When it comes to unhinged, obsessive hatred of President Trump, these Libs just DON’T know when to quit. And as they speed down Resistance Road…the word “truth” never comes close to even entering the conversation. If the Dems in Congress, the mainstream media, and all others in Liberal Utopia who frolic among the unicorns under a perpetual rainbow each and every day want to be taken seriously, they’ve got to double-up on their Trump Derangement Syndrome Meds, and learn to assess policy proposals in a serious way. Case in point…the release of the first Tax Reform/Tax Cut proposal coming out of the GOP. Not perfect, gonna change as it meanders through the legislative process…but a lot of stuff you’d think the Dems would actually like. Well…apparently, not so much. Einsteins like Pelosi called it a “Ponzi scheme,” “massive con,” and “shell game.” Complete and utter nonsense. That broad can’t add two and two together, so I guarantee she has no earthly idea what’s in the plan anyway. She REALLY ought to do a favor to the medical research community and donate her brain to science…or WHATEVER it is rattling around inside that coconut of hers. Anyway, let’s try to wrap some facts and perspective around the initial tax proposal, sans the fog of the usual tired, nonsensical, and fatiguing liberal gibberish. Continue reading →