Monthly Archives: May 2024

Crossing the Rubicon

So truth be told, I was going to write a blog once the Trump verdict came in.  But not knowing how long that would take, and being on the verge of leaving on a rather lengthy trip, I decided to publish one in advance of that.  And several hours later, the guilty verdict came in.

Shit timing.  Welcome to my world.  Timing is indeed, everything.

Anyway, just wanted to opine on this while things are still pretty raw, kind of an epilogue to my, um, premature dissertation.  Not all the corrupt, unfair minutiae.  Just like 30,000 foot level stuff.

Once I heard the verdict, and the cloudy haze of confusion and utter disgust began to clear…almost at the level of being sick to my stomach…here were my thoughts…

As I heard many experts say, a biased judge can literally steer a jury to a particular verdict.  Starting from rulings long before the trial begins in terms of admissible evidence and a myriad of other things, rulings during the trial, and most importantly, the absurd and incomprehensible jury instructions. Continue reading

Biden’s Trump Card

Ah, another day, another blog about the latest BS Trump trial, ya know, another one of these lawfare, election interference deals, where the state of New York, yet again, did their best “I Dream of Jeannie” imitation…crossed their arms, blinked their eyes, and created out of thin air 34 felony counts from a single BS misdemeanor charge with expired statute of limitations.

Wow!  Bravo!  Bravo!  That legal sleight of hand rivals yours truly’s epic magical trick of eating three apples and shitting a fruit salad.

Um…Not as easy as it sounds.  Try it some time.  And bring towels.  Lots of towels.

So I guess this would be the corrupt NY legal system eating one expired misdemeanor and shitting 34 felonies?

Sounds about right.

In a nutshell, Trump’s bookkeeper booked a legal expense as a legal expense.  Part of that legal expense was for a non-disclosure agreement, which is perfectly legal.  So far, so good?

And no matter how many times these leftist pricks call it HUSH MONEY, OH MY GOD!!!…it’s still legal, and done every day by individuals and corporations. Continue reading