Rumble in the Oval

Are you guys enjoying the dumbass hysterical Libs adding Musk Derangement Syndrome to their mental illness repertoire, on top of the OG TDS?  How these loser ass clowns even get out of bed in the morning anymore is beyond me.

Eliminating waste, fraud, abuse…and let’s not forget just plain old government bloat.  Think about that historically.  Not even an 80/20 issue. A 100/0 issue.  Have you ever met anyone in your entire f*cking life FOR government waste, fraud, and abuse?  It’s like being for herpes and irritable bowel syndrome.

Yet Donald Trump and Elon Musk have brilliantly lured these Leftist retards to fight…hard…AGAINST efforts to eliminate probably a trillion dollars a year of this shit.  And have similarly pushed them to the wrong side of every other 80/20 issue on the planet.

And I love these Libtards wetting their skivvies over Musk putting us on the path of canning a bunch of government bureaucrats that fail to get their asses off the couch and back in the office.  Every single government agency is beyond bloated.  There are over 3 million government employees.  You could cut 10-15% of this dead wood…MINIMUM…and no one would feel it.The federal government isn’t a f*cking jobs program.  Slick Willy cut about 400,000 government jobs and was the last President who balanced the budget in the late 90’s.  I don’t recall a bunch of leg-wetting over it.  Just pats on the back.  F*cking hypocrites.

So…as if it wasn’t great enough to see Kash Patel get confirmed as FBI Director, then I read Trump appoints Dan Bongino as Deputy Director.  Talk about the Jordan/Pippen of law enforcement.  #DreamTeam.

Swizzle in a little AG Pam Bondi and Border Czar Tom Homan, and you have a smorgasbord of Bad Ass.  The acronym FAFO was born for these folks.  Fuck Around, Find Out. 

Bondi already throwing lawsuits at Governors and Mayors who obstruct and impede federal operations related to throwing criminal illegals the hell out of the country, via clearly unconstitutional sanctuary city policies…including NY Governor Kathy Hochul, who’s make-up looks like it’s done every day by an apprentice embalmer.

Even better, wait til Patel and Bongino…who know where all the bodies are buried…get done with the Trump-hating reprobates who presided over the corrupt Russian collusion scam,  Hunter laptop cover-up, Banana Republic-like lawfare, and a myriad of other scandals. You can be sure shredders and fireplaces are running on overdrive destroying documents and hard drives.  

Consequences and accountability.  Get f*cking used to it Libtards.

The big news of the week of course, was the Rumble in the Oval, where that corrupt little troll Zelenskyy waltzes into the Oval Office, disrespectful, entitled and belligerent, totally shitting on the leader of the Free World.  Nice.  

That rare earth minerals deal was supposedly agreed to and ready to go, and he blows the whole thing up.  For the third time recently.  Once in Munich, once in Kiev.  And now in DC?  This guy doesn’t want peace.  That sinking in yet?

Did anyone tell this asshole that President Shits-His-Pants is gone, and the days of jetting into DC for a day and walking away with a check for 60 billion are a thing of the past?   

The “whatever it takes,” “as long as it takes,” blank check bullshit is over. The American taxpayer is tapped out.  Trump knows, because it’s overtly obvious, that this war in unwinnable for Ukraine.  Yet the war-mongering Uniparty is all too happy to go another ten or fifteen years, spend another trillion or two, and allow another million people to die.

It’s about time someone called out this bastard with a Napoleon complex for his desire to draw us not only into World War III, but also a potential nuclear conflict with Russia.  He’d love nothing more.

He wants security guarantees by the U.S.?  Well, that’s basically NATO membership.  And that’s a non-starter all day long.  BTW, NATO is a relic of the Cold War era that does precisely nothing to serve the interests of the United States in 2025. 

Aren’t YOU f*cking tired of spending billions of dollars every year protecting a Europe who can’t protect themselves because they spend all their money on cradle to grave entitlements?  I sure as shit am.

Anyway, that’s the brilliance of businessman Trump’s plan for a rare earth minerals deal.  We get access to these sorely needed critical materials, which also provides us reimbursement for the hundreds of billions Bidumb gave Ukraine, and our physical mining presence there basically gives Ukraine some significant level of security from Russia.

So we’re all over Ukraine with mining operations, what’s Putin gonna do?  Come barreling in with tanks?  I don’t think so.

U.S. corporate, not military, boots on the ground.  Only a businessman President could come up with such a brilliant win/win solution.  Trump seems to be the only one driving for peace, yet somehow he’s the bad guy.  What kind of f*cking political Twilight Zone are we swimming around in?

Then we come to find out by some great reporting from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post that Zelenskyy attended a meeting with a room full of anti-Trump Democrats right before the one with Trump, which was supposed to be simply a formality for the deal signing.  They told him to push back hard on Trump and not sign the deal.

If you can’t see what vile, subversive scumbags these Democrats are by now, there’s literally no f*cking hope for you.

But now…KNOWING how bad he F’d up, Zelenskyy, tail firmly curled between those short stubby legs, seems to now want to sign the deal he promised, yet failed to, three times.

Is it just me, or do we seem to actually have some semblance of that one, big world government the power hungry Globalists always dreamed of?  Thing is, I doubt these Socialist twits ever imagined Donald J. Trump would be the one running the whole show.

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