Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

The Harrowing Heights of Hollywood Hypocrisy

I always like to take pride in the fact that I’m a guy who can admit when he’s wrong.  OK, my better half won’t agree with that, but she’s ONE person, so can’t I legitimately dismiss HER opinion as simply anecdotal?  Anyway, just when I thought these Libs could not climb the ladder of hypocrisy any further, I realized I was more wrong than the guy who mistakenly sent Nancy Pelosi a Mensa application in the mail.  I mean, Jack and the Beanstalk has nothing on THIS crew as far as reaching new heights.  And what’s worse, it’s blatant and in your face…like an Antifa fascist hurling a brick though the local florist’s window. Continue reading

Killing Vegas

Well, another first.  You MAY have noticed (probably not, but let’s stay with that thought)…that for the first time in the 14 months I’ve been writing this blog, a week has passed where I failed to post something.  While I have published blog posts previously when I was traveling, it just didn’t happen for me last week.  I was in Colorado bingeing on hiking, brewery hopping, dining…and rumor has it, a trip to the local cannabis dispensary…strictly for social research purposes, of course.  It IS Colorado, after all.  Ya know…when in Rome.  And to my great dismay, the world of news and politics kept right on chugging along just fine without me.  So much for what’s left of my very fragile ego.  Anyway, like a couple of old friends sharing a few magnificently hoppy IPA’s at their favorite brew pub, time for us to catch up… Continue reading

Trump 1, U.N. Zip

Say what you want about The Donald, but when this guy needs to REALLY rise to the occasion…my God.  I mean, if you had a whole truckload of Viagra, and Trump was a…um…never mind, you get the analogy.  Anyway, we often hear the term “Leader of The Free World” when referring to a U.S. President.  After I witnessed the greatness that was President Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, I realized I hadn’t seen a U.S. President that wore the “Leader of The Free World” moniker in recent times so glowingly since Reagan.  Unlike O.J., THAT glove fits quite nicely, thank you very much.  And yes, that includes both Bush 41 and 43.  Carter, Clinton, and Obama?  Surely you jest.  Trump was certainly channeling ANOTHER American Bad Ass, Clint Eastwood, when he laid down The Gauntlet with these sniveling Lefty Globalists and Dictators at the U.N.  I only wish he dropped “Go Ahead, Make My Day.”  But then you can’t have everything, can you? Continue reading

And Then…There Were Three

You ever notice how a lot of things in life seems to come in three’s?  Like, when you hear about famous or well-known people passing away, there seems to be three in the same week.  There’s a million of them.  The Three Stooges.  Three Dog Night.  The Three Little Pigs.  Snap, Crackle, and Pop.  You catch my drift.  And today, even gender…male, female, and, well…”other.”  So in this vain, I started thinking about politics…particularly President Trump.  And a couple of these things hit me like a ton of Michael Moore…both of which will surely have traditional Republicans reaching for their favorite bottle of hooch until they’re three sheets to the wind… Continue reading

The Media’s Fiction Fetish

By all objective and sane accounts, President Trump and his administration are doing a superb job in the hurricane relief efforts in Texas, from the standpoint of both timeliness of providing federal resources, as well as very effective coordination with local and state authorities.  But while in the midst of witnessing the horrendous flooding in Houston, there was another, and quite humorous, flood unfolding before our eyes.  In Leftist media newsrooms and studios nationwide…many hundreds of miles from the REAL action…there was a beautiful waterfall of tears and uncontrolled bladders, triggered by a bunch of Libs who would believe in the Tooth Fairy long before they would EVER believe that President Trump could be a party to anything that would resemble “competence.” But to their GREAT dismay, he did just that. Continue reading

The Floods of Hurricane Snowflake

The awful floods in Texas from Hurricane Harvey, which has unfortunately decided to linger like a high schooler in front of 7-11, desperately trying to get someone old enough to buy them beer (what, I never did that), has reminded me of another flood…in the figurative sense.  And that is the seemingly daily flood of bullying by liberal progressives in an effort to sanitize society of anything they deem offensive…which is demonstrably everything they encounter once they cross the threshold from their safe space out into the cold, cruel, racist world.  So while we pray for the poor folks in Texas as they deal with their horrible new reality, at least for now…grab the nearest barf bag as you take in the most recent flurry of nauseating stories that only a Commie Pinko Progressive could love… Continue reading

The Great American Whitewash

Well, as the solar eclipse came and went, the hysterical Libs keep spinning out of control faster than the teacups at The Magic Kingdom.  And just when I thought I’ve heard the most nonsensical and delusional words dribbling out of the pieholes of those on the Left, they continue to outdo themselves over and over again…and this past week was no exception. Trump is a racist, his supporters are racists, this is a racist country…yada, yada, yada.  As I’ve said before, they may as well call people eggplants or kumquats, because that would be as meaningful at this point as calling them racist…a word rendered virtually meaningless by Libs. As they say…if everyone’s a racist, no one’s a racist.  So, while the Leftists insist on performing their best Helen Keller impressions by acting blind and deaf to each and every vehement condemnation of the KKK and white supremacists by President Trump, the rest of us sit around completely bewildered, asking ourselves…”Who the hell let these maniacs out of the asylum?” Continue reading

North KKKorea

Is there a better word to describe the past week than “chaos?”  Chaos caused by nut cake freaks, to be more precise.  As if that fat little psychopath man-boy with a cereal bowl haircut in North Korea wasn’t enough to have you reaching for the Zantac, then the Neo-Nazi, KKK misfit losers who decided to crawl out from under their respective racist rocks to have a picnic in the park in Charlottesville, VA surely was.  And right on cue, the despicable media, quite predictably, uses both situations to beat President Trump over the head with.  C’mon…to the media, what The Donald says about ANYTHING makes about as much difference as which scale Michael Moore crawls onto…it’s STILL gonna say 450 pounds.  Or what microphone Nancy Pelosi speaks into…her words will STILL be asinine.  ANY words uttered by Trump about ANY subject on ANY day makes the fake news media salivate hate like a rabid Pavlov’s dog. Continue reading

The Dirty Dozen

I will be traveling to California this week for some R&R…or as Archie Bunker used to not so affectionately refer to as The Land of Fruits and Nuts.  That was damn funny in 1975, and still is.  Anyway…as there is hardly a more liberal place in these great United States, it got me thinking about all of the stark differences between conservatives and liberals.  So, for this week’s post, I have compiled a list of 12 such observations for your reading pleasure that I have labeled The Dirty Dozen.  Enjoy.  And if you are so inclined, share this on social media for no other purpose than to drive your liberal friends batty…nothing more fun than that. Continue reading

The REAL Russian Collusion

Sometimes in life you just have to rise above it all, be the bigger person, and admit you’re wrong…a sentiment that surely hits home for us married guys (c’mon ladies, don’t act like you don’t know EXACTLY what I’m talking about).  For months, I was certain this whole Russian collusion nonsense was just that…nonsense.  But now?  I may have been all wet on this thing from the get-go.  Well, I should clarify…the Trump/Russia connection is still nonsense…a Deep State/Lib Media witch hunt of epic proportions.  You see, evidence is growing like dandelions at an abandoned Hillary campaign office that it’s been the Democrat party ALL ALONG playing election footsie with the Ruskies.  Wait…what?? Continue reading