Debate Dementia

As Joe Biden delivered the nation a cornucopia of incoherence in the first debate against former President Trump last Thursday night, a myriad of thoughts were violently bouncing around in my head like a malfunctioning pinball machine.

If only Dementia Joe’s brain synapses were firing with equal vigor.  Or at all.

Offering nothing but confused, meandering gibberish, and a stare as vacant as an old, abandoned Blockbuster, I couldn’t help but think about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Oh c’mon you remember…the porridge is too hot, then too cold, then just right?

So…think back to the State of the Union address, when a totally different (read: “jacked-up”) Joe Biden screamed and scowled his way through the roughly 90 minute address.

One need not possess a medical degree from Johns Hopkins to know the meds were too much.  For the debate…if you wanna call it that…the meds were too little.  Following this truly disturbing analogy to its logical conclusion, maybe…just maybe…the White House Docs will get the meds JUUUUUUST RIGHT for the next debate on September 10th.   

Third time’s a charm, as they say.

I mean, if the next debate even happens.  The Biden camp insists it will.  Color me skeptical.

Thanks for sticking with me on all that.  Actually, the story of how I came to know a stripper named Goldilocks years ago is an infinitely more interesting story, but this is a family blog, so…

My two favorite moments of the debate?

After yet another incomprehensible word salad that only DEI hire Kamala Harris could appreciate, Biden finishes with, “Look, we finally beat Medicare.”

After which, Trump cleverly deadpanned, “Well he’s right: he did beat Medicare.  He beat it to death.”

As politically scrumptious as that was, it was only exceeded by this response from The Orange Monster, after another incoherent Bidumb word jumble…

I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence.  I don’t think he does either.”

Joe’s “train of thought” resembled a multi-car derailment.

If it wasn’t all so sad…and scary…it would be funny. Hahaha, just kidding.  It was f*cking hilarious.  A bit Laurel and Hardy-esque, in fact.


OK…I don’t need to go any further with this…Jesus, we all know what we saw.  And it was frighteningly ugly.  The Greta Thunberg of debates, if you will.

My main takeaways?

How about the Left wing media wackos all screaming for Joe to step down upon witnessing his raging dementia…when they spent the last four years telling us that Joe was sharp as a tack?

Are they kidding?  They knew the truth like we all did.  Helen Effing Keller could see and hear it.  What Tom Brady is to football, Michael Jordan is to hoops, and Tiger Woods is to banging waitresses…uh…I mean, golf…these Commie sons of bitches are to gaslighting.

This is yet another lie or false narrative perpetuated by the Libtards and their Fake News Media Whores that died in a fiery crash, relegated to spend all of eternity in that wasteland of other debunked lies…Russian collusion, Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation, phony Jan. 6th narrative, Charlottesville, “Bloodbath” comment, yada, yada, yada.

Like the Biden Crime Family has been laundering money for years, the Lefty faux media can no longer launder these lies. 

Hence, these same media schmucks and Democrats are abandoning ship like drowning rats, in a total panicked spaz out, screaming JOE’S GOTTA GO!

Ain’t gonna happen, assholes.  Couple reasons…

First, Jill Biden is the REAL villain here.  She won’t let it happen.  A narcissistic, power-hunger elitist that gives zero f*cks about Joe or the country.  She makes Cruella de Vil look like Mother Teresa.

This is straight up elder abuse.  Really, shame on her…he said with an enthusiastically wagging  finger.

Maybe if she was a REAL f*cking doctor, she could have helped get Joe’s meds right.

Second…as truly catastrophic as Joe is, the Dems really have no choice but to stick with him and not slide Kamala into the top spot.  For obvious reasons.  This empty-headed broad with the vocabulary of a 7-year old that rides the short bus makes AOC look like a Rhodes Scholar.

Here’s another little factoid…the Far Left Marxists …who completely own the Democrook party from both a policy and funding standpoint…would NEVER EVER EVER tolerate ANYONE leapfrogging Kamala.

I’ll state the excruciatingly obvious.  She’s got the right skin color and genitalia.  Trust me, Comma La’s going NOWHERE.  The racists and bigots in Diversity & DEI Land will make damn sure of it.

While all the post-debate attention has been inevitably focused on President Rigormortis, Trump surely had his best debate ever…notwithstanding the fact that it was more like Iron Mike Tyson vs. an angry pre-pubescent Girl Scout…than anything resembling a fair fight.

Orange Man Bad was hitting on ALL cylinders, like a finely tuned, gas guzzling muscle car…policy, temperament, leadership.  Dare I say…OUTRIGHT PRESIDENTIAL?!?!

The ultimate irony?  The format of the debate, fully dictated by the Biden campaign and much to their surprise, accepted carte blanche by Trump, ACTUALLY worked swimmingly in Trump’s favor.

The lack of audience, and especially the candidate’s microphones being cut when the other candidate was speaking, kept Trump measured, focused, and on point.

And I will eat a bit of crow and happily admit that the CNN moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, card-carrying Trump haters, actually performed in a mostly fair way with both their questions, and treatment of the candidates.

Admittedly, not what I expected.  

It’s been widely reported in the past few days that Biden has a hard time functioning outside the hours of 10am and 4pm.  You good with that from the so-called Leader of the Free World?  China, Russia, and Iran sure as shit are.

Interestingly though, this pretty much coincides with my day drinking schedule.

In the end, the biggest question of all is not what ultimately becomes of Joe’s candidacy.

The REAL question that has Americans scratching their heads, is…

Who the hell is actually in charge?

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