Author Archives: The Drunken Republican

Invisible Joe

We’ve heard’em all from our Nicknamer-in-Chief.

Sleepy Joe…Creepy Joe…Crazy Joe.


Politically speaking, this pandemic was an absolute Godsend for these libtards.

Biden seems to be the only guy on the planet quarantined for something other than the Coronavirus.

I may not know much, but I know ONE thing…in terms of Biden on the campaign trail…less is more.

Like golf scores.  And ERA’s.

Hey…who ISN’T a sucker for sports analogies? Continue reading

Pissing in the Wind

I’ve always been pretty simpatico with President Trump’s characterization of the Fake News as “Enemy of the People.”

Although, slaves to accuracy that we here at The Drunken Republican are…it’s REALLY Enemy of HALF the People, isn’t it?  Because the half that hates Trump get big old raging woodies from the fake news narratives quite carefully crafted daily by these faux journalist subversives.

The dynamic that REALLY intrigues me is that when presented with clear evidence, facts, and/or context that completely eviscerates any particular fake news narrative, the TDS nitwits…virtually 100% of the time…refuse to acknowledge it.


The Helen Keller act is really sapping my strength. Continue reading

Speaker of the Nut House

I literally cannot get enough of President Trump’s near-daily Coronavirus briefings.

There is nothing…I mean NOTHING…more entertaining than Trump sparring with the faux journalists in the Fake News Media.  And a lot of great information and critical COVID-19 status to boot.

I didn’t call it the “Chinese virus.”  Look at me, being all “woke.”  How proud you must be!

And simply knowing half of the country’s heads are exploding over every Trump utterance…makes the briefings all the more satisfying.

Living with TDS must be like “payback”…AN.  ABSOLUTE.  BITCH.

Anyway, there IS one individual that could totally and legitimately rival The Donald on the Entertainment-O-Meter.

I give you…Republican Senator John Kennedy, from the great state of Louisiana.

THIS.  GUY.  IS.  THE.  GREATEST. Continue reading

Pandemic Propaganda

Quick addendum to the litany of Fake News highlighted in last week’s blog…

There was this fallacious report going around that the Trump Administration cut the White House Pandemic Response Office. 

In an op-ed published in the Washington Post last week, the former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense at the NSC, Tim Morrison, called BS on what he referred to as “election year political narrative.”

A few of Mr. Morrison’s quotes…

“It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction.”

“One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense.”

“It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.”

Another piece of Fake News bites the dust…apologies to Freddie Mercury.
Continue reading

Narrative Busters

The Media.

Not sure that THEY know…that WE know…that despite what their college diploma says, most of them are not REAL journalists, but liberal activists who exist to create narratives.

The Coronavirus “narrative” is that Trump is only just NOW taking it seriously, and has botched the response.

With apologies to Bill Murray, here are some narrative busters…

Mentioned this before, but the one thing that literally busts the narrative all by its lonesome is Trump ordering a halt to all travel from China at the end of January.




In case it didn’t fully sink in the first…or second…time you read it. Continue reading

Ranting, Raving, and Riffing

Does it feel like the whole world is spinning out of control, or is it just my hangover?

The chaos is palpable…so many issues to comment on…I’m having complete sensory overload.  I just want to hide in a dark room and drown myself in a bottle of single malt scotch.

Ya know, the good 18 year stuff, not that 12 year rot gut you carry in a crumpled brown bag in your glove compartment.  Cheap booze tends to heighten one’s misery exponentially.

Trust me on that.

Or maybe just forgo the booze (GASP!) and drown myself in hand sanitizer.

Anyway, I’ll go as rapid fire and cover as much ground as I can… Continue reading

Bye Bye Bernie

Rahm Emmanuel…ex-Congressman, ex-Obama Chief-of-Staff, ex-Chicago Mayor…famously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Now, I will concede that quote has a myriad of interpretations, not all of which are nefarious in nature.

However, in the Age of Trump, it has only a single interpretation…


And we’re seeing it full-on with this Coronavirus…as we have with every other “crisis,” real or perceived.

With all the fake news and purposely ginned-up, hair-on-fire hysteria by the media and Left surrounding the Coronavirus, a critical piece of news and context gets completely buried.

At the end of January when this Coronavirus crap was in its infancy, Trump halted all travel from China to the U.S., as well as ordering the quarantine of Americans traveling in the region upon their return.

And these Libtards went completely loco.  Yeah…even more than usual. Continue reading

Debate Debacle

Ya know, I try to watch these Democratic debates, I really do.  I mean, I’m a political junkie, I write a political blog…AND I’m a glutton for punishment.

Making great strides with my therapist on the latter.

And speaking of strides…the Democrats made monumental ones last week with their, what, 67th debate?

All the other ones were practically unwatchable…ya know, like actual footage of a C-Section on one of those medical channels, or Rosie O’Donnell getting undressed.

Ew on both counts.

But last week was completely different..and inevitable. Continue reading

The Beast

So obvious…yet so genius.

President Trump, storming into the Daytona 500…no pun intended as rain storms washed out the race on Sunday, delaying it a day.

Still, just an awesome spectacle…which incidentally delivered the The Daytona 500’s best TV ratings in five years.  And I ask you…who loves ratings more than our Reality TV President?

I mean, what bigger collection of Trumpsters than at that wonderful little piece of Americana.

Like Ivory Soap…99.44% pure Trump supporters.

And The Donald, ever the Showman, leads the drivers in a pace lap around the track in the presidential limousine, appropriately named “THE BEAST.”

Talk about kicking it up a notch.  TOTAL.  BAD.  ASS. Continue reading

Teflon Don

I never knew that Newton’s third law of motion…“for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”…applied to politics too.

In the Age of Trump…ANYTHING’S possible.

It seemed that every blazing success the President enjoyed last week, those poor bastards on the Left experienced equal and opposite…and, yes…well-deserved, misery.

Truly an interesting mash-up of physics and politics Newton surely never dreamed of.

Trump’s acquittal in the Senate Impeachment Trial Hoax…while more predictable than Michael Moore’s Type 2 Diabetes…certainly led the success orgy.

The day before, of course, was another stellar State of the Union address that reveled in three years of “Promises Made, Promises Kept” accomplishments that even Helen Keller could clearly see Made America Effing Great Again.  Continue reading