Daily Archives: August 7, 2024

Kamala Koronation

Despite the best efforts of the Democrats and their bootlickers in the mainstream media to sell Kamala Harris as a “moderate,” and coronate her as the next Margaret Thatcher, or Barack Obama with a vagina, they’ll ultimately fail in scraping off of her the left-wing stench of San Francisco progressivism.

The same media that laughably told us for nearly four years that Joe Biden was cognitively sharp as a tack, will tell Americans that Kamala Harris is a raging moderate.

So grab some popcorn, because we are in the midst of an ideological remake of Kamala Harris that is absolutely breathtaking.

Right off the bat, these purveyors of misinformation are telling the American public that Kamala Harris was, in fact, not the Border Czar.  An Associated Press article in March 2021 stated, “President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.”

In government, the word “czar” is often used to describe one leading a large effort…whether in an official title or not.  Harris was, in fact, tapped to lead the border effort.  So now, Democrats and their media friends would rather play games of childish semantics instead of acknowledging an obvious truth. Continue reading