Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

In Trump We Trust

A year ago around Christmas, I published a blog post that chronicled the 2016 election…in poem.  So, I thought why not do the same now, recapping the wonderful craziness that was 2017.  Starring President Trump, of course, as the Grand Marshall of the Parade of Splendid Insanity.

OK, I’m no Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, but enjoy anyway…
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Invisible News

The whole fake news phenomenon is really nothing but a hot mess.  But unlike Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, and little green men, everyone KNOWS it exists…evidenced by the flood of corrections and retractions begrudgingly dished out on a regular basis by the heaviest of heavyweight Lib media outlets.  At this point, however, I can only conclude the practical effect of all this journalistic excrement is as watered down as the 25 cent vodka tonics on ladies night down at your local pick-up joint.  Overkill.  Saturation.  Overplaying one’s hand.  Call it what you will.  The latest?  Just for giggles…headlines everywhere this week…this one from Newsweek…“Melania Trump orders removal of the near-200-year-old tree from the White House.”  WHAT A HORRIBLE WOMAN!  TREE HATER!…and likely other such statements from drive-by consumers of news.  Except…While the First Lady did order the historic tree to be removed, it was only after specialists determined that it needed to be removed. The tree has long been supported by poles and wires and posed a hazard for anyone standing near it.  Once again…BRA-VO media!  Nice job!  Complete dishonest and morally bankrupt jerk-offs…and quite deservedly mocked and ridiculed by an entire nation.  By the way, that rumbling in the ground you feel is Edward R. Murrow doing somersaults six feet under. Continue reading


Whenever Nancy Pelosi finally…and mercifully…leaves the hallowed grounds of Congress, I have the perfect “next chapter” for her…the spokesperson for Planters, because she has got to be the biggest friggin’ nut on the planet.  I would honestly take Dennis Rodman as our next foreign policy advisor vis-a-vis North Korea more seriously than I take this woman.  I mean, he and that fat little troll with the cereal bowl haircut DO have a relationship of sorts.  Anyway, it’s obvious that every single Dem will spew a bunch of lies and nonsensical partisan gibberish in trashing the Republican tax plan…fine.  But here’s what this Dopey Democrat Ding-Bat had to say about the tax plan…“It is the end of the world.  The debate on health care is life/death. This is  Armageddon!”  She also called it a “Frankenstein…that will come back to destroy.”  Speaking of Ding-Bats, this broad makes Edith Bunker look like Margaret Thatcher.  So…my Dennis Rodman comment doesn’t sound so crazy now, does it? Continue reading

The Fabulous Fake News Frenzy

Since Trump has been President, the list of fake news stories is longer than the line of safe space dwelling liberals furiously refreshing their stupid Facebook pages in breathless anticipation of the next Trump protest.  And boy, did the hysterical hissy-fit haters in the Lib media outdo themselves last week.  Bra-vo!  The forgotten big loser in all this, of course, is that news comedy and satire site The Onion, who now has to contend with direct competition from the failing NY Times and the pathetic impeachment mongers over at the Washington Post.  Apparently, architect wannabe George Costanza’s mantra of, “It’s not a lie…if YOU believe it,” has become the slogan of every journalism school in the nation.  God help us… Continue reading

San Francisco’s Sanctuary Cesspool

Sometimes this great country of ours is as unrecognizable as most of the people at your 30th high school reunion.  Of all the things that outrage me on a daily basis, here’s one that REALLY roasts my nuts.  That piece of sub-human trash illegal alien who shot beautiful 31-year-old Kate Steinle on that San Francisco pier in July of 2015…subsequently dying in her father’s arms…was acquitted of all murder charges.  Huh?  Come again?  While the facts of the case would have made a first degree murder conviction highly unlikely, a manslaughter conviction SHOULD have been easier than creepy Matt Lauer luring some unsuspecting NYU intern into his office for some…uh…”mentoring.” Continue reading

Post Turkey Day Potpourri

It was seven to one.  Huh?  That was the ratio of Trump supporters to Trump haters at our Thanksgiving dinner table.  So yeah, NOBODY brought up politics…plus, it would have been WAY too easy to bring down the hammer with that ratio anyway.  And let’s face it… it’s just bad form to gang up on one’s mother.  Well, I did bring up the politically benign act of President Trump pardoning this year’s turkeys, Drumstick and Wishbone.  And how The Donald jokingly said he was informed by his legal team that he could NOT reverse the pardons of last year’s turkeys, Tater and Tot…in light of his blowing up of many of President Obama’s abysmal executive orders.  I mean, what’s wrong with a small serving of presidential humor to complement the usual Thanksgiving fare?  But even THAT got a groan of disapproval from some…even at a table of mostly Republicans.  Doesn’t ANYONE have a goddamn sense of humor anymore?  Anyway, this week’s political musings will simply consist of a couple of items swimming around in my consciousness…or tryptophan induced unconsciousness, as it were. Continue reading

The United States of Perversion

I am a weak, weak man.  I swore to myself that I would NOT write a blog post about this avalanche of disgusting sexual misconduct allegations.  But with the crescendo of allegations growing daily, I could resist no more…my will power is as kaput as the careers of all of these ass-grabbers.  If women are Popeye, then Harvey Weinstein is surely their spinach, as it seems HIS whole sordid saga has enabled them to muster the emotional muscle to shine a light on these scumbags…and that’s a GOOD thing.   I mean, the daily accusations are becoming as routine as the local newspaper being hurled into my flower bed every morning.  Now…while I see no purpose in regurgitating names and/or specific accusations, I do have some observations…

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Happy Anniversary!

My God, has it been a whole year already?  Hard to believe.  It seemed like just yesterday I was absolutely giddy at the sight of hundreds of Hillary-ites just bawling their little liberal eyes out in some fancy New York hotel ballroom when the unthinkable happened.  President…Trump?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Nice ring to it STILL, don’t ya think?   Although..after just a smidge of self-reflection, I must admit…the fact that THEIR anguish…that of fellow human beings…gave me so much damn pleasure is not something I really want to delve into all that deeply…psychologically speaking.  OK, fine…I’m no Mother Teresa, so kill me.  Anyway, as I continue to bask in sweet victory on this joyous one year anniversary, allow me to briefly hit upon some of the latest political goings-on…well, as briefly as a wordy bloke like me is able… Continue reading

Taxes, Libs, and Lies

When it comes to unhinged, obsessive hatred of President Trump, these Libs just DON’T know when to quit.  And as they speed down Resistance Road…the word “truth” never comes close to even entering the conversation.  If the Dems in Congress, the mainstream media, and all others in Liberal Utopia who frolic among the unicorns under a perpetual rainbow each and every day want to be taken seriously, they’ve got to double-up on their Trump Derangement Syndrome Meds, and learn to assess policy proposals in a serious way.  Case in point…the release of the first Tax Reform/Tax Cut proposal coming out of the GOP.  Not perfect, gonna change as it meanders through the legislative process…but a lot of stuff you’d think the Dems would actually like.  Well…apparently, not so much.  Einsteins like Pelosi called it a “Ponzi scheme,” “massive con,” and “shell game.”  Complete and utter nonsense.  That broad can’t add two and two together, so I guarantee she has no earthly idea what’s in the plan anyway.  She REALLY ought to do a favor to the medical research community and donate her brain to science…or WHATEVER it is rattling around inside that coconut of hers.  Anyway, let’s try to wrap some facts and perspective around the initial tax proposal, sans the fog of the usual tired, nonsensical, and fatiguing liberal gibberish. Continue reading


The scrumptious irony is almost intoxicating.  While there’s been a plethora of reporting in recent months on all kinds of shenanigans between the Russians, Hillary’s campaign, and the DNC…with the Fusion GPS fake dossier and corrupt uranium deal swizzled in…it’s been pretty much kept at bay by not only a disinterested… but a fully complicit…media.  Shocker.  Makes no difference, though…nor does Hillary’s “Six Degrees of Separation” strategy, a la Kevin Bacon.  BTW, did you know he was in Animal House?   Random flashback to my youth, but I  digress.  Anyway…This whole sordid “Trump collusion” lie, created as a diversion to the orgy of corruption that always seems to swirl around the Clinton’s, is imploding like a century old rat-infested building making way for some new fancy schmancy high-rise condos.  The cat and the horse have escaped the bag and barn, respectively, and I’m loving every minute of this political boomerang… Continue reading