Daily Archives: March 21, 2023

To Tell The Truth

Remember that old game show, To Tell The Truth?  No?  Actually dates back to 1956, and revived many times to the present day.  Eh, seems apropos for this blog title.

Anyway…The first, and most important political truth…100% of the time, when the Lefty a-holes wail phrases and words like “RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORY!” and DEBUNKED!”…well…hope you’re sitting down for this bombshell…those things turn out to be true.  

EVERY.  COTTON.  PICKIN’.  TIME.   Is that racist?  The reference to cotton?  I need a woke cheat sheet.

Speaking of woke…Have I ever told you my pronouns are “F*ck” and “Off”?   Just felt the need to share that at this juncture.  But I digress…

Back to TRUTHS…A mere sampling…

Trump colluding with Russia was a left wing hoax?  TRUE

Hunter’s laptop is as real as Joe’s soiled Depends, and the censorship of said laptop story from the NY Post almost assuredly, as ALL polling suggests, swung the election to Biden?  TRUE

Covid leaked from the Wuhan Lab?  TRUE

Lockdowns and masks don’t work, and natural immunity is as good or better than the vaccine?  TRUE Continue reading