Comma La Is Who We Thought She Was

The desperation of the Left is palpable.  Their panic, as visible as a full moon in a cloudless midnight sky.  Comma La’s campaign of “joy” and “vibes” has quickly morphed into a political Titanic, slamming into a gigantic iceberg of reality.

More like “joyless” and “bad vibes.”  These bastards are more nervous than a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.

Everyone loves sports analogies.  So much so, I’ll give you two.

Way back in 2006, Dennis Green, the head coach of the hapless Arizona Cardinals, lost a game on a Monday night to the Chicago Bears…DA BEARS!…after blowing a 20-point lead.

In responding to a question in the postgame press conference, a visibly frustrated Green provided one of the most famous outbursts in NFL history, screaming…”THE BEARS ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!!!”

And so it goes with both presidential candidates.


Love him or hate him…WE KNOW WHO TRUMP IS!  Right?  Even if it’s the dishonest, BS caricature version of him portrayed by the faux Lefty media.  Or worse, the completely dishonest characterization of Trump’s stellar record as Prez.

Either way, nobody’s asking, hey, who exactly is this Trump dude?  C’mon.

Ditto for Comma La.

This ain’t effing 2020, when Comma La…Barry Obama’s hand-picked candidate…was a less-than-one-term Senator, and flamed out of the Democrat primaries before the first vote was cast…because she was so God awful f*cking bad…as both a candidate and a human being.

Maybe back then I could sort of buy the “people don’t know her” bullshit.

But after riding shotgun in, not arguably…but objectively…the most destructive administration in my lifetime, if not the country’s history…PEOPLE F*CKING KNOW HER!!  PERIOD!!

And they’re unequivocally rejecting her, like my body rejects non-alcoholic beer.

The endless incoherent word salads, complete inability to speak contemporaneously on any issue…notwithstanding her incessant abortion cheerleading, or calling people racists and misogynists.

And it’s not really even her inability to articulate coherent thoughts, per se.  She literally doesn’t have a grasp of the issues.  Zero understanding.  That’s a fact.  This broad shouldn’t be within 100 miles of the goddamn VP’s residence, much less the White House.

Her campaign’s attempt to convince anyone that the person voted the most Lib member of the Senate in 2019 has morphed into a raging moderate has been a complete and utter failure.

You’d sooner believe in Sasquatch, unicorns, and Joe Biden’s ability to climb the big boy stairs into Air Force One.

She’s hemorrhaging every traditional Lib “group”…Blacks, Hispanics, union workers, etc.  Particularly the men.  Not just running to Trump.  Sprinting.  Like a pack of gazelles.

Black women?  White suburban women?  Not so much.  These broads need to wise the f*ck up, quite frankly.  Sorry ladies.  We here at The Drunken Republican need to dish out some tough love on occasion.

Or just explain to me what you don’t like about affordable grocery and gas prices, a secure southern border, and world peace.  I’m open minded.

Anyway…Comma La’s poll numbers are cratering faster than Michael Moore’s life expectancy.

Gonna get real here for a moment.

Even as I support Republican candidates for decades, I never in my life…NEVER…felt that the Democrat candidate didn’t at least have the gravitas to actually hold the office.

Ok, maybe Mike Dukakis.

But Obama?  Both Clintons?  John Kerry?  Al Gore?  Even Sleepy Joe, cognitive issues aside.   All, at least, had the gravitas to be President IMHO…regardless of how much I may have despised them personally, and their crap, failed, Lefty policies.

Although Slick Willie was OK after Newt Gingrich showed him the light.

Anyway…Can YOU picture this cackling DEI hire in a room with Putin or Xi Jinping?  I mean, unless she’s there to fill their water glass?

This is a new, weird…and incredibly horrifying feeling for me.

I suspect I’m not alone.  In fact I know it.

Fact is, had she not spent a few years way back when playing hide the salami with a very powerful Mayor of San Francisco named Willie Brown who catapulted her career…she’d probably be a mediocre lawyer at some nondescript SF law firm.

Then she only gets the VP nod…at least according to Hunter’s Pop…because she had the right skin tone and genitalia…not any semblance of merit or ability.

Anyone with senses just a smidge better than Helen Keller can see that clear as day.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I did promise one more sports analogy.  Let me circle back to that…as Peppermint Patty used to like to say in the White House briefing room…

I’m managing a baseball team, and I have a guy who’s the biggest asshole on the planet, but he hits 50 HR’s and racks up 125 RBI’s every year like clockwork.  He’s my clean-up hitter.  No matter what.  Period.

The baseball version of policy over personality, I reckon.

Otherwise, I’m acting against my own self-interest.

And WHY in Sam Effing Hell would anyone in their right mind do that?

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