Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

The January Sick Committee

Killer title.  I’m sure some wisenheimer came up with it before me somewhere…but I haven’t seen it.  Lifting other people’s material is ALWAYS bad karma.

So, I’ve previously addressed the Democrat’s January 6th political bludgeon, but now that this shiny penny is being breathlessly and giddily reported 24/7…and giving the Dems and the media big, raging woodies…ew…I feel compelled to opine yet again about the complete and utter one-sided, phony, political sham that is Nutty Nancy’s so-called “committee.”

Let’s just start with the end game for these corrupt Libs…which is simply to ultimately “compel” Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict Trump on some felony charge…ANY FELONY…and convict him so he can’t run again.

The Holy Grail, if you will.  And about as likely as Ivanka Trump feeding me grapes on some ginormous yacht in Monte Carlo this weekend.

Anyway…Pelosi blew every norm to smithereens vis-a-vis House Committees when she rejected some of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s five GOP picks to sit on this committee…specifically Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN).

This goes against 232 years of precedent.  That means IT’S NEVER F*CKING HAPPENED. Continue reading

Hot Takes…

They say words are free.  And I use a lot of them…too many, in fact.  So in that spirit, I’m gonna try something a little different…a lightning round, of sorts.

At least as much “lightning” as I can muster at my age…my wife nodding in furious agreement.

Here goes…

On the heels of Disney’s recent disastrous foray into the world of woke political activism, an observant Netflix has apparently been scared straight, and issued a memo to employees that basically said…and I’ll paraphrase…if anything in our core business doesn’t meet with your woke approval, you’re free to leave.

To paraphrase more bluntly…both you AND your goddamn pronouns can F off if Dave Chappelle OFFENDS YOU!

Maybe this insane woke shit is finally jumping the shark…with apologies to Fonzie, his motorcycle, and of course, the infamous shark. Continue reading

Rowing and Wading Through The Abortion Muck

In writing this blog, I’ve always had a self-imposed rule of sorts not to opine much, if at all, on social issues.  Folks have deep, heartfelt beliefs, often based on religious considerations, that I fully respect on these types of issues…regardless of what I believe personally.

It’s more a matter of “beliefs” vs. a “right or wrong” answer.

Contrast this with things that make me completely f*cking mental…like open border policies, and an all-out war on fossils fuels…including clean and abundant natural gas…that has driven inflation to near double digits.  These are bone-crushing, blindly ideological policies that are both wrong and destructive all effing day long.

Anyway…in spite of all this, I have no real choice OTHER than to give my thoughts on the latest abortion kerfuffle…if for no other reason, the historic nature of it…driven by the unprecedented attack on the Supreme Court that was the leak of a draft decision written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito that at least indicates a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Cue the Left Wing Outrage Machine. Continue reading

Musk And Other Miscellaneous Musings

Ah, so many things and people to bitch about, mock, and rail on, and so little time.   Getting right to it…

At the risk of stating the obvious…there’s a single reason for Joe Biden’s tepid, less than enthusiastic support of Ukraine and Churchillian Bad Ass ex-Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

I mean, too little, too late, milque toast sanctions, which have barely left a mark on Putin’s ability to continue to rake in billions daily hawking his dirty oil to fund the war…refusal to cough up some of the old Soviet-era MiG jets Zelenskyy is begging for, and would be a total game-changer…and a breathtaking inability to say out loud he even wants a Ukraine victory.

The reason Alzheimer Joe is kissing that evil MFer Putin’s shirtless Commie Pinko ass should be obvious to anyone with any semblance of a brain…with apologies to The Scarecrow.

Guys like Putin in Russia, Xi Jinping in China, and others…and their respective intelligence agencies…know every excruciating detail of the Biden Crime Family’s influence-selling operation over the past few decades.

EVERY.  SINGLE.  DETAIL. Continue reading

The October Surprise That Wasn’t

I love how people still use the term THE BIG LIE!!!  And most often with blood drenched veins bulging from their temples.

It’s so become part of our political vernacular, I don’t even have to define it here…we ALL know what it refers to.  And notwithstanding ongoing forensic audits of ballots in multiple battleground states that have turned up a multitude of, shall we say, “issues” with hundreds of thousands of ballots…most of us will go to our graves believing what we believe on that front.

And that’s just fine.

But THE BIG LIE itself is a big lie.  And it has absolutely nothing to do with the existence (or not) of fraudulent votes.

A couple weeks ago, The NY TIMES very quietly admitted the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop was, in fact, as real as the waves of blubber enveloping Michael Moore’s bloated carcas.  And it was quite stealthily slipped deep into the bowels of some story about Hunter Biden’s mounting legal and tax issues.

Into the 24th paragraph, to be precise.  And as you know, we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to accuracy. Continue reading

Bad Ass 101

Ukraine.  What a clusterf*ck.  That goddamn Putin.  Riding around shirtless on a friggin’ horse.  Remember that?  Who does he think he is, Mark Wahlberg?  Now THERE’S a guy that looks good shirtless…so the ladies tell me.

Anyway…A recent Harvard-Harris poll indicates that 62% of Americans believe Putin doesn’t invade Ukraine if Trump was President.

Intuitively obvious, no?

And the 38% that disagreed with that are the same roughly 38% that polling shows approves of Biden’s abysmal, nearly annihilistic job performance.  Funny how that works, huh?

I mean, Putin pulled this shit under Bush 43 (Georgia), Obumma (Crimea), and now Ukraine under Dementia Joe.

No way to definitively PROVE this of course.  But one can often draw very clear conclusions based on a shit ton of evidence, history, and in Trump’s case, a body of work. Continue reading

Freedom Fighters

Gone are the days when I thought of Canada, just three things came to mind…

Hockey, of course…calling people HOSERS!…and all those Loser Libs who definitively declare “I SWEAR I’M MOVING TO CANADA” if some Republican (even those not named Trump) wins an election.  And sadly, not a one of them ever…EVER…follows-thru.

But as always…hope springs eternal.  Put more bluntly…Love it or leave it, a-hole.

Anyway…Every damn one of us should be absolutely sickened at the images of the police brutality those Canadian truckers have endured for simply PEACEFULLY PROTESTING authoritarian, freedom-killing, non-science based Covid vaccine mandates forced on them by that Progressive Pansy Justin Trudeau.

I get that those peacefully protesting truckers were impacting commerce between the U.S. and Canada by blocking transportation routes.  And that Trudeau was within his rights to threaten arrest unless the truckers at least stopped blocking roads while protesting.

Of course, as you probably know, this is simply know as “civil disobedience”…which MAY ultimately get you arrested…but as any good leg-wetting liberal worth his salt will tell you is a completely, and historically, legitimate form of “peaceful” protest.

But that’s not what I’m talking about, Willis. Continue reading

Part 3 – Fedsurrection!

So….Who the hell is Ray Epps, anyway?

Not 100% sure yet, really.  Nobody’s talking.  But here’s what it looks like…

First, Epps is a 60-year-old retired Marine who was a member of the right wing Arizona Oath Keepers.

And quite the mysterious figure vis-a-vis his January 6th coming out party.

So many complex aspects to this…details, timelines, videos, etc…so I’ll try to boil it down Reader’s Digest style.  Admittedly, NOT my greatest skill…I’m much, much better at things like swilling IPA’s and fat shaming that bulbous buffoon Michael Moore.

BTW…Lots of phenomenal, excruciatingly detailed investigative reporting and connecting the dots on this, particularly from an outfit called “Revolver News,” The Washington Examiner, among others.

Trust me, I’m only giving you a small fraction of it…just to paint the picture. Continue reading

Part 2 – Committees, Corruption, and Cover-Ups

If you read Part 1 of this trilogy…and why wouldn’t you…you know the whole rap about how Pelosi greased the skids for chaos to ensue on Jan 6th by refusing to activate 10 to 20 thousand National Guard that Trump approved thru the DoD, gave her on a goddamn silver platter, and implored her to mobilize.

NOT incompetence, mind you, but 100% by design…for purely nefarious political purposes…and quite frankly, brilliantly executed.  WELL DONE!!!  C’mon, credit where credit is due.  NOBODY on the planet…and I mean NOBODY…is truly incompetent enough to NOT activate the Guard that day.

Let’s peel the onion back a bit.

Almost immediately on Jan. 6th, the Dems and media wailed about the MASSIVE SECURITY FAILURE!!!  Of course, as I clearly explained, it was no failure at all.  In fact, it was a raging success.

Still, to perpetuate and juice the fake narrative, you need a fall guy.  Two in this case…the House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, and Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, both of whom “resigned.” Continue reading

Part 1 – Welcome To Political Theater. Now Playing…”The Insurrectionist!”

Got a lot to say.  What else is new?…said everyone in unison.  Not going full-on Rocky with this shit, but it WILL be a trilogy.

You want the truth?  Read on.  If not…walk away.

Let’s start with this…

Virtually everyone on the Right…every Republican…has completely condemned this Jan. 6th protest that morphed into a riot at certain points, plenty of criminal trespassing and assaults on police.

OK, at this point, take a deep breath…maybe a dark chocolate edible melted over a Xanax…or whatever works for you…

Repeat after me…This was not an INSURRECTION!!!  There were no ARMED INCURRECTIONISTS!!!

See?  That wasn’t hard. Continue reading