Collateral Damage

Don’t ya love how these Libtards squeal endlessly that TRUMP’S A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!   We’re NOT a Democracy, of course, but a Constitutional Republic.  But a lot of these assholes can’t even figure out what f*cking gender they are, so why WOULD they understand nuances vis-a-vis various forms of governance.

I mean, aren’t these Leftist pukes the ones that have Banana Republic’d our entire government by corrupting and weaponizing once revered institutions like the DOJ and FBI, using them to imprison their chief political opponent, and create a wholly two-tiered justice system?

Aren’t these the scumbags that committed election interference all day long in the 2020 election through back door censorship, utilizing their appendages in the mainstream media and social media companies to not just censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, but shadow ban Conservatives, their message, and squash ANY negative story about Biden like a kid stepping on a helpless ant?

And what about those 51 Intel officials who knowingly lied…at the behest of the Biden campaign in 2020…that the Hunter laptop had “the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” when they KNEW that was a lie?  The FBI authenticated that laptop at least a year earlier.

All so Biden had a talking point in the debate with Trump.  This is a level of corruption and election interference Russian and China could only dream of.

And aren’t these the America-haters that deliberately violate the Constitution and immigration law on the books every single day by purposely opening the border, effectively shitting on our country’s sovereignty, as well as the physical well being of Americans?

But Trump is the threat to “Democracy?”  My God…Give me a f*cking break.


And on that latter point…

Are you as sick and f*cking tired as me hearing like every week, some woman or young girl getting raped and killed by yet another criminal illegal alien…aka, future Demoscum voter…welcomed in by President Methuselah?


Laken Riley, 22 year old Georgia college student killed while jogging in Feb by sub-human Illegal alien from Venezuela, welcomed into the country with open arms by Joe Biden.

Rachel Morin, Maryland mother of 5 raped and murdered in August 2023, by sub-human illegal alien from El Salvador arrested this month, welcomed into the country with open arms by Joe Biden.

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12 year old Houston girl, raped and strangled to death this month by two sub-human illegal aliens from some shit hole country, welcomed into the U.S. with open arms by Joe Biden.

13 year old viciously raped this month in Queens NY (minor, name withheld), by sub-human illegal alien from Ecuador, welcomed into the country with open arms by Joe Biden.

How many others aren’t reported nationally?  Or unsolved, cold cases?  And I haven’t even mentioned those killed by fentanyl, and thousands of minors forced into child sex trafficking.

So, unequivocally…1000%…Joe Biden has blood on his hands on every one of these tragedies.  You gonna argue otherwise?  REALLY?!?!

I’ll even go one further…he said with great conviction.

After seeing this carnage for almost four years…which the Left clearly, and nauseatingly, considers “collateral damage” in their quest for future votes and perpetual power…and you STILL vote for Biden?  Blood on your hands too, muchacho.  Or muchacha.  Or some combination thereof.

Sorry.  No other conclusion.

Now, don’t get me wrong…not saying you have to vote for Trump.  Hate Trump all you want, don’t vote for him…fine.  But if you pull that lever for Biden…not talking about 2020…but NOW…you’re complicit in the carnage.  Full stop.

Anyone that gives a shit about the Constitution and the physical well being of Americans would not open our border, and by extension, would not vote for the guy who opens the border.  Period.

Very simple.  I’m a simple guy.

It would be a damn shame if those responsible for these open border policies that endanger the life of every single American, personally experience the tragedy of one of their loved ones getting raped and slaughtered by violent, criminal aliens warmly welcomed into the country by Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Not only welcomed.  But in fact, LURED, like flies to shit.  And for what?  Votes and political power?

Sadly, it might take such a tragedy to stop the carnage.  Although with these Marxist bastards, I’m not so sure.

1 thought on “Collateral Damage

  1. Tom

    You sound like an angry little elf that is trying harder and harder to emulate some other angry little elves, like Steve Bannon and Alex Jones. Alas, in four years it will all be over, one way or the other and I believe we can get the country back on track with new inspiring candidates that have character and sound policies. We shouldn’t have to choose one over the other.


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