Anyone that’s read my blog even once or twice is well aware of my complete and utter disdain for the lying left-wing propagandists in the Fake News Media. It may go without saying, but I’m of course referring to the NATIONAL media…the major TV networks, NY Times, WaPost…and other such liberal activist rags that are only good for one thing…house training puppies.
Or maybe lining the bottom of Polly’s bird cage. OK, fine…that’s two things.
I really do believe, however, that local newspapers and TV stations, generally speaking, do a pretty decent job of reporting on state and local issues. And it’s not that those newsrooms aren’t chock full of liberal Trump-hating nuts.
They are.
It’s just that, typically, there’s not much need for slanted, leftist advocacy reporting when you’re doing stories on things like controversial zoning issues and police blotter crap…trailer fires, drug deals gone bad, or some pervert in a tattered raincoat flashing an unsuspecting soccer mom fondling cantaloupes at the local Safeway. Continue reading →