Good title.  Bulletproof, indeed.  When the figurative morphs into the literal.

I’ve talked about it forever…I’ve written about it forever…I’ve feared it forever.

No, not inadvertently walking in on Joy Behar changing into her itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny bikini.  Cellulite City.  Although that’s right up there on the list of things that simultaneously horrify and nauseate me.  

The last, best hope of the Democrats to take Trump out was through their lawfare, banana republic shit.  It was never gonna work.  

Quite predictably, the adults eventually sauntered into the room…be it the Supreme Court, various appellate courts, or maybe even a random non-corrupt judge that wasn’t a Democrat plant (see Florida documents case)…and summarily defecated on all these ginned-up, illegitimate cases like a homeless crack addict dropping a big steamy burrito right in front of a San Francisco Chipotle.  

Look, I’m no genius…as my better half seems to remind me every day.  Nor am I prescient.

But I’ve predicted forever…probably along with tens of millions of my closest friends…that every attempt by the Racist, Marxist Left to crow bar Trump out of the race would crash and burn so violently, it would make the Hindenburg look like a mere fender bender.

At which point the ONLY logical conclusion would be an attempt on Trump’s life.  Not if…but when.

The Left has unequivocally proven three things…1) Their abject hatred of America and the Constitution, 2) Their complete and utter confusion as to which restroom to use, and 3)  They will literally…LITERALLY…stop an nothing to keep Trump out of the White House.

The ends justify the means, ya know?

A millimeter or two from instant death.  A quick and ever so slight turn of the head at PRECISELY the right moment…mashed up with a nice healthy dose of Divine Intervention, and The Donald’s still kickin’ baby!!!

USA!!!  USA!!!  USA!!!  USA!!!  USA!!!

Toughest effing Son-of-a-Bitch on the planet.  No.  The galaxy.  Bar none.  Are we even worthy?  I mean, do we REALLY deserve him?

Make no mistake.  The guy took a bullet…FOR US.  The sane half of the country fully understands that.

Blood streaming down his face, fist pumping violently in the air, yelling…FIGHT!!!  FIGHT!!!  FIGHT!!!   I’ve never been so f*cking pissed beyond belief and emotionally inspired all at once.  This guy makes Superman look like a 97-pound weakling getting sand kicked in his face.

I am not at all a conspiracy theorist, but until I get a clear and coherent reason why that building rooftop 100 or so yards from Trump at that rally was not fully secured, I’ll believe in my gut this was a Deep State job.  Or a Russia/China job.  Or some combination thereof.

I don’t know how…I don’t know who this 20 year old kid was that took the shot, then beautifully got his head blown off…but securing that building is f*cking Secret Service 101.

It’s like Joe’s open border policy.  Not a mistake.  Not incompetence.  Effing ON PURPOSE.

And I have precisely zero confidence that any investigation done by the FBI will be in the least bit legitimate or transparent.  Can you blame me?

These are the motherf*ckers after all, that were behind Russia, Russia, Russia, and had a heavy hand in every other corrupt anti-Trump hoax and lawfare along with their corrupt buddies in the DOJ and intelligence agencies.

Whistleblowers, not “investigations,” will ultimately uncover the truth.

This is nothing new.  I mean, why do you think the Gov’t refuses to release the JFK files after 60+ years?  All the principles are dead.  Why does RFK Jr. say, unequivocally, that the CIA killed his uncle?  And Trump is hated by “the establishment” a thousand times more than JFK.


And that primo spot, a perfectly placed rooftop, for someone with a rifle and a scope to take several shots at Trump JUST SO HAPPENED TO BE FULLY UNSECURE?  You telling me the sniper that ultimately blew that loser’s head apart couldn’t have done that BEFORE the shooting?  When throngs of people saw him setting up minutes before and screamed for police?  

Nah.  Not buying it.  Not by a long shot…pun intended.

Oh sure, I could be wrong, I suppose.  But if you summarily dismiss this as conspiracy theory, you’re a blind fool.  Or a Trump hater.

Pardon the redundancy.

And to people like Biden, Obama, Pelosi, and every other prominent Democrat that blathered on with public statements about condemning political violence, and various other meaningless platitudes that, due to politics and optics, they HAD to express…save it.  They’re all f*cking liars.

Here’s a little factoid…every one of these Leftist Bastards would have been high-fiving behind closed doors if Trump met his demise.  You know it and I know it.  And in our own lives…we ALL know people like that, DON’T WE???

F*cking liars with blood on their hands.  Their 24/7 hysterical, inflammatory rhetoric about Trump for a decade now…Evil Dictator, existential threat to Democracy, blah, blah…backed up by nothing but endless lies and false narratives…put a big juicy target on his back. 

They’re the evil authoritarian, existential threats to Democracy and they’ve proven it BY THEIR OWN ACTIONS every goddamn day since Trump slid down that escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, accompanied by stunningly beautiful Melania.

Those Leftist MFers are masters of projection.  I’ll give’em that, boy.  Like a tranny swimmer, they’ll win THAT medal every friggin’ day of the week.

Yep…I thought almost four years of Biden destroying the country, and arguably, the world…that the sleeping giant had been nudged awake.

The reality?  This ain’t a nudge…they got him out of a deep sleep by kicking him in the nuts and banging his wife.  Instant coherence.

Say it with me, Lefty’s.  C’mon.  You can do it…

Trump 47…Trump 47…Trump 47…

And finally…Michael Goodwin, epic columnist for the NY Post, captured my thoughts perfectly, immediately upon hearing the news of the attempted assassination.  Goodwin writes…

Just remember the first thought that came to your mind when you heard the news that Trump had been shot and saw the picture of the bleeding former president being lifted by beefy men in suits, blood on his ear, face and hands.

Once you knew he was shot at a rally, you knew everything you needed to know.

You knew they did it, they finally did it.  Even before you learned anything about the shooter, who is now dead, you knew.”

2 thoughts on “BULLETPROOF

  1. Tom

    America survived 4 years of a babbling, fumbling old man in the White House.
    America survived 4 years of a person with no character or integrity in the White House.
    America even survived when a President had a major stroke and was incapacitated for over a year until the end of his term (Woodrow Willson).
    America will survive 4 more years of either of these losers because America is a strong and diverse nation and as Warren Buffet said: “Don’t Bet Against America”.

    You and I are both better off than we were 4 years ago and 8 years ago, but no thanks to these leaders. We are better off despite these losers because of who we are and the strength of the American system.

    You would be wise to see the reality of both of these men. They are the two worst Presidents in our lifetime. I don’t see how you can love one loser over the other. Trump does not deserve your glorification. To you, he may be the lesser of two evils, but that doesn’t mean you should bow down in adoration – it’s pathetic.

    We deserve far better.


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