Daily Archives: August 26, 2024

A Campaign About Nothing

The way I see it, if the Democrats gave a flying F about “Democracy,” they would have concocted some process at their convention by which the party could have opened up their nomination process to all comers.  A chaotic proposition to be sure.  But Democracy’s messy sometimes, ya know?

If this, among a thousand other things, doesn’t convince you that this Leftist crew hates Democracy, the Constitution, and the country – well, I can’t help pull your head out of your ass.

But I can loan you a flashlight.  On second thought…how about you just keep that flashlight.  Ew.

The Dem convention.  What a phony shit show of glitzy nothingness and shameless gaslighting.  Anything they said Trump would do if elected was a total 180 from the truth.  Lies, lies, and more lies.

They stick Biden on stage for his “farewell” speech at 11:30 at night…ON MONDAY…when precisely 17 insomniacs are watching.  Man, did they screw Dementia Boy big time. Continue reading