Monthly Archives: July 2024


Good title.  Bulletproof, indeed.  When the figurative morphs into the literal.

I’ve talked about it forever…I’ve written about it forever…I’ve feared it forever.

No, not inadvertently walking in on Joy Behar changing into her itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny bikini.  Cellulite City.  Although that’s right up there on the list of things that simultaneously horrify and nauseate me.  

The last, best hope of the Democrats to take Trump out was through their lawfare, banana republic shit.  It was never gonna work.  

Quite predictably, the adults eventually sauntered into the room…be it the Supreme Court, various appellate courts, or maybe even a random non-corrupt judge that wasn’t a Democrat plant (see Florida documents case)…and summarily defecated on all these ginned-up, illegitimate cases like a homeless crack addict dropping a big steamy burrito right in front of a San Francisco Chipotle.  

Look, I’m no genius…as my better half seems to remind me every day.  Nor am I prescient.

But I’ve predicted forever…probably along with tens of millions of my closest friends…that every attempt by the Racist, Marxist Left to crow bar Trump out of the race would crash and burn so violently, it would make the Hindenburg look like a mere fender bender. Continue reading

Debate Dementia

As Joe Biden delivered the nation a cornucopia of incoherence in the first debate against former President Trump last Thursday night, a myriad of thoughts were violently bouncing around in my head like a malfunctioning pinball machine.

If only Dementia Joe’s brain synapses were firing with equal vigor.  Or at all.

Offering nothing but confused, meandering gibberish, and a stare as vacant as an old, abandoned Blockbuster, I couldn’t help but think about Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Oh c’mon you remember…the porridge is too hot, then too cold, then just right?

So…think back to the State of the Union address, when a totally different (read: “jacked-up”) Joe Biden screamed and scowled his way through the roughly 90 minute address.

One need not possess a medical degree from Johns Hopkins to know the meds were too much.  For the debate…if you wanna call it that…the meds were too little.  Following this truly disturbing analogy to its logical conclusion, maybe…just maybe…the White House Docs will get the meds JUUUUUUST RIGHT for the next debate on September 10th.   

Third time’s a charm, as they say. Continue reading