Daily Archives: June 26, 2024

Collateral Damage

Don’t ya love how these Libtards squeal endlessly that TRUMP’S A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!   We’re NOT a Democracy, of course, but a Constitutional Republic.  But a lot of these assholes can’t even figure out what f*cking gender they are, so why WOULD they understand nuances vis-a-vis various forms of governance.

I mean, aren’t these Leftist pukes the ones that have Banana Republic’d our entire government by corrupting and weaponizing once revered institutions like the DOJ and FBI, using them to imprison their chief political opponent, and create a wholly two-tiered justice system?

Aren’t these the scumbags that committed election interference all day long in the 2020 election through back door censorship, utilizing their appendages in the mainstream media and social media companies to not just censor the Hunter Biden laptop story, but shadow ban Conservatives, their message, and squash ANY negative story about Biden like a kid stepping on a helpless ant?

And what about those 51 Intel officials who knowingly lied…at the behest of the Biden campaign in 2020…that the Hunter laptop had “the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” when they KNEW that was a lie?  The FBI authenticated that laptop at least a year earlier.

All so Biden had a talking point in the debate with Trump.  This is a level of corruption and election interference Russian and China could only dream of. Continue reading