Daily Archives: June 15, 2024

Biden Lies, Economic Edition

Think I’m gonna just bite the bullet and change the name of this blog to The Lazy Republican…at least based on the number of blogs I publish these days.  And never being one to shy away from a shortcut or the easy way out, I’m now simply going to share my latest guest commentary published in the Orlando Sentinel several weeks ago.

Besides, I’m off on another cruise, currently docked in Greenland, ultimately sailing over to Iceland.  And getting motivated to do anything beyond eating, drinking sleeping, and sightseeing is a total non-starter.

OK, maybe drinking should be first on that list…he said in a rare moment of self-awareness.

So, the Orlando Sentinel slapped a title on this that read, “Biden’s Economic Claims Lack Context.”  That’s more sugar-coated than a box glazed donuts, for shit’s sake.

The Liberal Schmucks of the mainstream media.  Enemy of the people, right Donald?  Hahaha…GOTTA LOVE’EM.

Anyway…Enjoy the following rare “expletive free” dissertation… Continue reading