Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

Squads, Scams & Setups

In my best Jerry Seinfeld voice…”What’s the deal with THESE women?”

The “Squad.”  Who else.  

Let’s come up with a NEW name for those wackos.  I have a few interesting suggestions…but the children need to leave the room first.

Anyway…riddle me this…

Would you welcome, with open arms, a potential visitor to your house that is openly hostile toward you…in fact, wants to destroy you…and would gleefully piss in your cornflakes the second they cross the threshold?

Of course you wouldn’t.  

And neither would Israel.  Ya know…Israel?  Probably our most strategically important ally on the planet?

Yeah.  THAT Israel. Continue reading

Hit List

Did you know…

…that this is my 150th blog post?  Three years and running.  Now, before you start asking yourself “Why should I give a shit?”…consider the significance of that very interesting number…

For instance…

It takes three 150 pound humans to equal one Michael Moore.

If you take 150 and divide by two, you get Maxine Waters’ IQ.

I could go on…but mercifully, I won’t.

Onward and upward…


Nope…not ANOTHER poor schlub getting the bejeezus beaten out of him…or maybe a steamy plate of curly cheese fries dumped on his head at some greasy spoon by a psychotic, violence-prone Lefty for the unforgivable crime against humanity of sporting a red MAGA hat.

Good guess, though. Continue reading

Racism Ruse

I am so f*cking sick and tired of people calling Donald Trump a racist.

OK, so I have a penchant for bluntness if you haven’t noticed.

But I completely understand.  It’s just one of the many sharp instruments in the Destroy Trump Toolbox that the pathetic Leftists desperately rifle through like a kindergartener furiously searching for magenta in the crayon box.

I mean, go all the way back the 2016 campaign.  First, it was the parade of women the #MeToo Mongers hunted down and dragged out to swear on a stack of hotel bibles that The Donald might have brushed up against their left boob 25 years ago at a party.

Or was it the right one in an elevator?

Eh, who can even remember?

Strike One! Continue reading

Ding Dong, The Witch Hunt is Dead

So…while only losers like me watched the entire five hours of Bob Mueller’s testimony last week like it was the seventh game of the World Series…you certainly must have seen some of it…at least the highlights…or lowlights, as it were.

Mueller looking old, confused, and in big time need of a hearing aid would not have escaped even Helen Keller on her WORST day.

Although I must admit, he DID have enough presence of mind to rebuke attempts by desperate Dem lawmakers to simply get him to read passages verbatim from his stupid, biased Russian Election Interference/Collusion report.

Basically, use him like the beloved class floozy back in the 11th grade.

But that coveted sound bite never came.  Dammit!

Have you ever SEEN such schmucks?  Me neither…
Continue reading

Immigration Anarchy

OK Alex, I’ll take Leftist Lunacy for 200.

Intellectually dishonest hypocrites.  Raving lunatics.  America hating leg-wetters.

What are three attributes of today’s liberal?


Uh…sorry…just got lost in myself for a moment, pretending to be the guy that writes questions and answers for Jeopardy.

And if there is ANY doubt in ANYONE’S mind as to the accuracy of that little answer/question combo, look no further than the reaction of the Left to Trump’s so-called “deportation raids.”

Note to Libs:  Treating the rule of law like your own personal latrine will do nothing to enhance your rapidly diminishing chances in 2020.

Just sayin’. Continue reading

Red, White, and Democrat Blues

Only today’s Trump-Hating mental midgets, all likely sporting matching Che Guevara t-shirts they bought in a flash sale on Etsy, can take an epic July 4th shindig in the nation’s Capital…celebrating the greatness of America and its kick-ass military…and draw parallels to the world’s worst dictatorships.

I’ve seen saner individuals donning monogrammed straitjackets and drool buckets.

We know the drill.  An event in which Trump is involved is announced.  The Loony Leftist Leg-Wetters warn of the impending end of the Republic.  Event happens, the Republic lives.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Hey, don’t get me wrong.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE mocking these Libtards.  It’s sport for me.  In fact, one might surmise that my entire blog is based on it.  And most importantly…it brings me great joy. Continue reading


Happy 4th everyone!  If you’re anything like me, you thank God every day for being born in the greatest country in the history of the world.  If not…one simple message…


Now, on to some business.  The Drunken Republican never rests, even on holidays…

Sometimes I consider myself to be a very decisive person.  Sometimes not.  Sort of on the fence with that.

But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to focus on a single subject while living in Trump’s weekly cavalcade of chaos.  I use that personally coined phrase in awe…not disparagement.

And speaking of “focus”…fingers crossed that my ratcheted-up ADD meds will kick in…any…minute…now…

Anyway…I may as well rename my blog “Things That Pissed Me Off Last Week.”  Pretty much what it amounts to… Continue reading

Biden His Time

You know, when I transport my mind back to 2016, and recall that rather bloated Republican field vying for the GOP nomination for President…it was a pretty doggone bunch of distinguished, impressive, well-qualified individuals.

Yeah, yeah…I know what you’re thinking…I’m SOOOOOO shocked The Drunken Republican just LOVED the REPUBLICANS that ran in 2016.

Fine…think what you will.

But I’m sorry…when you compare THAT field to the almost couple dozen far left cranks and no name schlubs nobody’s ever f*cking heard of…um…you REALLY want to debate me on this?

‘Cause you’re gonna lose…miserably… Continue reading

Trump’s Wonderful Week of Winning

Last week was Heaven.  Pure Heaven.

If you’re an unapologetic Trump supporter like yours truly…proudly deplorable to the effing bone…you no doubt endlessly enjoy the hysterical, unhinged reactions of the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd to The Donald…his every action…every syllable uttered…no matter how benign.

Just the mere sight of him, or hearing his name spoken out loud makes that little vein pop right out of the side of their foreheads.

Haha…YOU know the one I’m talking about!

Now, I’ve been out of college for a few…ahem…decades…but if I remember correctly from my Psych 101 class…I believe the clinical psychological term to describe such nonsensically embarrassing behavior is “LOSING ONE’S SHIT!” Continue reading

Mueller’s True Colors

When I think of Bob Mueller, I can’t help but harken back to just a few short years ago, when people used to bow at the altar of his buddy, Jim Comey.  And fawningly spew nonsense like, “Comey has the most integrity in the room.”

There’s never a barf bag around when you need it.

Well, if it’s a room full of self-absorbed, narcissistic, unethical hacks…I might be on board with that sentiment.

We’ve now heard the same friggin’ rubbish about Bob Mueller for the past two years, but he has shown to be nothing more than Comey’s Mini Me…wallowing around in the same unethical, DC mucky swamp.

DC, an acronym for Dirty Cops, of course. Continue reading