Crossing the Rubicon

So truth be told, I was going to write a blog once the Trump verdict came in.  But not knowing how long that would take, and being on the verge of leaving on a rather lengthy trip, I decided to publish one in advance of that.  And several hours later, the guilty verdict came in.

Shit timing.  Welcome to my world.  Timing is indeed, everything.

Anyway, just wanted to opine on this while things are still pretty raw, kind of an epilogue to my, um, premature dissertation.  Not all the corrupt, unfair minutiae.  Just like 30,000 foot level stuff.

Once I heard the verdict, and the cloudy haze of confusion and utter disgust began to clear…almost at the level of being sick to my stomach…here were my thoughts…

As I heard many experts say, a biased judge can literally steer a jury to a particular verdict.  Starting from rulings long before the trial begins in terms of admissible evidence and a myriad of other things, rulings during the trial, and most importantly, the absurd and incomprehensible jury instructions.

Not the way it’s supposed to work, folks.  Justice is supposed to be blind, not have 20/20 vision.  You go after crimes, not selectively after individuals.  Unless the Lefty Fascists are running the show, that is.

We have literally lost…completely lost…any spec of moral high ground to lecture Communist regimes like Russia, China, et al, about their corrupt, authoritarian systems of governance.  Those with the power take their biggest political opponent…an ex-President likely to become the next President…and convict him of 34 nonsensical, made up felonies in some rigged Stalinist show trial?  And others tee’d up?  

So…we’re any different from authoritarian third world banana republics…How, exactly?

And it’s all enabled by the media. Long gone are the days those in power cowered at the thought of Mike Wallace chasing them down the street with a microphone.  Without a corrupt, complicit media, none of this f*cking happens.  None of it.  Full stop.

One thing these Marxists have done all along is overplay their hand, and it continues.  These corrupt assholes, who are seemingly proud of their overt election interference and shredding of the Constitution, just handed Trump the election…regardless of how much they cheat in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee.

They just don’t realize it yet.  Too busy celebrating trashing our legal system and shitting on the Constitution, I reckon.

Trump’s website crashed under a tsunami of donations post-verdict.  The sleeping giant was awake, but groggy before…now it’s all jacked up on a cocaine high…a rage fueled enthusiasm that will not wane, but reach an explosive crescendo on November 5th.

Biden won’t know what f*cking hit him.  If he’s even awake.  Or still alive.

And I will revel…REVEL…in the daily misery of the Trump Derangement Syndrome psycho nutbags when Trump is back in the White House.  Right where he f*cking belongs.   Yep.  Revel.  In.  Their.  Misery.  If that makes me a piece of shit…Jimmy Crack Corn.

Let’s put it this way…They’re reveling in the misery of half the country that is coherent enough to see the existential threat to the country that this political weaponization of the legal system, and corrupt lawfare, represents.  What goes around comes around, ya know?

So enjoy your little sugar high now, assholes.

Lastly…it quite quickly dawned on me that the last time I felt anything like this, vis-a-vis an existential concern for the country, was 9/11.  Yes, that was an unanticipated shock, a gut punch, with significant loss of life.  But the country quickly united, and we woke up to the terrorist threat.  Good things that came out of a horrific, life-changing tragedy.

As opposed to the outside threat that was 9/11, what has happened here is a threat from within, like a metastasizing cancer.  The epicenter of that threat?  The White House.  Let that f*cking marinate in your noggin for a spell.

After this corrupt Trump prosecution and persecution, the country is forever changed.  Like after 9/11, America will never be the same.  And for what?  Unhinged hatred of one man?  An insatiable quest for power?  All worth it?  Really?

You think the divisiveness in this country…made exponentially worse by Biden…was bad before?  Try multiplying that by a hundred.

The Rubicon has been crossed.  Like losing one’s virginity, there’s no path back.  Even worse…it’s all deliberate and on purpose.

And that, my friends, is pure, unadulterated evil.

1 thought on “Crossing the Rubicon

  1. Tom

    Here’s reality #1:
    – We survived 4 years of Trump, and we would survive 4 more years of Trump. Some things got better, and some things got worse, just like every presidential term. Just like every presidential term, most of what happens to the country is far beyond the actual influence of the president.

    – We survived almost 4 years of Biden, and we would survive 4 more years of Biden. Some things got better, and some things got worse, just like every presidential term. Just like every presidential term, most of what happens to the country is far beyond the actual influence of the president.

    Here’s reality #2:
    – There is no apocalypse coming regardless of who wins the 2024 election. Don’t fall for this hyperbolic game. The only harm either Trump or Biden can do to you is the harm you let them do to you. Don’t let the rhetoric raise your blood pressure and drive you into doing or saying the same stupid things these candidates want you to believe and say.

    Here’s reality #3:
    – Shit Happens, so find a way to improvise, adapt and overcome. Don’t be a victim.


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