Monthly Archives: September 2024

Political Twilight Zone

I want to declare once and for all that I am fully behind LGBTQ.  I mean, c’mon…Liquor, Guns, Beer, Titties, and Quickies?  What’s not to like?

Ok, I saw that somewhere online and it really spoke to me in a profound way, so just wanted to share.  And if I offend a few sense-of-humor challenged Libs along the way – BONUS!!!

Surely everyone knows by now that RFKJ endorsed Trump.  Suspends his campaign in all the battleground states.  Eat your hearts out Lefty’s, as you laughably poo poo the whole thing.  Love how RFKJ has called out his beloved Democrat Party as the corrupt Marxists they have morphed into.

Tough decision, admire him for it.  Basically shits on his whole family, who universally despise Trump.  His wife, Cheryl Hines, a Hollywood actress of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame, will no doubt lose a lot of work in La La Land.

RFKJ’s mantra…Make America Healthy Again.  I mean…Who can’t get behind that in America…Land of the Obese.

Think of it.  If I told you five years ago that Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and a whole bunch of Silicon Valley tech billionaires would all endorse The Orange Monster for President, you’d have told me to put down that bong IMMEDIATELY!!! Continue reading