Kamala Koronation

Despite the best efforts of the Democrats and their bootlickers in the mainstream media to sell Kamala Harris as a “moderate,” and coronate her as the next Margaret Thatcher, or Barack Obama with a vagina, they’ll ultimately fail in scraping off of her the left-wing stench of San Francisco progressivism.

The same media that laughably told us for nearly four years that Joe Biden was cognitively sharp as a tack, will tell Americans that Kamala Harris is a raging moderate.

So grab some popcorn, because we are in the midst of an ideological remake of Kamala Harris that is absolutely breathtaking.

Right off the bat, these purveyors of misinformation are telling the American public that Kamala Harris was, in fact, not the Border Czar.  An Associated Press article in March 2021 stated, “President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.”

In government, the word “czar” is often used to describe one leading a large effort…whether in an official title or not.  Harris was, in fact, tapped to lead the border effort.  So now, Democrats and their media friends would rather play games of childish semantics instead of acknowledging an obvious truth.

In the first few days of his administration, Biden reversed virtually every Trump border policy that “created the most secure border in our history,” according to former acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan, who worked under multiple presidents, including Barack Obama.

Have you seen this guy Homan?  Right out of central casting, as The Donald likes to say.

But pick up a newspaper or tune into one of the Commie cable news networks, and this gaslighting goes far beyond the immigration issue.  Despite mountains of video of Kamala Harris clearly articulating her years of radical, left wing policy positions, well, don’t believe your lyin’ eyes.

Miraculously, Harris no longer believes in a fracking ban.  Nor does she believe in mandatory gun buybacks, or banning private health insurance.  And she’s seemingly had a sincere change of heart regarding increasing funding for border enforcement.

And in related news, my cat Chloe swears she all of a sudden hates tuna fish.

Are Pennsylvanian’s to believe Harris’s new found love for fracking, a critical industry in that state?  In this ongoing ideological whitewash, is she going to similarly back off the aggressive EV mandates of the Biden/Harris administration, which, as Donald Trump put it, would cause a “bloodbath” in the auto industry?  Kind of an important issue for folks in the critical swing state of Michigan.

Truth is, large swaths of the Democratic Party absolutely loathed the idea of a potential Kamala Harris candidacy.  They saw, like we all did, the incoherent word salads, the off putting cackling laugh, and her inability to speak contemporaneously in most settings that did not involve a teleprompter.

Trying to figure out who the bigger dumbass is, Comma-La or AOC.  I’m on the fence.

One recent unscripted moment that slipped past Harris’s Democratic and media Praetorian Guard was at Joint Base Andrews where Harris and President Biden greeted the newly-freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gerskovich.  Harris said, “This is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.”

Could THIS f*cking moron ACTUALLY become President??  I swear I’d rather have Biden back instead…dementia, diapers, fake Dr. Jill, crackhead Hunter.  All of it.

Ah, the good old days.

Anyway…We’ve witnessed these incoherent word salads too many times.  If Harris has to be shielded from journalists in order to avoid these embarrassments, it is inconceivable that she can be the leader of the free world, and go toe-to-toe with the likes of Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping.

They’ll chew her up and spit her out like a spent piece of Juicy Fruit.

Over two election cycles, Kamala Harris has earned precisely zero primary delegates, yet has been anointed the Democratic nominee for president by party elders in the most undemocratic of ways.  Now, WHO exactly is a threat to Democracy?   BAHAHAHAHA!

BTW, that BS narrative failed so badly, they’ve shit canned it, and now they just call Trump and Vance “weird.”   My God, they’re wearing their desperation on their sleeves. 

And now, we’re expected to believe Harris, consistently voted one of the most liberal members of the Senate by GovTrack, a non-partisan organization that tracks voting records in Congress, has ditched all of her lifetime progressive policy positions?   Such a notion strains credulity to its breaking point.

And in 2019, voted THE most liberal Senator.  More than Crazy Bernie.  More than Pocahontas.

Let that f*cking sink in for a minute.

The national mainstream media (aka, Enemy of the People) has both a duty and obligation to hold Harris accountable for the plethora of failures of the Biden administration, and aggressively challenge her on these seemingly endless policy flip flops, via unscripted, unedited interviews, and press conferences.

Don’t hold your breath.

In the end, all of these political machinations and media coronations will likely be rendered moot anyway, as working class Americans channel their inner Ronald Reagan and ask themselves, am I better off today than I was 4 years ago?

You can NEVER go wrong with a Gipper reference.

1 thought on “Kamala Koronation

  1. Tom B

    Besides spewing your usual biased views and misinformation, you’re finally showing that you’re scared that there is a real race for President. 3 weeks ago, Biden and the Democratic Party were dead in the water. Now, there is new life, and the Democrats have a fighting chance. It’s too close to call, but it could go either way. The American people will decide, and we will get the best possible outcome.

    In the end, we will keep growing and keep getting better overall – using the old: 2 steps forward and 1 step backward routine, but a net forward. There will always be some bumps in the road regardless of who is president, but overall, we keep getting better, which is great because there’s lots more to improve. Some nitwits might fight the momentum and end up worse, but that is how natural selection and capitalism works.

    Don’t be a Nitwit – Don’t bet against America.


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