Rahm Emmanuel…ex-Congressman, ex-Obama Chief-of-Staff, ex-Chicago Mayor…famously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”
Now, I will concede that quote has a myriad of interpretations, not all of which are nefarious in nature.
However, in the Age of Trump, it has only a single interpretation…
And we’re seeing it full-on with this Coronavirus…as we have with every other “crisis,” real or perceived.
With all the fake news and purposely ginned-up, hair-on-fire hysteria by the media and Left surrounding the Coronavirus, a critical piece of news and context gets completely buried.
At the end of January when this Coronavirus crap was in its infancy, Trump halted all travel from China to the U.S., as well as ordering the quarantine of Americans traveling in the region upon their return.
And these Libtards went completely loco. Yeah…even more than usual. Continue reading →