A Campaign About Nothing

The way I see it, if the Democrats gave a flying F about “Democracy,” they would have concocted some process at their convention by which the party could have opened up their nomination process to all comers.  A chaotic proposition to be sure.  But Democracy’s messy sometimes, ya know?

If this, among a thousand other things, doesn’t convince you that this Leftist crew hates Democracy, the Constitution, and the country – well, I can’t help pull your head out of your ass.

But I can loan you a flashlight.  On second thought…how about you just keep that flashlight.  Ew.

The Dem convention.  What a phony shit show of glitzy nothingness and shameless gaslighting.  Anything they said Trump would do if elected was a total 180 from the truth.  Lies, lies, and more lies.

They stick Biden on stage for his “farewell” speech at 11:30 at night…ON MONDAY…when precisely 17 insomniacs are watching.  Man, did they screw Dementia Boy big time.

Massive protests by their Pro-Hamas, Jew-Hating constituency, kept about a mile away, of course.  And nary a mention by anyone – except when Biden said “they have a point.”

As nauseating as it gets.  Still, hard to get miffed with a guy who has no idea what planet he’s on, and can’t wipe his own ass.  And, ya know, the whole coup thing…getting thrown under one of Kamala’s beloved electric buses.  They treated him like a horse with a broken leg.  

Hopefully there’s not a glue factory near the White House.  Almost feel sorry for him.  I said almost.

And in keeping with the shit show theme – might want to sit down for this – they offered on-site abortions and vasectomies – heard they performed about 25 abortions.  Keeping’ it classy, those Dems!  As far as vasectomies – have you seen some of these nauseating Marxist broads?  Getting knocked-up is the LEAST of their worries.  Ew.

I mean, there’s not enough alcohol on the planet…oh never mind.  Couldn’t they have just had a few food stands selling corn dogs and weird fried crap like at the Iowa State Fair?

I have to say, this dude Walz, the Minnesota Governor and VP pick, is some vile piece of shit.  And they’re trying to sell him as “America’s Dad.”  Once upon a time, Bill Cosby was “America’s dad.”

‘Nuff said.

In rapid fire fashion…

Walz characterizes socialism as “neighborliness.”

Put tampons in boys restrooms in schools.

AOK with biological men in women’s sports.

AOK with abortion on demand up to the time of birth.

Created “snitch” lines to report your neighbors breaking “rules” during Covid.

Lied about several aspects of his own national guard service.

Lied about a prior DUI arrest.

Sent out the Minnesota national guard to shoot paint guns at people who violated authoritarian Covid curfews. (Yes, there is video of this)

Allowed Antifa and BLM rioters to trash and burn Minneapolis during George Floyd riots, and to commandeer a police station.

Has a mountain of connections to the Chinese Communist Party in his past (currently being probed by Congress).

Yep, just your regular old midwestern moderate.  BAHAHAHAHA!  

And to put a nice bow on it all…the runner-up in the Veepstakes, popular Democrat Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro – who everyone expected to be picked – had three strikes against him from the get-go…He’s Jewish, he’s too moderate, and he’s Jewish.

We know who the real bigots are, don’t we???  Oy Vey.

Clearly what the Walz pick signaled is simply a “jack up the Marxist base” and “get out the vote” strategy, with no substantive outreach to Independents and Moderates…notwithstanding a meaningless platitude here and there.

These Libtards truly think they can turn Kamala into the XX chromosome version of Barry Obama?  It’s like comparing Tom Brady to some back-up high school QB.  Yep.  That stark.  Hope and Change” is now “Hope and Joy.”  I don’t think so.

More like Hopeless, Joyless, and Brainless.

The struggling middle class can’t cover 30% cost increases in groceries and 50% increases in gas and energy with Hope and Joy.  What’s that old saying?  Kamala couldn’t hold Obama’s jockstrap…or Michelle’s, as it were.

Some of you will get that.

But they simply cannot talk about their failed Marxist policies…and don’t have to thanks to the bootlicking media whores…for the same reason they rigged their primaries in 2016 and 2020 against Bernie Sanders.  He was unequivocally unelectable because his Commie reputation preceded him.  But they’ll take someone like Harris and try to rehabilitate her into some semblance of a moderate.

Ditto with Tampon Tim.  Radical as they get.  

Are Americans THAT f*cking clueless and stupid?  Absolutely.  Many of them are. The question is how many of these low information lobotomy patients will actually vote.  

Did you see Comma La’s absurd, embarrassing attempt to give an economic speech?  Let’s see…$2 trillion of wealth redistribution giveaways, and some nonsense about anti-price gouging legislation – which is code for price controls.  Wait…didn’t this fail miserably when Nixon tried it on the 70’s?  And isn’t this done in every authoritarian regime on the planet, causing massive shortages, rationing, poverty, and death?”

And who is first on their hit list?  Grocery stores!!!…who, ya know, traditionally have profit margins of like 1% to 2%.  Huh?  THEY’RE F*CKING PRICE GOUGING!?!?  My God.

Giving that Marxist DEI hire the keys to the White House is like giving the keys to your Lamborghini to a blind crack addict.

Greg Gutfeld said something so spot on recently…Seinfeld was a show about nothing;  Comma La’s candidacy is a campaign about nothing.  Love that.  Perfect analogy.

Ya know, Kamala Harris once said, “Yeah, I am a radical.”  We should believe her.

1 thought on “A Campaign About Nothing

  1. patrolbravely58fff5c237

    As bad as you perceive Kamala and Timmy to be, there’s a 50/50 chance that they will beat Donnie and Jimmy, because Americans decide that the only thing worse than Kamala is Donnie.

    By your own account, it’s hard to be worse than Kamala, but the American public will make their choice as informed citizens. It could go either way – who knows.

    We deserve better. So, you should bend over and use your own flashlight – it’s not a pretty sight, but you’ll get a better view of the world (and an asshole).


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