Daily Archives: September 29, 2024

Fake Debates, Real Assassinations

In the latest installment of The Drunken Republican “Nobody Gives a Shit” news…

This is my 300th blog post.  At least according to WordPress.  I didn’t actually count them.  Yay me!

So, I acknowledge being a bit tardy in commenting on these subjects, but never stopped me before…said the man with no shame.

Anyway…Let’s start with a quote that is anything but a word salad…

“The journalistic malfeasance is ubiquitous.”

That overtly unambiguous…and accurate…quote is from none other than Megyn Kelly, who hosts one of the top podcasts on the planet. If you’re interested in politics, you must check it out.

And she’s still as hot as ever…for those, like me, that care about such superficial drivel.

Anyway…that quote reflected her monumental outrage at the so-called Trump/Harris “debate” on ABC.

Spot on as usual, Megyn. Continue reading