Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

A Trifecta of Titillating Topics

This is not breaking news by any stretch…but I’m typically in a perpetual state of outrage over the never-ending stream of hypocrisy, dishonesty, and well, just general asinine words and actions emanating from the Progressive Democrats and Liberal Media.  This always seems to provide a plethora of topics from which to select to blog about on a weekly basis.  This week, however, I’ve been struck by three items, all of which motivate me to opine…a threesome, if you will…(Ok, let’s all collectively step up out of the gutter right now).  I must confess that for working the word “threesome” into a political blog (and not even mentioning Bill Clinton), I am strangely both proud and completely disgusted with myself at the same time.  Off we go, in no particular order… Continue reading

The Greatest Show on Earth

It will be forever known simply as “The Press Conference.”  So generic, yet so universally understood.  A sight to behold…Ringmaster Trump holding court, and the circus clowns in the media doing somersaults.  I was halfway expecting an old VW to drive up with 42 midgets pouring out (uh, little people…that’s PC, right?).  In this case, I think the conventional wisdom is spot on…if you’re Pro-Trump, it was heaven.  And the Never Trumpsters, right on cue, had their typical hissy-fit, “hair on fire” overreaction…the end of the Republic, no doubt.  As for me?  Well, I have not been as thoroughly entertained since the first time I saw John Belushi crush a beer can on this head in Animal House.  What a joy to witness the raw calling out of the fraudulent media BY THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF, and in the process, expose their own skin…thinner than even Joe Biden’s hair plugs.  Fake story after fake story, retraction after retraction.  BREAKING NEWS! TRUMP REMOVES BUST OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. FROM OVAL OFFICE!  RACIST! RACIST!  Uh, wait a minute…there was just someone standing in front of it?  Oops.  Millions read fake story, 14 people see the retraction.  Ok, we get the drill.  Here’s the reality…the ENTIRE nation sees exactly what the media is doing…it’s just that about half the country happens to be ok with it because they share the same hysterical, unhinged hatred for President Trump. Continue reading

The Democratic Double-Down

The Democrat Party has taken the expression “some people never learn” to heights higher than Snoop Dogg on a weekend trip to Colorado.  The United States has been, and still is, a center-right country.  So, after eight years of President Obama racing to the left at every forked road he confronted, and The Hildabeast promising more of the same, she lost the election on November 8th in breathtaking fashion…truly, the political equivalent of the poor Atlanta Falcons.  But beyond her own scandal ridden ineptness, the stunning losses by the Dems in November were simply a continuation of the total and complete repudiation of Obama’s violent dragging of the country to the far left.  This rejection movement cut its teeth back in the 2010 midterm elections in response to the nationally administered Obamacare colonoscopy, sans anesthesia…and not even a lousy glass of Cabernet to loosen us up.  Ouch.  This trend has continued to this day, with the Dems getting their political asses handed to them at all levels…State Legislatures, Governorships, Congressional seats, and The Granddaddy of Them All (No, not the Rose Bowl)…The White House.  And their obvious response to this marathon of losing?  Double down and move even HARDER to the left, of course!  What geniuses. Continue reading

Making Sense of The Intolerant, Incontinent Left

The unhinged intolerance of Liberals never ceases to amaze me.  And what’s more amazing than even the ’69 Mets is that, like Dracula, who can’t see himself in a mirror, these Libs are somehow completely blind to the fact that everything they dishonestly purport President Trump and conservatives to be, they in fact ARE…Fascists, being at the top of the list. Their vision is so blurred by the non-stop waterfall of tears flowing since November 8th that they cannot even see the mountain of irony and hypocrisy right in front of their nose.  This is displayed most dramatically by the constant assault…literally…of the 1st Amendment rights of conservative speakers invited on college campuses to engage in a free exchange of ideas. Liberals can no longer dismiss this type of subversive crap as anecdotal as it happens more frequently than Nancy Pelosi’s dimwitted statements.  The most recent example happened in…you got it…The People’s Republic of California.  But make no mistake…this has been happening for years all over the country, and largely ignored by the incompetent lemmings in the mainstream media. Continue reading

Fake News, Fake Outrage, and Fake Tears

Since Inauguration Day, anyone who still thinks politics as usual is NOT dead has either been binge-watching Netflix, on a week-long bender, or in a coma.  It seems President Trump went out of his way in his first week in office to prove his non-politician pedigree by actually getting the wheels in motion to deliver pretty much everything he campaigned on…shudder the thought.  This is evidenced by the dizzying flurry of executive orders, from killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to the rollback of Obamacare, to the revival of the Keystone XL Pipeline…and on & on.  While Hillary and Bernie promised, ad nauseam, free college education…for which they knew bloody well would NEVER happen…Trump’s promises were not simply empty campaign blather.  Damn refreshing as far as I’m concerned. Continue reading

The Waiting is Over…Finally

Two things have become very apparent now that we’ve witnessed what was once unthinkable…the inauguration of Donald J. Trump.  The first is that The Donald is 70 years old and he’s not going to change one iota.  Second…the Trump haters will simply NEVER give the man a chance.  Minds more closed than a bar an hour after last call.  I’ve literally never seen such visceral hatred for a person not named Hitler or Bin Laden in my life.  This goes WAY beyond policy or ideological disagreements, and quite frankly, straight into a mental health issue.  And as the liberal media continue their sprint on the wheel of hate like a crazed gerbil…mocking Trump’s inauguration crowd size in the same vain as Little Marco making fun of the size of Donald’s…um…hands, Trump simply could not ignore such nonsense and triviality, and true to form, hit back hard.  Same old, same old. Continue reading

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Only a political geek like me can be glued to the 50 inch plasma watching the Senate confirmation hearings for Trump’s Cabinet picks like it’s the 7th game of the World Series.  It can be a bit of an emotional roller coaster…bumping around from infuriation, to inspiration, and yes, even all the way back to the screeching halt of boredom.  The Democrats, for their part, will gleefully tell you how much they hate the Cabinet picks…and this is as obvious as a brick through a window as one endures their uber-partisan questioning.  It should not go unnoticed, however, that when President Obama was elected in 2008, most of his Cabinet picks were confirmed either before, or shortly after Inauguration Day…with a lot of help from Republicans.  So much for returning the favor.  Anyway, let’s take a quick look at my version of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly…Senate Confirmation Edition…that hopefully would make Clint Eastwood proud… Continue reading

Is That All You Got?

Bogus recount efforts…failed.  Threatening electoral college voters…failed.  While most of the sobbing snowflakes of Liberal Land understand on some intellectual level that Donald Trump will in fact become the 45th President of the United States on January 20th, they will NEVER accept it.  If denial was an earthquake, this would be about a 9.3 on the Richter.  They also realize they can’t spend their waking hours wallowing in misery in their safe spaces screaming for someone to bring them milk, cookies, and dammit, some more coloring books…PRONTO! So…Libs are their name, delegitimizing is their game…Trump, that is.  And this my friends, is why the dangerously politicized intelligence agencies rushed out a report “officially” fingering the Russians in hacking the DNC and John Podesta’s emails.  OH, THE HUMANITY!!! Continue reading

Obama’s Parting Shots

So much for that “smooth” transition, eh, Barry?  Our Crybaby-In-Chief, President Obama, apparently has nothing left in his toolbox but monkey wrenches.  He has been feverishly taking steps in recent weeks to throw in some 11th hour legacy enhancing items…at least in HIS mind…and purposely make life more difficult for President-Elect Trump in the process.  With the buzzer about to sound in the 4th quarter of his presidency, Mr. Obama is confronted with an absolutely crap choice as he comes upon the fork in the road while cruising down Legacy Highway…both leading to nowhere.  In President Obama’s final, desperate moments in the White House, what we are witnessing is the figurative flipping of the Monopoly board that is his failed presidency… Continue reading

Merry Christmas!!!

They all said Trump would never, ever run,
And if he did, it’s just for fun.
But on the escalator, down Donald came,
Melania by his side, she’s quite a dame.
The haters said his chances were zero,
But for the rest of us, he was our hero.
He knocked off the others one by one,
And before you knew it, he was done.
Goodbye Jeb and goodbye Teddy,
How pathetic, they just weren’t ready.
Next came Hillary to start her journey,
But not before they totally screwed Bernie.
It was planned for years, she made it to the dance,
But the Rust Belt said she had no chance.
Sorry Princess Pantsuit, you’re outta luck,
‘Cause as a candidate, you totally suck.
It’s time for a woman president, that may be true,
But you know what, honey?  Just not YOU.
The votes are counted, the people have spoken,
The Libs are crying, their hearts are broken.
We won the popular vote, you fools!
Last time I checked, those weren’t the rules.
Wikileaks, Comey, Russian hacking, and more,
Excuses, excuses, excuses galore.
Donald, Melania, and the kids, not too shoddy,
Especially Ivanka, a total hottie.
This First Family we surely rate a ten,
‘Cause they’re Making America Great Again.