Jacob Blake…whom they inaccurately described as “unarmed”…was shot by a police officer, paralyzing him.

LET THE LIE ORGY BEGIN!!! Continue reading

Rejection Election

Late into the evening on election night last week, I sensed what felt like the ground rumbling under my feet.  An earthquake?  Nah.  Michael Moore doing jumping jacks?

Probably not…although completely plausible.

I mean, plausible if he ACTUALLY did them, but Lord Fat Ass would never push himself away from the feed bag long enough to…shit, you know what I mean.

Anyway…It really WAS an earthquake of sorts…and one that logged in at a whopping 9.7 on the Political Richter Scale.  The ground opened up right under the dirty, stinky, putrid feet of the Democrat Party, and sucked them in like a ginormous Florida sinkhole swallowing up several Buicks.

The marquee win of the night was Republican Glenn Youngkin, elected Governor of Virginia over a retread from the Clinton years, Terry McCauliffe.  Beat him by about two points in a state that went +10 for Dementia Boy in 2020.

Oh, it gets even better.  A black immigrant woman from Jamaica and a Hispanic gentleman also won in Virginia for the GOP…for Lieutenant Gov. and Attorney General, respectively.  And nothing drives Libs battier that Republicans who are minorities.  Nothing.  Nada. Continue reading

Stream of Consciousness…

…Or unconsciousness, as it were.

Jumping right in…

Ok, real quick, before I forget…Just ordered my LET’S GO BRANDON t-shirt on Amazon.  GREAT SELECTION!  Be one of the cool kids and order yours TODAY!

Now, on to business…

Actor Alec Baldwin accidentally killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on a movie set with a supposed “prop gun” is as tragic as it gets.  Horrible and heartbreaking.  Period.  Nothing much else to say.

Except this…if it was some “conservative” or “Trump supporting” actor that had accidentally fired this lethal shot, Baldwin would have crucified this person, and used the whole unfortunate incident to kick off some sick attack on conservatives and the 2nd Amendment.  He would have zero…and I mean ZERO…compassion for that person.

You and I both know it.  He’s a mean SOB.  So F Alec Baldwin.  Yeah.  Screw him.  Sorry, just the way I feel. Continue reading


Guilty pleasures.  Is there anything better?  Wondering where the hell I’m going with this?

Not to worry, nothing perverted and/or illegal.  But we could certainly explore that down the road.  As always, THOSE overarching themes being “victimless crime” and “consenting adults.”  For future reference.

But I digress.

Nope.  Nothing like that. Just a good old-fashioned, rip-roaring Trump rally!


And I’m drawn to them like Michael Moore to a half-price buffet.

I’ll paint the picture…

Last Saturday night.  Iowa.  Popcorn.  Beer.  Beer.  Another beer.  And The Donald…UNPLUGGED!  Ok, he’s ALWAYS unplugged.  It was the happiest, most entertaining four years of my life…politically speaking, at least. Continue reading

Horse’s Ass

Um…”President” Horse’s Ass, to be exact.

The Current Occupant of the White House should go on America’s Got Talent as a magician because everything he touches miraculously turns to shit.


I’m literally getting whiplash, spinning my head around in all different directions looking at the endless disasters created…either purposely or through sheer incompetence…by Crappy Joe.

Like a 5-year-old on his first trip to Toys-R-Us looking at all the play things, or a 19-year-old at his first strip club, looking at all the…uh…play things.


Biden’s “Moving On” Fantasy

So you say Joe Biden has done nothing to unite the country??? 


Saw a video the other day as Mets and Yankee fans, upon their exit from Citi Field after a game in their Subway Series last weekend, broke out into an impromptu chant of…


As a long suffering Mets fan, I can tell you unequivocally that uniting Met and Yankee fans is like Donald Trump and Maxine Waters burying the hatchet and recreating the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape.


But yes…Joe Biden did the impossible, simply by…


KUDOS, JOEY!  Extra dose of Metamucil for YOU, Big Guy!!! Continue reading


Botched!  Incompetence!  Disgrace!  Embarrassment!  Negligence!

What does it spell?!   BIDEN!!!

Just a few words off the top of my noggin to characterize Bumbling Biden’s inexplicable, unforgivable, humiliating, epically botched exit from Afghanistan.

The wheels were barely up on the last C-17 sailing out of Kabul into the wild blue yonder when predictable reports surfaced of the Taliban going door-to-door slaughtering Afghans and their families who assisted the U.S. over the past couple decades.

Joe Biden, who I refuse to call anything but “occupant of the White House,” has solidified himself as, by far, the worst “occupant of the White House,” at least in modern history.

To be fair, that pretty much happened before this latest Afghanistan catastrophe.  (See the southern border). Continue reading


Like my mother-in-law, some things just don’t age well.

Don’t worry…my wife rarely reads my blog, she’ll never see that.  But if you do come across a headline that a political blogger was bludgeoned to death with some random appliance or yard tool, at least you’ll have the inside scoop.

Anyway, back to things that don’t age well.  Last weeks blog.  Oh c’mon, you remember, I was so adamant that NY Governor Pervert would NEVER resign?  Then he did like 5 minutes later?

Simply a victim of conventional wisdom.  Not the first time, nor the last.

There.  Nice to unburden myself.  I feel like Michael Moore was just lifted off my shoulders.  Probably with a crane. Continue reading