Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

350 Reasons To Despise The Media

I like to consider myself to be a perceptive person, and generally, a pretty good judge of people and situations.  But my God, was I flat on my ass in anticipating the endless, unhinged outrage of the Trump haters.  Ok, the shock of Hillary losing was clearly too much to bear for these Loony Libs, and this has manifested itself into a myriad of embarrassing, leg-wetting, hysterical behavior we’re STILL subjected to.  Whatever.  I GET IT.

But as I watched all this from afar…and with great joy and amusement…I figured, like a baby crying herself to sleep, or a toddler having a tantrum at the table next to you at the Olive Garden as you’re savoring that 19th breadstick…it HAS to subside at some point.  It just HAS to.  Jesus, was I wrong.  In fact, the anti-Trump hyperventilating continues to ramp up…evidenced by the pathetic stunt perpetrated last week by the hopeless hypocrites of the mainstream media. Continue reading

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The number 100, in and of itself, might not seem all that meaningful to you.  A hundred-dollar bill.  A 100% your kid got on a pop quiz.  Michael Moore’s 100 pounds overweight (in his dreams).  Hmmm…what else, what else?  OH!  I GOT IT!  You are now reading the 100TH BLOG POST OF THE DRUNKEN REPUBLICAN!!!  To quote Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, “This is a big f*cking deal!”  OK, not as exciting as, say, FREE BEER, but definitely a milestone of sorts for yours truly.  It’s the little things that mean so much…thank God my wife is down with that sentiment as well.

OK, now that I’ve dispensed of that self-congratulatory pat on the back…let us return to our regularly scheduled programming of shamelessly ridiculing leg-wetting, hysterical Libs… Continue reading

Booty Call

Ah yes, another week…another run on Walmart by leg-wetting Libs trying to catch the latest sale on Depends.  Some things never change.  And speaking of some things never changing…how about the breakneck pace of President Trump?  I swear, our Energizer Bunny-In-Chief could solve every world problem in a flash if it weren’t for the constant walls being thrown up as obstacles by the haters in Congress, the Deep State, and the Media.  Hey, Libs…I thought you said walls didn’t work???  San Diego disagrees, by the way….but I digress.  Anyway…among the myriad of issues I find myself wading thru on a daily basis, a couple stuck out last week like Michael Moore’s bloated gut after a Twinkie binge… Continue reading

Cause and Effect

Well, this week is going to be a huge test for my writing skills…or lack thereof according to some.  It seems like an eternity that I’ve wanted to opine about the economy, and actually peel the onion back a bit…but do it all without sending you into a narcolepsy induced face-plant.  The hard truth is that a lot of folks just don’t understand the nuances of the subject of economics…or even care to.  Ergo, it becomes as easy for the media and the Left to snooker people as it is for Michael Moore to split his pants while bending over to retrieve a fumbled Krispy Kreme…likely invoking the 10-second rule in the process.  And snooker they have on the heels of the kick-ass 4.1% 2nd quarter annualized GDP growth announced last week.  

And just in case I fail in my quest to keep this somewhat interesting…can you do me a solid and read it BEFORE popping your nightly Ambien? Continue reading

The Chicken Little Left

Just as society seems to have become completely desensitized to the pervasive nature of sexual and violent images that engulf us in movies, TV, and on the internet, have we not become similarly desensitized to the daily unhinged meltdowns of every single card-carrying member of the Trump-Hating Resistance Movement?  I know I have.  Think about the asinine, over-the-top reactions of the Lefty snowflakes in just the past couple weeks…the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…The press conference with Putin in Helsinki…Trump’s tweet to Iran…Trump’s threat to pull top-secret clearances from ex-Obama officials…not simply mere critics, by the way…but live and breathe 24/7 to destroy the Trump Presidency.

Well, I do sort of get the outrage over the Iran tweet.  It was in all CAPS, after all…a Defcon 1 in the sick minds of Twitter freaks.  Or at the VERY least, a microaggression. Continue reading

Hysteria On The High Seas

Well, I’ve been on the road for the past week and a half…yes, even snarky political bloggers are entitled to a little R&R…and try as I might, I can’t seem to avoid frothing at the mouth Trump-haters finding me at every turn…and I think describing a couple of these encounters might be amusing (there were far more than a couple, but I do try to stay under 1000 words).  And it’s no great revelation that mocking these hyperventilating Leftist losers has become sport for me. Sure…I could again delve into the typical daily Leftist outrage du jour…President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh (WOMEN WILL DIE IN THE STREETS IF CONFIRMED!)…The Donald’s Summit in Helsinki with our buddy Vlad Putin (TREASONOUS!  IMPEACHMENT!)

I need a break from that crap…it’s sapping my strength.
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Death of the Democrat Party

Well…it’s official.  That’s right Mouseketeers…your parent’s Democrat Party…that of JFK and even Slick Willy Clinton…finally went up in a raging inferno.  S’mores, anyone?   Like dinosours…pay phones…drive-in theaters.  Extinct.  Adios.  Sayonara.  The mainstream media has been loath to report the Civil War that has been raging within the Democrat Party for many years…but WE HAVE A WINNER!  And this obvious victory was fully crystallized last week with the election of a full-on, honest to goodness, self-described Socialist to Congress…one NOT named Bernie Sanders.  OK, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won in a massively liberal progressive district in New York City…but she trounced a guy named Joe Crowley, a twenty-year incumbent, once tagged as possibly replacing none other than Ms. Mental Defective herself, Nancy Pelosi, as Dem leader in the House.

So, for traditional Dems, the party’s over…time to fire up the old Uber app.  But for the open border, everything’s free, what’s in it for me, Far Left Progressives…the party is just beginning.

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Dems Are Out Of The Immigration Closet

In their latest inane attempt to bring down a duly elected, sitting President, the Open Border European Wannabe’s on the Left…so pathetically stupid, so ideologically bankrupt, and so unhinged by their hatred for one man with sort of orange hair, start plastering a picture all over the internet of some children sleeping inside a chain-link fence cage on a concrete floor.  THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!  WE CANNOT HAVE A NAZI AS PRESIDENT IMPRISONING CHILDREN AT THE BORDER!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!

Wait, what?  That photo was from 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president?


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Like Rome falling, the Hindenburg plummeting to earth in a raging inferno, or the Titanic racing to the ocean floor…the Trump-Hating Banana Republic Deep Staters in the FBI and DOJ are in the midst of a similar tragic fate…and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.  Inspector General Michael Horowitz FINALLY released his report regarding the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 campaign last week, and uncovered massive anti-Trump bias by FBI investigators and insubordinate behavior by self-righteous, narcissistic scumbag Jim Comey.  Even with this scathing report overflowing with a treasure trove of bias and illegalities…Horowitz punted at its conclusion, refusing to go the Full Monty and declare the Clinton investigation the complete sham that we all know it to be.   Continue reading

Godfather Trump

OK Libs…if you insist on continuing to embarrass yourselves in the most pathetic way possible…believe me, I’m fine with it.  In fact, like an open bar at a wedding…I can’t get enough.  Despite the growing Conga Line of Trump Administration achievements, the Haters not only continue to psychotically deny reality, but then they have the unbridled gall to mock him in the process.  Other that their own Un-American Socialist Lib Choir, they are convincing exactly no one.  Pelosi, Schumer, and the media puking all over a record economy and historic achievements on the international stage…eliciting bewildered looks all across flyover country, like…”What the hell are THEY talking about?”  The only thing these losers are hemorrhaging faster than votes in 2020 is their virtually non-existent credibility.  It’s 2018.  Your girlfriend Hillary left you in a crumpled heap two years ago. Big boy pants time.  Move on already.  Or at the very least, do us all a favor and double-up on your Zoloft. Continue reading